
You Are What You Eat

As a Hunter, I must be strong. If I'm strong, then I'll be able to fight powerful Monsters. If I'm able to fight powerful Monsters, then I'll be able to receive a higher income. However, I've been weak for the past 4 years. I'll make sure that that changes. With this Skill that I've been granted, I'll change. It'll be tough, but I'll eat anything I have to to get stronger. I don't care if this Skill leads me to being some sort of monster or if this leads me to being hated. For the sake of my loved ones, I must be strong.

MystyCry · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Third-Rate Antagonist Sighted!

After my encounter with the Dungeon Boss, I left the Dungeon and got some medical attention. My wounds weren't too bad, the worst being a bruise on my gut from the Boss Monster's kick. After getting some healing from a healer, I reported what happened to the Dungeon Managers there.

"You beat the Dungeon Boss?" the man asked in disbelief to which I nodded in response, "You're E-Rank aren't you?"

"I am," I nodded, somewhat nervous.

"...," the Dungeon Manager stayed silent for a moment.

His silence only made me much more nervous than I already was. Maybe he was getting suspicious of me.

"Then you must be really skilled," he smiled, breaking his previous blank expression, "I'll be sure to report this to the Hunters Association. Although this is a Green Rank Dungeon, to be able to defeat a Dungeon Boss on your own at your level is very impressive. With these types of results, you could even get promoted up a Rank!"

'...,' My mind was blank, 'What?'

"What?" I repeated my thoughts in disbelief.

"That's right," the Dungeon Manager nodded, "You're E-Rank, but your skills probably bring you up to the level of a C-Rank. That's amazing, especially for a young newbie."

I was happy. I was very happy. What I heard made me so happy that I just pretended not to hear the last part of what the Dungeon Manager said.

The thing is that I'm technically not an E-Rank anymore. A person's Rank was based mostly on how developed their Stats and Skills were. With my upgraded Stats, there's no way that I'm an E-Rank anymore. I've been skilled, but my physical abilities were never able to match up with my level of experience. Now, with my upgraded Stats along with my experience and skills, I was around the level of a C-Rank.

The gap between E and D-Rank isn't that wide. As the ranks get higher, the gap also gets wider. So, there won't be much difference between an E-Rank and a D-Rank, but the difference between an A-Rank and an S-Rank would be night and day.

With the Skill Envy of a Glutton, I was able to pretty much skip the D-Rank. Before, my Stats were so low that, even with my experience, there wasn't much that I could do on my own. However, now, I could even fight well by myself. This type of change is unbelievable.

"You have the magic stones?" the Dungeon Manager asked.

"I do," I said, pointing to a bag that was attached to my backpack.

"Alright," he nodded, "You can turn them in at a Hunters Association Office for profit. If you have any Monster parts, then you can also trade those in."

I nodded.

"By the way," the Dungeon Manager said, "My name is Arthur. I'll give you my contact information if I ever need to inform you about anything. For example, a Rank promotion."

I quickly got my phone out and traded phone numbers with him.

After that, I was allowed to leave the area of the Dungeon. Looking back at the Dungeon as I left, I had a satisfied and happy feeling well up inside of me. Not only was I able to improve my Stats, but I was also able to kill a Dungeon Boss on my own!

That's when I remembered about the Boss Monster. I'd swallowed some of its blood. I hope that nothing bad happens, though I feel fine right now. Anyway, my Envy of a Glutton Skill should've been activated. I checked my Status Window.

Name: Marin Skye

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Job: The Avatar of the Envious Glutton

Strength: 29 / Speed: 32 / Vitality: 18 / Magic: 6

Skills: Envy of a Glutton(S), Leg Strengthening(C)

'Leg Strengthening?' I wondered, 'That must be what that yellow aura was around the Boss Monster's legs.'

I checked the Skill's info.

Leg Strengthening(C): A Skill that strengthens the user's legs, producing a yellow aura. This Skill increases the strength of the user's legs by a certain percentage of the user's Speed Stat. The duration is based on the amount of Magic the user has. This Skill can be activated and deactivated by the user's will.

