
You Belong With Me (BL)

After a drunken night out, the morning after Kai wakes up in a hotel room with a stranger he had never met. Thinking they had a one night stand, he slips out only to be unexpectedly reunited. Follow the two as their relationship blooms, going through the ups and the downs of their own problems as well as outside causes. Can the two find happiness within themselves and each other? Warning BL Smut in later chapters

Ghostmane1991 · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
80 Chs

Calm before the storm

Running down the hall of the hospital, with nothing, but the worst thoughts plaguing his mind, Kai's feet were moving faster than his body. The nurse had told him where to go and he took off running the moment she mentioned it.

Turning the corner, Kai continued running as he saw Art and Allen moping on a bench in the hall. Stopping a moment to catch his breath, Kai got himself together and decided to power walk down the hall.

Hearing foot-steps nearing, Art looked up to see Kai power walking down the hall, his eyes were puffy and his entire face was red, the poor thing must have been freaking out and crying all the way there. "Kai…", Art said softly, standing up, positioning himself right in front of Kai.

"…", not saying anything the two stared at each other for a moment, Kai's eyes watering heavily. Letting out a sigh, Art stepped aside, allowing Kai to continue past him into the room. "And just like that, he's out of my reach.", Art mumbled, although it was loud enough for Allen to hear.

For a moment, Allen stared at Art, he wasn't sure if he'd ever seen the guy behave this way and it was honestly eating him alive. Standing up, the jealous blonde, furrowed his brows, "I think you're the one who has to try a little harder.", he said sourly.

Sucking his teeth, Art cut his eye at his friend, "Would you be able to stand in the way of someone you love when they're that emotional?", he asked, running his large fingers through his brown hair.

"…", surprised by what Art had just said, Allen was at a loss for words, did Art just use the word 'love'?

"Of course not, you've never understood what it means to actually care about someone.", said Art, letting out a sigh as he smoothed his hair back and walked off.

"I…I know what it means…", Allen said softly as he watched Art getting further and further away from him. He didn't understand why Art thought he didn't know what it meant to care about someone, was it not clear enough that he was in love with him?


Darting into the room, Kai stood there, his lips turned under as tears streamed down his face. His boyfriend had cuts and bruises, but he was conscious, he was fine!

"Dammit, my phones fucked.", Jinn sighed before he looked up and noticed Kai standing there. Seeing how distraught Kai was, Jinn simply gave that same reassuring, dimple revealing smile and Kai rushed over to hug him, crying his eyes out.

"Calm down baby, I'm alright.", said Jinn as he patted Kai on the back.

"Are you sure?", Kai sniffled, as he sat up to get a better look at Jinn.

"They've ran test on me, did the whole nine and everything's fine, I'm just slightly concussed babe.", said Jinn with an even bigger smile.

With his eyes still watering and his lip quivering, Kai lowered his head, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. "You've been doing too much!", he suddenly shouted, his voice still shaky.

"…", with his piercing blue eyes wide, Jinn was utterly dumbfounded.

"You're so exhausted you can't even function!", Kai continued.

"…Kai..", Jinn said softly as he wiped the tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry I worried you, but I've been doing all this for you. I want to be able to take care of you and follow you wherever you go if need be, I love you Kai.", Jinn said softly, his own eyes watering as he spoke.

"And what does all that mean if you're not here with me, huh? What am I supposed to do if I lose you Jinn!", Kai cried.

"Babe, please calm down, I'm oka…", Jinn tried to interject.

"I want you to take a break!", Kai shouted once more.


"I said take a break dammit!", Kai shouted again, tears still streaming down his face.

Seeing how emotional Kai was, Jinn finally gave in, letting out a heavy exhale before he spoke. "Okay.", he said softly before he pulled Kai into an embrace, the two of them laying there holding each other for hours.


A week later, things had gotten back to normal, and Jinn had been taking a much-needed break as promised. He had taken off from his job at the office and his older brother Art had taken over the winery full-time.

"Sign, this…and this and that.", Art said nonchalantly as he and his younger brother sat at the dining room table signing business paperwork, his demeanor was all but saying he did not want to be there.

"Why not just send them through email if you're going to act like that?", Jinn said sourly as he began signing papers.

"I'm not looking for a fight Jinn, I could've lost my little brother after all, that's all-old news.", Art sighed.

