
You Are What You Eat

As a Hunter, I must be strong. If I'm strong, then I'll be able to fight powerful Monsters. If I'm able to fight powerful Monsters, then I'll be able to receive a higher income. However, I've been weak for the past 4 years. I'll make sure that that changes. With this Skill that I've been granted, I'll change. It'll be tough, but I'll eat anything I have to to get stronger. I don't care if this Skill leads me to being some sort of monster or if this leads me to being hated. For the sake of my loved ones, I must be strong.

MystyCry · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Boss of Rabbit Plains

What stood before me wasn't another rabbit. Though I've been fighting rabbit Monsters up until now, this time I faced an actual Monster rabbit.

I gulped nervously. I've fought Boss Monsters before, but this is the first time I've encountered one by myself.

Though it had some rabbit-like features, the Monster in front of me did not look like a rabbit.

It was bipedal, with rabbit-like feet and legs. It was about the same height as me and it had a slender humanoid torso and arms. Its body was completely white and it had bright red eyes. Its mouth was slightly open, revealing its razor-sharp fangs.

Its screech just now was what alerted me to its presence, but the Monster could have easily snuck up on me and killed me on the spot. I have no idea why it didn't do that, but I was thankful.

It looked at the rabbit corpse at my feet before letting out another screech. This time, however, the screech paralyzed me, making me unable to move.

'Damn it,' I thought, 'It's able to evoke paralysis with its screech?'

I've experienced the paralysis effect before, but whenever I have, there has always been a magician there to get rid of it. Right now, I am alone.

I tried hard to move my body, but I was unable to. Even when the Boss Monster approached me, I wasn't able to do anything. I thought it would attack me, but it didn't. Instead, it just walked towards the rabbit corpse.

It bent down, stroking the head of the dead rabbit before getting up and turning towards me. Its red eyes seemed to be staring deep into my soul.

The Boss Monster bent down, getting into what looked like a runner's starting position.

Fear overcame me. Am I really going to die like this? Am I really going to lose everything right after I've grabbed onto a new hope?

I tried everything I could to move my body, but there was nothing I could do.

After what seemed like ages, the Monster moved. I saw a yellow aura surrounding the Boss Monster's legs. It must be a Skill. It kicked off the ground, rushing towards me at a speed that I could barely keep track of with my eyes.

The Boss Monster was moving quickly, but that second it took for the Boss Monster to reach me felt like an eternity to me. My brain was in overdrive. I tried to think of anything that I could do, but nothing came to mind. I was completely frozen, at the mercy of this Monster in front of me.

I thought it was over for me. I saw the Boss Monster preparing to kick me. I relaxed my body that I was trying hard to move.

Then, at the last second, my body flopped to the ground. The Monster's kick narrowly passed over my eyes.

My back hit the ground with a thud. I was confused for a second, but I was able to quickly get back on my feet. The paralysis must have worn off and I must have fallen because I relaxed my body.

I turned towards the Boss Monster and held my sword out in front of me. The Boss Monster also looked like it was confused, but it was quick to snap out of it.

The Boss Monster rushed back towards me, letting out another screech. This time, instead of kicking me, it opened its mouth, baring its sharp teeth.

I raised my sword to meet the Monster's teeth. It bit down on the blade of my sword. The pressure that I felt on the blade was extremely high despite my upgraded Strength. Despite the weight, I was able to push back the Monster with my sword, leaving a shallow cut on the side of its mouth.

The Boss Monster was only angered even further. It leapt at me again, trying to claw at me with its fingernails. I was able to dodge those attacks, but not the kick that it delivered to my gut.

I coughed as my entire body was sent flying backwards. That strike was probably the strongest attack that I've ever experienced in my entire life. If it weren't for my upgraded Vitality, then I might've just died on the spot.

I stumbled a bit as I got back onto my feet. The Monster wasn't giving me any time to recover as it was running towards me with malice in its eyes.