'Isn't this pretty good?' I thought, 'Though I don't know how much it will increase my leg strength by… Maybe I should try to incorporate my legs in fights… But I also need to get more Magic too. There aren't many Magic based Monsters in Green or Blue Dungeons, but if my Stats keep increasing steadily, I should be able to handle Yellow Dungeons soon.'

I put away my Status Window. With a smile on my face, I walked around City Zero, looking for a suitable place to eat lunch. It was a little after 1:00 in the afternoon, which meant that I didn't use up all of my time in the Dungeon. I could've stayed and hunted more, but after fighting the Dungeon Boss, I didn't really want to stay there.

Besides, I planned to raid another Dungeon today anyway, so I'll get to keep hunting later. Of course, I didn't tell my sister that I was going into two separate Dungeons today. Of course, I also didn't tell her about it being a Blue Dungeon either.

Maybe I am an idiot for signing up to solo raid a Blue Dungeon, but I just thought that I would get stronger in the Green Dungeon, so I would be able to handle a Blue Dungeon better. If I wanted to, I could also just cancel the reservation that I placed on the Dungeon.

I walked through the streets of City Zero, looking for a place to get some lunch. It would be best to find somewhere cheap to eat, but a lot of things in City Zero were pretty expensive compared to City C.

After a while of wandering around, I found a sandwich place that wasn't too expensive that I've been to before. I ate a quick lunch before making my way towards the Blue Dungeon.

Looking at a digital map on my phone, I arrived at where the Blue Dungeon was located. When I got there, I saw the blue Dungeon Gate. I saw the Dungeon workers as well as the Dungeon Manager. The thing is that there was also someone else, someone that I recognized.

"I'm telling you that I'm the one that placed the reservation for this damn Dungeon!" a rough voice yelled.

Standing there, arguing with the Dungeon Manager, was a large man wearing armor that was a little too small for him.

"You aren't Marin Skye, are you?" the Dungeon Manager raised her eyebrow, "I'll only let you in if you're Marin Skye."

I gulped. This man… It was someone that I knew. And not as a friend.

"Marin Skye?" the man let out a laugh, "If it's that trash, then just get rid of his reservation! He won't be able to survive a second in this Dungeon anyway!"

That's when the Dungeon Manager spotted me. She strutted past the man towards me.

"You're Marin Skye, correct?" she asked, staring me directly into my eyes.

"Y-yes," I nodded, taking a glance at the man behind her whose expression was one of rage.

This man's name was Joe Hooper. He's an Independent Hunter that I've worked with a couple times before on coincidence. Every time we meet, he goes out of his way to harass me and pick on me. I never fought back in the past. Getting into a fight would do no one any good.

He was a C-Rank, so it made some sense for him to try and solo a Blue Dungeon. As a C-Rank, he could easily overpower me, who was an E-Rank. After all, I have experience fighting Monsters, not people. I also knew that Joe wouldn't hesitate to actually injure me. If I ended up getting hurt, then it would be harder to work as a Hunter.

As I was thinking about the past, Joe Hooper stomped up to me, glaring. He didn't say anything, but I knew what he was thinking. He was wondering why I was here.

I thought about how to respond to him. Then, I came to a realization. I am no longer weak. I soloed a Dungeon Boss just a while ago. Even the Dungeon Manager, Arthur, said that I was around the level of a C-Rank.

So, I just stared back at Joe with an apathetic expression. I wasn't worried. Of course, I still didn't want to fight, but I also didn't want to let him have his way with me. I'm not like how I was before. I'm stronger now. I can fight.

"Hello Joe," I said before walking past him.

Yes, I'm stronger and I can fight, but that still doesn't mean I'm going to pick a fight. If he tries anything, then I'll fight back, but he hasn't done anything yet.

I stepped in front of the circular blue Dungeon Gate. I glanced at the Dungeon Manager, who gave me a thumbs up, signifying that I could go in. Then, I looked at Joe, who just stood there dumbfounded. It seems that he didn't expect me to just say hi and walk away like it was normal.

Then, I looked back at the Dungeon Gate. I took a deep breath before extending my foot into it. This will be my first time entering a Blue Dungeon by myself.

Didn't realize it's been 18 days...

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