
chapter 011: Eating

Eri and Enyu walk inside a barn styled store as the smell of the countryside envelops them. The two of then looked around the shop pointing out some sweets they would like. "It looks even better up close" Enyu says drooling while looking at the golden colored carmel apple shining through the glass.

Eri can't help but feel hungry, she has a sweet tooth for sweets, especially for cute ones, and there was a bear chaped marshmellow pop in the casing to. Enyu could already tell what she was interested in getting as he pays the cashier asking for one carmel apple and the bear marshmellow pop.

The cashier hands Enyu the treats as he thanks them and waves the two goodbye. Enyu hands the mashmellow to Eri as her eyes glows, biting into the ear of the bear, making a quiet squeal as her cheeks fills up with bliss.

Enyu takes a bit if his carmel apple as he begins to tear up, Eri looks at him a bit worried at his reaction but she knew he was fine through his aura. "Ahh its so sweet and refreshing!" Enyu shouts out as people turn to look at him.

Eri gets emberrassed for him as she covers her face with her sleeves looking at Enyu to avoid any eye contact with anyone else. Enyu laughs and apoligizes to Eri for the sudden outburst, she told him it was fine, truuthfully, she finds all his reactions adorable, of course she didn't say it out loud.

The two of them continue walking down the street, as they finish there snacks in a few minutes with nothing but the stick that held them left. Enyu spots a trash bin as he throws away both his and Eri's sticks away. "That was delcious for sure, but not filling enough" he says holding his stomache while it growls, his eyes squinting.

Eri doesn't have the biggest appetite, as she doesn't go out and eat a lot, but going tona restraunt with Enyu sounded like a great idea to her. A memory appears as the walk further down the street, a sushi restraunt she enjoyed a lot with her parents when she was younger was around the conrer, she thought it was a perfect place.

Eri told Enyu about the place and asked if he wanted to go there. "Sushi sounds great, I still have a ton of money I can spend, let's try every single type they have to offer." This statment has Eri a little worried as they walk towards the direction, he tells him that it was pricey and they could go somewhere cheaper, she doesn't mind where they eat.

Enyu smiled at Eri's kindness and caringness for his over the top gestures. He tells her it's fine, a few plates of sushi won't hurt his budget. As Eri watches him towards the direction of the restraunt, she finds his carefreeness cute, but puts a note in her mind later to teach him about spending and saving money efficiently.

Eri catches up to Enyu as he watches the japenese styled restraunt in awe. There were seats both inside and outside and the weather was great so he asked if they wanted to eat outside. Eri was nods as it sounds pleasent, as they head towards to counter.

As the counter lady checks them in, Enyu asks her for a table outside as she nods and guides them to their seat. They had a very comfortable spot, as the red plank roof of the restraunt blocked the sun from heating above them, a soft, gentle wind, gave them a nice feeling and ease. Enyu find the bamboo chair and table awsome as her clicks his fingers ln them making a tikkity takety sound.

Eri watched him with a smile on her face at the other side of the table. A waiter came up to them setting down a menu, some silverwares, and each a cup of water for them, telling then to inform her whenever their ready. Enyu thanks her as she walks away, the two set the menu in the middle of the table as they look through the items, there were so many, that Enyu had a hard time choosing.

Eri requested some items she enjoyed a lot as he makes a list. They had a total of twelve items, meaning twleve plate worth of sushi's and Eri doesn't know if they were going to be able to finish all of it.

Enyu said they could box it for later if they couldn't and after a lot of begging, Enyu was able to convice Eri as she crosses her arm and pouts. She watches him cheering himself on quietly as she couldn't stay mad at him and lets out a chuckle.

The two of them placed there orders as the waiter takes note of it all and tells them it will all be there for them soon. The two chatted a little talking about which sushi they would try first and which would taste the best before Enyu's stomache started hurting.

Enyu apologizes to Eri as he tells her he needs to use the restroom as Eri just lughs and says its fine as she shoo's him away. As Enyu goes off to use the bathroom, Eri sits at the table looking around at the design of the restraunt and thought it was all so notalgic to her and remembered some sweet memory. But they joy didn't last long as she started sensing a familiar aura.

She once thought the aura was a nice and warming one, but after the incident at her birthday, all she could feel was hiding away and go back home to her bed. The "cool" girl with two of her friends and a boy walk towards the sushi restraunt.

A horrible feelings churns through her stomache as she lowers her head and looks at her lap pretending to do something and wishing they won't noticing her. Eri's heart was racing as she could feel her stomache in her throat and wanted to puke. A shot of negitive cold aura runs through her body as she hears the girl's chuckle gets closer to her.

"How's was your birthday Mrs. Loner" the cool girl sat in front of her with her elbows on her table and her chin in her hands as she gives her a mischevious grin. Eri started sweating as she found it harder to breath with all these bad feelings and aura around her.

The two girls beside her start talking to each other, nagging at her appearance, taking shots at her already low ego, her heart was hurting and at the moment, she wanted to die. The girl in front of her grabs her hair as she pulls Eri's head up to look at her. "It's rude to ignore someone while there talking to you isn't it" while smiling at her.

Eri saw her aura far to clearly, it was dark, cold, painful, cunning, evil, a slimy, it was the worse aura she's ever felt in her life as the girl pulls her hair tighter shaking Eri. Eri was weak and shaking as she could't do anything. She could try and run away, but she didn't want to leave Enyu behind and the dishes were suppose to be coming soon.

The girl and her friends continue to hurt and jab at Eri mentally physically and all she could do was clench her pants and teeth and hold it all in. The boy she was with didn't look to ammused at the girl but when Eri made eye contact with him, all he could do was click his toungue with disinterest face as he turns away.

When the waiter came by, the girl stopped harrasing Eri and pretending everything was fine, making up lies, and saying they were just friends. Even though the waiter was suspicous, she couldn't do anything about the situation as she puts the food on the table and tells them to enjoy there meal.

The girls all looked at the food in shocj as there eyes start to show, even the guy who was with them had interest in it and they started eating the food. Eri watched in horror she watches all the food Enyu had paid for them to try together dispear in front of her, into a black abyss of hate that was these people who had zero care in the world.

Eri was willing to tolerate the harrasment, but the thought of Enyu's money go to waste like this was an unforgivable sight as she Eri breaths in and at the top of her lungs yells for then to stop. The girls looked at her in shock and even the people around her started staring. The girl in front of her started getting red wirh emberessment and anger as she looks around a notice the eyes on her.

"You stupid bitch" she says turning to Eri and yelling at her lifting up her hand to smack her. Eri told her it would be fine, she was able to stop them form eating everything, a little smack won't hurt. Eri embraces as the girls hand goes down but suddnly it stopped and Eri looked up.

It was Enyu, but her heart begin to race thousand times faster and she started to breath a lot heavier now then she did before. She watchss Enyu's aura as it is sharp blood red, fuming, and had a danger to it she never felt before. This was a new aura that she never seen before, let alone seeing it fronm

Enyu, and it terrified her as her view starts to blur.

Thank You For Reading - YLYA - ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ

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(At Least!!! 5 chapters are updated every Saturday)

MrOtaycreators' thoughts