"Is it?", said Jinn, raising an eyebrow even though he was not looking at his brother.

"You have my word little brother, family comes first.", said Art with a smirk.

"…", signing the last paper, Jinn raised a brow as he handed the papers to Art.

Putting all the paperwork back into its file, Art stood. "Well, look at the time, let me be on my way.", said Art as he turned to take his leave from Jinn's apartment. When Art was gone, Jinn let out a heavy exhale. Although Art had been behaving this past week, Jinn wasn't sure if he could actually trust his brother or not, it just always felt like he needed to ready.

"Hey babe.", said Kai rushing in with food and his work bag.

"Hey how was work?", Jinn asked, excited that Kai had finally came back.

Putting his things down, Kai walked over and sat on Jinn's lap, kissing him on the lips. "Eh, work was work, I'm just starting to feel like I've bit off a little more than I can chew.", Kai complained.

"What do you mean?", Jinn asked, his hands rubbing up and down his boyfriends back.

"With Tomo Kan I mean. I'm can't seem to grasp Europe's concept, honestly babe, I might need to go there.", Kai said nervously.

Lowering his head for a moment, Jinn looked back up at Kai, and he could see how worried he looked. "Hmmm, I see. Well, if it'll help you, then book it. I'll go with you.", he finally said.

"Really?!", Kai yelped, nearly falling off his boyfriends lap he was so excited. Giggling to himself, Jinn held Kai tight. With everything happening, Jinn had forgotten that Kai was his happy place, his little sun, perhaps he needed this break after all.


Unlocking his door, Art had finally made it home after a long day. "What the fuck is that smell?", he complained, slamming his door as he came in.

"I was making you dinner, sorry, I burned the pasta.", said Allen nervously chuckling as he came out of the kitchen to greet Art.

Letting out a sigh, Art walked right past Allen, plopping himself down on the couch and scrolling on his phone. "You went to see Jinn today, right? How's he doing?" Allen asked.

"He's fine.", Art said nonchalantly as Allen came over to sit down.

"And...Kai?", Allen decided to ask even though he regretted it instantly. Art had not been himself since the night of Jinn's accident. He seemed almost defeated, and he was no longer talking about or plotting on how he was going to steal Kai from Jinn.

"Don't know and I don't fucking care.", he said sourly, tossing his phone on the couch and placing an arm over his face.

"You think that I'm stupid Art? There's a reason you don't visit Jinn after a certain time of day.", Allen snapped.

"I don't feel like fighting with you Allen, I had a long ass fucking day.", said Art, getting up from the couch and making his way to the bedroom.

"I've been being patient, but we need to talk about this!", Allen shouted as he jumped up from the couch and followed Art.

"I'm your fucking boyfriend again, what more do you want from me?", Art shouted as he was losing his patience.

"Are you? No matter what I do you're unhappy with me! I wish you'd be fucking honest with me you moody bastard!", Allen shouted.

For a quick second, Art's upper lip twitched before he spun around, gripping Allen by the collar, and slamming him against the wall, scaring the living day lights out of the blonde. "What do you want me to say Allen!? You want me to admit that I've fallen for someone that won't ever love me back and that I'm settling with an ex that I'll never be able to forgive?!", Art shouted with tears in his eyes.

With tears streaming down his face, Allen just stood there, his whole-body trembling. He didn't know that Art was so hurt by what he had did in the past, the man had never said so! "Art…I.", he began to say, but Art let him go, his own hands trembling he was so angry.

"Just get out!", Art shouted as he walked away.

"Tell me how I can fix it, Art please!", Allen cried.

Quickly turning back around, Art began to pace back and forth, "I don't know Allen, maybe go back in time and decide it was not okay to fuck my little brother! Oh! How about this!? Make Kai disappear so I can finally have some peace of mind! I fucking done with everyone!", he shouted before slamming his bedroom door shut.

Flinching as the door shut, Allen stood there, tears streaming down his face as he cried silently, he had to fix this, he had to make things right!


The time was well after seven o'clock and Kai was cuddled up beside Jinn who was peacefully resting after the best sex they had, had in a while when his phone buzzed. Careful not to disturb Jinn, Kai carefully reached for his phone, swiping up to read the message he had just received, it being from Art. Raising a brow, Kai opened it.

"I need to see you now, please it's important.", the message read.

My end of last year was beyond chaotic, buuuuuuut....Happy New Years luvs!!


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