
You Are My Addiction

Myself Victoria , my family being the famous one in USA surrounded me with media. But all I want is to be free from these responsibilities. They think that I will take over my father's business which is of automobiles but guess what, I have another plans. What about my love life, well it's pretty complicated. Everyone has a crush in their lives right, people also love someone secretly And it becomes most important feeling if it's childhood love. . . . Myself Samuel. Love. What is the love? It is total bullshit. Love don't exist in real life. It's all money what people want. I love my life because I can hook up with anyone, I can flirt with anyone i want. This is all i want. My freedom. That's it. "I am not going addict to anyone in my life"

agarwallatrisha · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 02 : Feelings

"I want to dedicate this song to my dreamgirl. " He said smiling secretly to himself popping dimple on his cheek.

"Who is she? " "Is she your girlfriend? " random questions asked to Samuel.

He laughed lightly

"As I told you she is my dreamgirl. So nope she isn't my girlfriend and I don't know her yet. I didn't even saw her face in my dreams" He told the crowd which were in whisper by now.

Music starts

Samuel starts singing holding a guitar playing it gracefully closing his eyes. Crowd erupting with 'shouting' and cheering.

**Heartbeats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall**

He could see the girl running in the playground just like his dreams, whenever he closed his eyes. Her red long waves bouncing when she ran away from him.

***I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more***

Her laughter were a melody to his ears. Unknowingly a smile came onto his face while remembering her.

**Time stands still

Beauty in all she is

I will be brave

I will not let anything take away

What's standing in front of me

Every breath

Every hour has come to this**

He opened his eyes, he see people are enjoying so much. He took the mike off from the stand and ran in front of the huge stage.

He stops playing guitar and started singing there. With other free hand he touch the hands of front row people like touching the wave of sea sliding on the left.

The girls at the front started shouting with enthusiasm. No doubt he is an attractive.

**I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more**

He roam all over the stage with increasing voice of crowd cheering for him. He waved at them and their shouting tripled.

**And all along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more**

Crowd was crazy by the end of the song.

"Samuel, Samuel", " Once more once more" could be heard from the crowd.

But disappointedly he hasn't much time for his lovely audience.

"Sir I think we should leave. You have to reach your home by tomorrow. Besides there is a huge media outside there." His manager David informed him. He was wearing black suit with white shirt. Holding a file in his hands, Bluetooth attached to his left ear.

He wore his goggles and waved at the crowd giving a flying kiss

"Thankyou, thankyou so much. Love you my people" he spoke last time on the mike and started to go outside not before giving the mike to a boy who instantly requested Samuel for a photo.

Manager was reluctant but Samuel kindly took a selfie with him and then hug him. Boy was a 17 year old teenager who was bursting with happiness at Samuel's kindness. His face wore a big grin from ear to ear. Samuel grinned at him and bid him bye.

He strode outside. Four bodyguards surrounded him from the media and crowd. Samuel himself didn't look like he needs to be protected from anyone. His 6'3 feet height with Greek god like body. His biceps were enough to three four people on it. He has six pack abs.

"Samuel, Samuel one question please" Samuel nodded.

"So Mr. Samuel Gilbert how your feeling right now?. It's like dream come true. you are the youngest Rockstar of America and not to mention, famous all over the world?" Samuel gently smiled

"I am feeling over the moon right now. The people who loves me and support me this much, meant the world to me. So yeah i am really happy" he grinned.

"Sir, as you have achieve this much success, who is your inspiration? " a girl from media asked Sam.

"My family. They are everything for me. Their blessings, prayers for me is the reason I'm standing here today. And of course you people who always appreciate our work and present us in front of the world. " Samuel told them. This statement of Samuel literally won the hearts of media also.

"Sir just tell us something about your dreamgirl. What will you do when you meet her, or will this be only a dream to you?" a middle aged man asked Sam.

"Well you know all I have seen in my dreams is her hair which was red. Her voice was so soft. It's a music to my ears. And I don't know when I will be able to meet her but whenever it happens, I will surely make her mine." He grinned and media filled with 'aww'

Before anyone ask another question Samuel spoke.

"No more questions I have to leave now.. thankyou very much"

After saying this, He left the place.

Samuel sat in the car and stretched his muscles. He relaxes at the backseat. Thinking about her makes him smile. His chauffer started the engine of his rolls Royce. Car started moving tailing with four black BMW filled with manager and bodyguards.


"E....Elena. Elena Williams?" Boy stuttered voicing her name with wide eyes in horror.

Rafael nodded in a robotic manner. Elena closes her eyes in frustration and pinched her nose bridge.

"I'm sorry. We are really sorry. We didn't know about you." he hurriedly put other boy on his shoulders with difficulty by his hands. He dragged his limp body with him moving away from him.

"This is too much Rafael" she stomped her foot and strode away from him to change his clothes.

At home.

"Dad, what am I to you? A Toddler. Why have you appointed these bulls for me. Just stop it dad please. I am not a teenager anymore. I want my freedom, that's it. From school to college, you have trapped me . And even now when I am an independent woman, you are still doing that. God I'm going crazy now" Elena screamed on phone dramatically, but really angry.

