
You Are My Addiction

Myself Victoria , my family being the famous one in USA surrounded me with media. But all I want is to be free from these responsibilities. They think that I will take over my father's business which is of automobiles but guess what, I have another plans. What about my love life, well it's pretty complicated. Everyone has a crush in their lives right, people also love someone secretly And it becomes most important feeling if it's childhood love. . . . Myself Samuel. Love. What is the love? It is total bullshit. Love don't exist in real life. It's all money what people want. I love my life because I can hook up with anyone, I can flirt with anyone i want. This is all i want. My freedom. That's it. "I am not going addict to anyone in my life"

agarwallatrisha · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chapter 03 : "Meeting The Arrogant One"

Samuel was sleeping and dreaming the same dream.

A girl with red head keep her head on his shoulders. They sky was orange cause of sunset.

She was continuously rambling but all he could hear is blur. Her voice was really soothing. She has big eyelashes and blue irises. He can't see her full face but could see her eyes and hair.

His feelings for her kept increasing day by day. He can feel her warmth through her small soft hands entwined in his big rough hands.

When She looked at him he looked at her. Just as he was going to take a full look at her face, he woke up by the voice of falling something and crushing.

He groaned and looked here and there. Tyler was standing like a deer caught in the red light. His tongue was in between his teeth with eyes squeezed shut.

"Tyler! No not again" Samuel groaned irritated and glare at him.

Tyler grinned sheepishly.

"hush sorry sir! I was in a hurry. I'm really sorry I disturbed your peaceful sleep."

"Arrgh I won't leave you today. I will kill you"

Samuel ran after him.

"No Sam Sir! I am sorry it won't happen again. I promise. Please leave me." Tyler started to run in the room jumping and escaping his wrath.

"Yes. It won't happen again. Because for that you won't be alive. Firstly David and now you. You both are so damn responsible for not being able me to see her face. I won't let you leave this time. Wait!"

Samuel jumped on bed while Tyler was on the other side. He grabbed Tyler's collar from back and pulled him on the bed. Sam sat trapping him, on his waist. And grabbed his neck.

Samuel and Tyler were like good friends. And every single person in his staff is his buddy. Samuel is a kind hearted and jolly person. If he is cracking a joke to you, then you should not take it seriously. Sam was not really fighting with him, they were just playing around.

Tyler tries to hold his hands.

"ouch! Sir , leave me. Okay now i get it. You dreamt her. Right? "

Samuel sat on the bed and nodded.

"Ump. It's really unbelievable that you did not see her face. Or maybe she don't want you to see her. Because she might know that how much of a flirt you are" Tyler started laughing holding his stomach. But was stopped by Samuel's famous glare.

Tyler said pursing his lips, trying not to laugh "oppps sorry"

"Just don't make me kill you

dumbass!" He chuckled "Tell me already, why you came here in the first place"

Tyler stood in front of Sam, his assistant mode on

"Oh Yes! Isabella mam called me. She wants you at home as soon as possible sir. We have to leave Italy"

"Oh man. I forgot. We have to return. Okay you go and check my schedule. Just clear for the rest of weekend. And make sure no one disturbs me when I will be with my family. Got it?" Samuel asked him in polite way.

Tyler nodded "Okay sir" and left the room.


It's half past ten in the midnight. Aden was out of country for some work. Though she was in hotel but Elena has been kept in full security.

Elena was sitting on the chair writing on a desk. She write a letter to Aden.

"I'm sorry dad, it's not like i don't love you anymore. I love you a lot and always will. But i can't live my life like this. I can take care myself. Don't worry. I know you are scared to lose me. But you won't i promise. I'm sorry again. Bye dad. Love you"

Elena picked her suitcase and purse in her hands. Her friend hope was trying to keep two bodyguards outside her room busy. She fell down on the floor and screamed. The two man one of them was Rafael ran towards her for help. She pretended like her leg got sprained.

Meanwhile, Elena got a message from hope that "everything is clear". She peep outside from hotel room to see that Rafael and other bodyguard were busy helping hope.

She quietly escape from there. She took lift to the parking lot. Because there was hope's boyfriend waiting for her. He was also helping her just because hope insisted.

Elena reach the parking lot and sat in the car. Hope's boyfriend dropped her at the airport. She took her flight to New York.

After few hours she reach at the airport of New York. She took everything and with scarf, she covered her face with sunglasses on

Elena was walking in a hurry. She exit the airport but collapsed with a wall. She balanced herself but her mobile phone fell on to the floor and broke.

"Fudge." Elena gasped and looked at the wall. But there wasn't any wall. There was a Mascular chest in her vision with a handsome face.

Chiseled jaw with trimmed beard. Gritting his teeth make it more visible. Green piercing eyes glaring at her. Soft plump lips pursed in anger.

He took off the headphones.

"Samuel Sir! Are You Fine? " She hear An unknown voice asking him. It's like everything got invisible to her. She kept staring at him but pulled back in her senses by that voice.

