
Young Aedan

À young boy with supernatural strength, born into a village terrorized by a dragon, trains with an elderly warrior to master his gift and defeat the beast. They run through the forest, with the master stressing the importance of control and mental strength as well as physical might. The boy pledges not to fail the village or his teacher.

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8 Chs

Chapter 3

At first, nothing happened. But then, a tiny spark ignited at the tip of his finger. It grew brighter and brighter, dancing in the air before him. Aedan felt a surge of power course through him, filling every cell in his body with warmth and vitality. The spark became a flame, then a fireball, and then, impossibly, a raging inferno.

His master nodded in approval. "Very good, Aedan," he said, his voice barely audible above the crackling of the flames. "Now, use that fire to shape the world around us." He gestured to a nearby tree, its thick trunk stretching high into the sky. "Carve your name into the tree, but do not let the fire consume it entirely."

Aedan focused his energy on the flames, willing them to obey his command. He wove a delicate pattern around the tree, dancing between the bark and the wood. Sweat dripped down his face as he concentrated, but he didn't dare let his control slip. After what seemed like an eternity, he finished, stepping back to admire his work.

The tree was etched with intricate symbols, each one glowing red-hot and smoking. His name, Aedan, was written clearly in the center, surrounded by spirals and swirls. The symbols pulsed with energy, and the air around them felt charged with power. His master nodded in approval, and Aedan felt a surge of pride.

"Very good," the old man said, stepping closer to examine Aedan's work. "You have mastered the element of fire. Now, we must move on to earth." He reached into the pouch and produced a vial of yellow sand. "Earth magic is slow and methodical, like the turning of the earth itself. You must learn to harness its strength and use it to your advantage."