
Young Aedan

À young boy with supernatural strength, born into a village terrorized by a dragon, trains with an elderly warrior to master his gift and defeat the beast. They run through the forest, with the master stressing the importance of control and mental strength as well as physical might. The boy pledges not to fail the village or his teacher.

Daoist3jp7wm · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

Aedan took the vial, feeling the gritty sand between his fingers. He closed his eyes, imagining the roots of trees growing deep into the earth, the steady movement of tectonic plates, the endless cycle of birth and death and rebirth. When he opened his eyes, the forest seemed to shimmer with the energy of the earth element.

"Focus on the core of the world," his master said, his voice a gentle rumble. "Let it guide you."

Aedan closed his eyes, feeling the power of the earth element thrum through him. He imagined the molten rock beneath their feet, the constant shifting of the earth's crust, the strength of stone and earth alike. With each breath, he drew the energy deeper into himself. When he opened his eyes, the world seemed to glow with a faint golden light.

"Very good," his master said, a note of approval in his voice. "Now, show me how you can use your earth magic to protect those who cannot protect themselves." He gestured to a nearby hill, its slope covered in soft, green grass. "Carve a trench through the earth, deep and wide enough to shield someone from an attack."

Aedan focused his energy on the ground, visualizing the earth moving beneath his feet. He felt the power of the earth element course through him, and with a mighty heave, he thrust his hand into the soil. The earth trembled and cracked, and a deep, jagged trench formed across the hill. The trench was several feet wide and deep enough to conceal a person completely.

"Excellent work," his master said, clapping a gnarled hand on his shoulder. "You have mastered the art of earth magic. Now, it is time to test your mettle against the dragon that has been plaguing the village."


Aedan nodded solemnly. He knew that he was the village's only hope. The dragon had been terrorizing them for far too long, burning their homes to the ground and carrying off their livestock. The people lived in constant fear, and Aedan was determined to end the dragon's reign of terror once and for all. He was scared at first to face the dragon but it is his destiny, he had sleepless night

He gathers his courage as he approaches the cave, his sword at his side and his heart racing. The dragon's lair is dark and menacing, a testament to the creature's brutal power. The air smells of sulfur and burning flesh, and the ground trembles with each of the dragon's labored breaths. Aedan steels himself, remembering the countless hours he spent training under the guidance of his master. He swore to take revenge and end the dragon's reign of terror once and for all.