"Princess calm down. This is just for your safety my daughter. You are innocent. You are not in the right state of mind, we will talk when you will be alright. Okay?" Aden, her father try to calm her but she is not going to listen to him.

"I'm not going to tolerate it anymore. You have to stop it all at once" Her nostrils were flaring with anger.

"Are you expecting that I will allow you to roam anywhere and everywhere without any protection. No Elena. You are too precious to lost. After losing your mother, I'm not fool to let you go. I have too many enemies waiting for me outside. Just to take revenge one of them killed your mother then how could you expect that from me. One more thing Elena I have vast business to handle. I can't listen to your drama all the time. Grow up" Aden told her getting frustrated but emotional at last.

"Exactly dad. I'm grown up now. Stop fussing over me. Nothing will happen to me. I promise dad please i can understand your concern. You can't take care of me like this forever. Will you?" Elena requested her father giving point of view a chance.

"Yes Elena I will until you get married to a powerful businessman. And that's your freedom ell. Choose your groom and I will happily ley you marry him."

"Dad come on please"

"No sweetheart. You are my responsibility. nothing will change that's it. Don't argue with me now." He hang upon her before she could speak anything.

Elena Pov :-

No dad. I know you love me but there is a limit. I'm twenty-two years old now. Not a kid anymore. I can't just let you hold me like a puppet.

Now you will see, I am as stubborn as you. I will run away from you and let you regret, When you won't be able to see your daughter anymore.

I smirked at the thought. Now All I have to do is book the tickets to another city and disguise my name. I know my father will definitely think that I escaped another country and won't even check in America, so yep, I won't do that mistake. And most importantly, ran away from that of my stupid bodyguard. I rolled my eyes thinking about him.

Well let's get to the work.


Samuel was siting on the couch in the balcony drawing something. Weather was chilling. He wore a yellow sweater with cargo pants on.

His phone got off. He take a look and a smile from ear to ear covered his face.

Samuel touch the green icon, picking up the video call from his family. Before he could speak anything, Two ladies of his home started throwing questions at him like a tsunami

"How are you Sam?" His grandma asked

"Is everything alright there? Are you eating properly? OH GOD, baby look at you. How much pounds have you loss!" Isabella exclaimed horridly.

They didn't let him speak anything and continued rambling.

"Sam, honey speak up. Why aren't you saying anything. Are you okay. Do you have fever?" Isabella asked him widening her eyes

Jason pinched his nose bridge

"Honeybun let him speak. Will you?" He rolled his eyes.

Samuel laughed when her mother pout at her annoying husband.

"Mom and grandma. I'm perfectly alright. I'm taking my meal at time and I have no fever, cold, etc. At all. Now happy?" He grinned at his cute family members through phone.

They smiled at him in return affectionately.

"Okay my son. You are returning tomorrow right? " Isabella asked him.

"Yes mom, I'm coming. Don't you worry" Samuel told them.

Maril who was descending the stairs saw him on the laptop screen and came running towards them.

"hi bro." She shouted, All of them close theirs ears with their palms.

Samuel laughed at her antics. She is his cousin sister.

"Hey sweetheart How are you?"

"I'm good. And you don't have to tell me that how are you. You are happy because you dreamgirl again gave you a visit" she winked at him in a teasing way.

His mother waiting impatiently so that she can talk to him about this girl in detail.

"Yep. But I didn't see her face again." he told her looking sad all of a sudden.

Isabella and Jason shared a look.

Maril nodded and smiled sadly.

"Don't worry bro. You will see her soon. All the best " he smiled.

Samuel bid them bye after having a long conversation..

And then look at the drawing in his hands on the pad. A girl with red head swinging in the garden was drawn by him. He saw once in his dreams that he was swinging her on the swing. And she was laughing wholeheartedly.

He smiled and hugged the pad to his chest. He relaxed on the couch and closes his eyes.


Elena's bags were packed and kept on the bed of hotel's room. Her friend has booked her tickets for New York. She was talking on the phone with her friend whose name is Jessica.

"Elena, are you sure about this. If your dad got to know about this he will definitely throw a search party for you. Nevertheless he will but still. I think he only cares about you. He is right, if my dad would be at his place, he does the same" hope asked Elena in pure concern.

"I know Hope. But he needs to understand. I'm mature now, he don't have to protect me everywhere I go. I can take care of myself. I can't let anyone invade my privacy especially those dumb men of him. From now on I will decide how my life will go. Not him. Imagine yourself at my place for once. How would you feel? No hope. I can't anymore. " She told her exasperatedly. She massaged her ached temples with her fingers

"I can totally understand you babe. But you didn't lived on your own before. Your dad sends you money for the things you do. You are dependent on him. How will you manage in an unknown city all alone? " Hope asked her

"Don't worry. I have saved some money my dad gave me. And there, I will do some job for my living. But whatever it is, I will live on my own now. I'm not fully dependent on my dad hope. It's just he didn't ever acknowledge me. What I want and what I want to become, he didn't care for all this. " Elena said.

Hope sighed

"I just hope, that you stay safe and sound. Take care. And keep contacting me for whatever you need. Love you, bye" hope said affectionately told her bestfriend to take care of herself.

"Love you too babe. I will bye." She hang upon her.

And smirked thinking about her freedom.