
How I Met My Future

3 Months Earlier

4:00 PM

In the Dawn Academy's library, a sound of keyboard typing was only heard since the students already left off to their merry own way after the dismissal- His friends are catching up to the club requirements so Gusion found himself sitting alone and face concentrated at the laptop infront of him- on the corner of the library, finishing his semi-final essay for his Public Communication, his slender fingers never seems to stop as he continued to type the thoughts that his brain could come up relevant to the topic.

A few minutes later Gusion sat back in the school's cushioned library chair, re-reading his essay- making sure no grammar errors and wrong punctuation was made.

"That will do" He murmur.

When he was satisfied in his work and nothing seems out of place, he took a little break and he slump down on his seat- he eyed his surroundings at the same time admiring the library. He wouldn't admit it, but he really liked the school's library. During school hours, it was typically packed to the brim and a little overwhelming with those who would rather socialize than study. Not that Gusion was the most dedicated to his studies, but when he went to the library, he wanted peace and quiet, damn it! The last thing Gusion need is his freaking hormonal fangirls creating a commotion. The library had a certain charm to it. It was spacious, with an open upstairs, as well as private study rooms for presentation rehearsals. The walls were decorated with different club posters, art projects, suggestions for future events, and other school-related activities.

"Paxley..." A familiar voice called, He glance to the direction and saw it was the weird librarian- Hayabusa his former grade school classmate looming over the bookshelf, his bangs covering the half-side of his face.

Do you ask why Gusion called him weird? Well Hayabusa has a knack of suprising everyone, the dark-haired boy with black pale eyes didn't mean to scare them but then for a human like him, he really lacks presence...even scientist maybe can't explain his ability and thats why Hayabusa can go undetected and no one would notice him unless he announced himself... the other one is Hayabusa's odd gestures... It reminds him of a movie about ninjas thus the way of their lives, Gusion likely to think that Hayabusa was probably a secret ninja.

Not that Gusion is fan of gossiping but he always had to stumble in some, rumors and conversations and unintentionally heard it.

Like Argus likes Rafaela, Harley had an attraction towards Harith, Vale and Valir's unrequited love?

But one thing it stuck him was the rumor of Hayabusa was apparently inlove for so long in his childhood bestfriend- Kagura the short and cute girl from the second year B-1 class, yet he never had a courage to speak his true feelings, Hayabusa's world crashed down when his parents are arranged him a marriage for him to a girl named Hanabi.

Gusion just hopes if that did happened Hayabusa will follow his heart.

"Haya? It is time already?" He ask, then looking back to his essay, he wasn't done yet, he had 2 more pages to go.

"No.. But I'm reminding you, you have 46 minutes left" Hayabusa says in a monotone voice.

Gusion nods "Oh, okay I'm almost done"

Just like that the librarian silently left, Gusion doesn't heard his footsteps nor doesn't see the glimpse of his shadow in his peripheral as if Hayabusa was indeed a ninja in his past life. The ice prince immediately goes back in writing while bearing- his exhaustion.


"Oh freaking finally, its finished" Gusion whispered, arms swinging lifelessly to his sides, then he proceed to stretched his arms above his head and craned his neck from side to side, earning a handful of satisfying cracks. 

He save the file and he decided to print it out tomorrow then he'll submit his essay before noon.

Hayabusa- the uncanny of his timing came back again to told him he will lock the place down and Gusion was the only person who left. The ice prince without a word proceeds to pack his laptop and a little notebook for taking notes and with that he made his way to the Academy's gate.

As soon as Gusion hit by a cold breeze outside, he noticed the sky was gloom and his mind estimated it will rain soon, suddenly a deafening alert sounded from his phone-he wrestled his phone out of his pocket and checked the screen

ALERT: Flash Flood and Tornado Warning in this area until 7PM. Avoid flooded areas and stay indoors. Check local media for future updates.

And right on fucking cue a huge crash of thunder resounded in the distance and Gusion had to cover his ears.