It would be hard to block another attack and I don't think I will survive a long battle against this Monster. This thing is probably faster than me and it also has that weird Skill around its legs, so I can't run away. My only choice is to go on the offensive.

When there's a Monster speeding towards you, oozing malicious intent, it may be difficult to do anything but cower. However, my desire to live was too great. With that, and my experience, I was able to stand firm and raise my sword to meet the Boss Monster's attack.

Once it got close, the Monster leapt into the air, launching a series of high speed kicks at me. A couple of them missed while others grazed my body. Before the Monster could land a solid hit on me, I brought my sword down in a diagonal slash, hitting the Monster's legs.

It let out a screech before landing on the ground and winding back its fist.

I wasn't expecting the rabbit Monster to try to punch me, so I ended up taking the hit to my face. However, the Monster's upper body didn't seem to be as strong as its lower body.

I counterattacked with another sword swing, though this one was weaker and slower than the ones before. The Monster dodged the attack and responded with another punch, this time, to my side.

It seemed that my last attack hurt the Monster's legs. It wasn't making any quick movements like it was before nor was it trying to kick me anymore. Not only that, but the yellow aura that surrounded its legs dispersed. This was my chance.

The problem was that I was also tired. The Monster hadn't given me any time to recover from any of its attacks, so I was pretty out of breath. Not only was my enemy fast, but the kick that it landed on my gut had knocked the wind out of me.

I kept trying to swing my sword, but the Monster kept dodging by moving its waist. Not only did it keep dodging, but my attacks were also getting slower. Perhaps the monster saw this.

It let out yet another screech before leaning back and launching another punch. This time, however, it was much faster and stronger. The hit landed right in the middle of my chest. I grimaced as I stumbled back slightly.

Then, before I could even do anything, the Monster jumped towards me, screeching. It pushed my tired body down onto the ground. I was already having some trouble breathing, but the Monster forced one of its hands over my mouth and nose. Then, it reeled back its fist and started pummeling my body with its fist.

My vision was getting blurry… All I could see was a dark shadow with bright red eyes looming on top of me. Pain enveloped my entire body. All I could hear was the screeching of the Monster as well as a ringing sound.

I could feel each and every one of its punches land on my body.

It hurt… it hurt so much. All I could think about was the pain. Why am I doing this? Why am I going through something that hurts so much?

Then, as if to answer my question, a series of images appeared in my mind. It was like my life was flashing before my eyes. I saw Dad and some images of Mom. I saw Uma with a bright smile, patting my shoulder. I also saw Marie with a worried look on her face…

'Damn it…' I thought to myself, 'What am I doing…'

I forced my drooping eyelids open, weakly holding onto the Boss Monster's arm.

'I'm pathetic,' I berated myself, 'I still have work to do. I'm not allowed to rest yet.'

My left hand was holding onto the Monster's arm, but my right was still gripping my sword. My trembling hand raised it slowly.

'I'm a Hunter…' I thought, 'How the hell did I let myself get hunted… and by a rabbit.'

That's what I thought when the rabbit stopped moving. My vision slowly came back.

Blood dripped from the Monster's open mouth. Its eyes were wide. One of my feet was planted on the rabbit's gut. My sword was deeply embedded into the spot next to that.

Everything was silent. Even the ringing in my ears was gone. The Monster and I stared into each other's eyes. I could see the light in its eyes slowly fading. Then, it went out completely.

With a groan, I pushed the corpse off of my body with my foot. I even let go of my sword. I was covered in the Boss Monster's blood. Some of it even got in my mouth, but I didn't care. I was just tired.

"I just killed a Boss Monster," I sighed, lying down on my back, "I almost died for real… They really aren't meant to… be fought by a single person…"

I laid there for a while before I suddenly realized something.

"The blood got in my mouth," I said out loud, blankly staring at the sky, "I think I swallowed some of it."

I wanted to publish this with the last chapter.

MystyCrycreators' thoughts