
YJ: Spartan

Otaku_Paradox · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

From his office, Dr. Desmond contacts Cadmus's board of directors to report recent events to them. He tells them of the ground-level fire, and the presence of Kid Flash, Robin, and Aqualad in the facility. Though they managed to free Project Kr, they were captured. 

"What should I do with them" asked Desmon with some hesitance.

"Clone them," ordered L-1

"And the originals" inquired Desmond

"Terminate them, the clones will serve the light," said L-3

"Understood" replied Desmond as the projections faded. He begins heading back to the sub-levels to execute the orders given. 

While Independence Day fireworks still light the skies of the capital, the three sidekicks are locked up tight in Sub-Level 42. A commanding voice telepathically urges them to wake up.

"You must awaken. You must awaken now."

They do, and find Superboy standing in front of them. While Wonder Boy was observing them from further back while occasionally glancing at the door being repaired by workers and G-Trolls. 

There was silence in the room as the trio of sidekicks stared at Superboy who was doing the same. Kid Flash does not like him silently staring at them and is the first to break the silence.

"Stop staring, you're freaking me out" he shouted

"KF cool it. Let's try not to upset the guy than fry us with a look" said Robin trying to calm his friend down.

Meanwhile, Desmond who just arrived on Sub-level 52 to check on the repairs and carry out the instructions given to him orders Spence to prepare the cloning sequence.

Dr. Spence is an African-American woman with brown hair. When working, she wears a white lab coat over a light green or brown turtleneck with a dark pencil skirt. She also wears glasses and diamond-shaped stud earrings. When not working, she wears an olive-green trench coat with tan boots and a white scarf.

"Prepare the pods for the cloning procedure." She nods her head and leaves for Sub-level 42. Desmons looks around and doesn't see Superboy or Wonderboy in sight and their pods are empty

"Where are the clones, why are they not back in their pods?" he said while turning to Guardian clearly asking him.

Guardian shrugs"Superboy and Wonder escorted the prisoners to the cloning chambers, now they're guarding them" he states like it was no big deal. An action that seems to anger Desond.

"We have genomorph for that, get the weapons back in their pods" he shouted

"I don't see the problem in letting the kids stretch their legs a little"

"Don't you know?"

The G-Gnome on Desmond's shoulder gazed at the G-Gnome on Guardian's shoulder and his horns glowed. Guardian grabbed his head as his mind began to fog over, his eyes glazed over for a second. Then with newfound aggression, he slams his left fist into his right arm.

"Those clones belong in their cages," he said and stomped off followed closely by Desmond


"We free you and you turn on us, how that for gratitude" shouted Kid Flash

"Be calm Kid, I do not believe our new friends were in control of their actions" calmly said Aqualad. Superboy looked down upon hearing what Aqualad said, while Wonder Boy narrowed his eyes. Super Boy looked back at Wonder Boy who shrugged.

"What i- what if we weren't?" asked Super Boy

"He can talk," said Kid Flash with genuine surprise

"Yes, he can" replied Super Boy angry at the idea of them assuming he was unable to speak.

"You have a prejudice against clones speedster" chimed in Wonder Boy now bracing the wall with a frown on his face.

"Wha- I-I-I" Kid Flash was sputtering not knowing what to say.

"I apologize on behalf of my friend he meant no disrespect," said Aqualad

"Yeah, KF's mouth sometimes moves faster than his legs" added Robin

"Hey" shouted Kid Flash

"Have you ever left this building? Explored the world above?"

"No, we a taught telepathically, languages, cultures anything we would need to know to do the job given to us. As for exploring the world above, images are implanted into our heads as to what the world above looks like but no, we have never left Cadmus."

"But that's wrong, this whole thing is wrong, you leave this place be better, do good"

"I exist because of Cadmus it is my home. And I must fulfill the task given to me" Super Boy turned to Wonder Boy"We both do, it's the sole purpose for which we were created"

"If I may ask my friend what task are you referring to?" inquired Aqualad

"To replace Superman should he fall. To destroy him should he turn from the light"

Aqualad and Robin exchanged glances. Aqualad looked at Wonderboy bracing the wall with his arms crossed and addressed him."And you? Is it your purpose to replace Wonder Woman?"

The clone held his gaze for a few seconds before replying"The purpose for which I was created yes."

"But couldn't you do more, be more. Meet her, learn from her, and fight side by side with her. To say you purpose it to replace her should she fall is a worthy aspiration, but can you?"

"Can I what?"

"Take on that responsibility?"

"What responsibilty? Defeating adversaries?"

Aqualad showed a small smile seeing he had the clone's interest"It isn't just about strength or victory. It's about being a symbol of hope, a beacon of security, someone the people can look towards and subconsciously place their faith in. Can you say with absolute certainty that you would learn the skills necessary to be that kind of hero here when you never truly experienced the world? Never seen or interacted with the people you would be protecting."

Wonderboy's piercing gaze wavered. He could not deny the wisdom in the Atlantean's words. "And you Superboy, if you're expected to fill his shoes and take on his responsibilities. You must understand what it means to be a paragon and carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. How can you be expected to do that, to understand that burden if all your knowledge of this world was taught telepathically but never truly experienced?"

Superboy clenched his fist and furrowed his brow. His frustration was evident. But then he unclenched his fist and sighed."Then..wh-what would you suggest" he asked

"Help us, come with us. Truly experience the world and see the sun" said Robin

"We can introduce you to the man whose symbol you carry. We can introduce to Superman" added Aqualad causing Superboy's eyes to widen.

"And Wonder Woman" chimed in Robin directing his words to Wonderboy.

But before the clones had time to process they were interrupted by Dr Desmond, who was followed by Dr Spencer, Guardian, and Dubbilex.

"No, they can't. They will never leave hear. Now go back to your pods" he ordered. 

Superboy remained still and Wonderboy narrowed his eyes, his gaze fierce. Seeing their action Dr Desmond 

"Don't start thinking now" he said while glancing at the G-Gnome on his shoulder. It jumped onto Superboy's shoulder and its horn began to glow. The clone's eyes glazed over and he started leaving the room.

Wonderboy placed his right hand on his sword and was about to draw his blade.

"Dubbilex!" shouted Desmond and the G-Elf's horn glowed and Wonderboy stopped, but only temporarily. He was resisting the telepathy and walking towards them.

Dubbilex placed one hand on each side of his face against his temple and his horns glowed a fierce crimson, the G-Gnome on Guardian's shoulder assisted as his horns glowed as well. 

Wonderboy fell to one knee and grabbed his head still fighting, resisting but eventually, he stopped and stood up robotically. Dr Desmond breathed a sigh of relief as the clone soon followed behind Superboy heading back to their pods.

"What happened Dubbilex" 

"His mind is adapting to the telepathy. It created a wall that took all my effort and more to penetrate."

"It must be a result of his meta ability. It seems that one of its functions is developing resistance to external stimuli. Most intriguing. It could perhaps develop an immunity eventually. We'll have to speed up his learning and mold his mind to serve while we still can" 

Dr Desmon pushed up his glasses and glanced at the clones. He nodded towards Dr Spencer who tapped on the control panels to begin the cloning sequence. What everone failed to notice is tha Dubbilex horns were still glowing.