"Ah fudge" In fear of getting strike by a lightning he ran, as it starts pouring heavily, his eyes began to dart everywhere looking for shelter.

2 blocks he pass, he finds himself almost soak in the rain fortunately his bag he'd been carrying is water proof, his stuffs are safe inside... There's no room for worrying except his health.

To his relief he saw a coffee shop named Totsuki Cafe ahead of him, it was one of his favorite cafe shop due to their old coffee shop aesthetics, wood polished chairs and furnitures, chandeliers -cute little tree decoration on the center of table - you named it, a classic kind of Coffee shop Gusion has always had a soft spot in this kind of thing.

His first visit on the Totsuki Coffee shop he met the barrista there AKA the edgelord of this town Granger who was tone deaf and horribly plays violin but sometimes Gusion can't deny that Granger's music makes you think the melancholy of life as if in his childhood Granger was equipped with loss and grief -

In other words he's a man with a very deep feelings.

Gusion quickly sprinted towards the door and the bell above ring signalling there's a costumer. The welcome scent of coffee wafts through the air, calling Gusion's weary legs to come take a rest.

"Welcome" A chirpy voice- not from the edgelord greeted him, instead it was a young handsome wearing a white long sleeves and a black apron with the cafe's logo on the side. The guy had an ash blonde hair and brown shining eyes, he was just cleaning the counter.

"Hello" Gusion greeted back,

"Please take a seat, you look like a drench chick, I'll get you some towel !" The guy says gesturing him the seats across the counter.

Gusion hastily place his stuff and take a seat, he watches the dude's direction where he enters in the employee area, after the barrista disappeared Gusion heave a sigh and look outside...it still raining hard, He curses himself for not bringing his umbrella.

The barrista later came back with a monkey clinging on his back and fresh-warm towel on his hands, Gusion gaped at the sight.

"Here" The barrista handed him the towel while the monkey make a sound like its telling to "Go ahead and dry yourself" and Gusion gratefully receives it.

"Thank you"

Drying his wet hair, The Barrista rolled up his sleeves and ask "Eh no problemo~ So My name is Claude and this is partner monkey Dexter- We just started here 3 weeks ago, what would you like to order Sir?"

After making sure he was dry enough, he handed the towel back, murmuring a thank you then stare at the barrista for a moment...


Examining his feature and his soften eyes- It dawn to him... Claude was freaking gorgeous.

And he resolutely fights the urge to say YOU.

Gusion cleared his throat, a faint blush appear on his cheeks "What do you reccommend?"

Dexter the monkey points to the picture of latte and Claude frown displease by his partner's choice "Really Dex a latte? While I reccommend mexican coffee for this rainy days"

Claude shoots Gusion a smile that sends down a warm feeling down to the ice prince's stomach.

"Oh.. I guess I'll have mexican coffee" He smile back and now Claude beam in response

"Okay coming right up"

Gusion can't remember grinning and feeling amuse at the same time, Claude and Dexter always bickers, it was fun them to watch thus Claude became talkative after he serve his coffee to him and he tell a lot of things.

They were so engross in talking that Gusion hadn't keep the track on time, but when the rain nearly died down, Gusion's phone sent out an alert again,

SEVERE WEATHER ALERT: ALL CLEAR. Storms moving south. Drive with caution. Continue checking local media for future updates.

Gusion turn to Claude "I need to go, It was nice meeting you Claude and Dex"

The monkey make a happy sounds and the barrista's face lit up "You too-uh?"

The ice prince pressed his lips "Gusion, My name is Gusion"

"Okay Gusion, dropped again here whenever you free and DRINK A LOT OF WATER WHEN YOU GOT HOME IT WILL SAVE YOU FROM GETTING SICK !"

Gusion chuckle "Will do Claude"


Gusion bid a goodbye to the two and he hail a cab on the nearest waiting shed as he waited...suddenly he notice a torn paper was shove to his pocket, frowning-he gets it and read the contents

Call me pretty boy ^_- (Claude's number)


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