"Yeah Tyler, I am fine. You go ahead and check if there are media outside or not "

Tyler nodded and left but before giving Elena a glance. She wore scarf on her face which was strange because it's summers. Who wore scarf in summer.

Elena pick up the things from the floor and tried to go from there but Samuel hold her hand.

"Never heard of sorry huh?" He chuckled.

"What the hell are you talking about? Leave my hand" she jerked his hand and again started walking away from him towards the airport exit. But Samuel walk behind her and twirl her from shoulders, then held her arms so that she won't escape.

"Firstly you ruined my time. And then you are running away without apologizing. "

Elena gawked at him. She already held her scarf so that won't go off of her face.

"What? Are you serious? Why should I apologies?"

"Because you collapsed with me. Just because of you I'm ten minutes late. Do you know who i am? How much my freaking time matters. You have to say sorry." Samuel whisper shouted at her bringing his face towards her. He don't want to make any scene at the airport, but his ego didn't let her go without make her apologizing. He couldn't see her face, she hid it all.

Elena chuckled mockingly. "really?" She crossed her hands on her chest making her cleavage more visible. Samuel look at her cleavage but averted his gaze immediately. He can't lose control.

"Oh my dear prince, I didn't knew that you had a Kingdome under you to rule. Aww i just spoiled some time of my precious would be king. Right" She laughed mocking him which fueled his anger more.

"Shut your mouth, you spoiled brat" Elena glared at him under her sunglasses. "You have to apologies right now." But then he remembered something "Wait, you don't know who I am?" his eyes widen and his ego destroyed hundred percent this time. In his last five years, every person want his autograph and photos with him and this girl here, don't even know who the hell is this.

Elena rolled her eyes

"You escaped mental hospital or what? You don't know who you are? You are asking me who you are" She clapped her hands and laughed. "Listen, I don't have time for all of this. Just freaking leave me alone". She gritted her teeth in anger. She got so much frustrated.

She dragged her suitcases along with her but Samuel hold her hand and pulled her towards him. She fall on his chest and he wrapped his arm around her waist. The close proximity make her breathe shallow and heavy. Samuel was angry bit she was aroused by this. This handsome man who wrapped her was someone she didn't want to mess with. Her eyes went to his soft pink kissable lips. She lip wet her lips under her scarf. Obviously he can't see, what he is doing to her. But she was messed inside. She again looked at his forest green eyes.

"That's good that you don't know who i am. Otherwise it will be difficult to keep another beautiful fan away from me. " He smirked but with pure frustration.

"Soon, baby you will know who I am. Just wait and enjoy till then" He winked and left her. He turn around and left the airport. She was flabbergasted. She stood rooted to her place in shock. Never ever any boy talked to her like that. She was both shocked and impressed by him.

"What the hell is wrong with you Elena? Didn't you see, how the hell he talk to you like that. Urghh! Damn it. " She frustrated dragged her suitcases along with her outside the airport and booked a cab for herself.

She waited few minutes. And in the meantime, never for once she thought about anyone else. She only thought about Samuel. She was affected by him deeply. She wants to know about him more but also her ego is coming in between.


Everyone was waiting in Samuel's home, the next morning for arrival of Samuel. Isabella was more excited one.

"Why is Sam taking forever to come? I want to meet my grandson as soon as possible. It's feel like ages i had saw his face" Samuel's Grandmother sigh sadly.

"He is coming mom. Relax. Will you?" Jason chuckled.

Joseph, Jason's brother was sitting on the opposite side. He smiled at his mother's concern. He got a call from a number.

Joseph murmured 'Who the hell is calling in the morning' and picked up the call "Hello."

His eyes widen. "Wh...what?? When did this happen?" he gasped. Everybody's attention drawn to Ryan. "O....okay...t...thanks. For...the...In...Information" he hang the call.

"Joseph are you okay? Who called you? Why are you worried "Jason asked concerned.

"Jas, uh.....ummm actually. W...wait let me switch on the TV" Joseph stutterer wiping the sweat forming on his forehead. He switched on the tv and put on the news channel.

A girl was reporting live at a place in New York.

"This accident happened in here. There are so many people injured and some were found dead. The blast had covered the area around 3-4 Km. Ambulances are arriving second by second. The investigation is going on because police had been arrived here the moment it happened."

People were crying in the background for help. Everything has destroyed there. Buses, cars has exploded badly.

Samuel's family members were confused that why Ryan was showing them that.

But the next moment when Joseph spoke, phone fell down from Isabella's hand. She covered her mouth from her hands and tears fell down from her eyes.

"Samuel was at that place" Joseph said and put his hand on his forehead.

Isabella sat on the couch. Rosaline grabbed Isabella from her shoulders. She was also crying. Isabella was continuously murmuring 'No. My Sam is fine'

'Nothing has happened to h...him'

Rosaline was comforting her with positive words.

Jason was hell shocked from the news. He didn't believe it. He make a call on Samuel's number.

" The Number You have dialed is currently switched Off. Please try again later"

Jason panicked and he fell on the couch with a thud.