
Yellow Diamant Island

In the Red Diamant Bay, yes I know not Yellow Island I know! Life only had one meaning, peace. Under the rule of Tishoa clan, this island prosper in armony. But one night, in just 3 hours, the capital was taken from the clan, a new ruler had been establishes, rename the island and the Tishoa where now traitor to the people. Now Baron Argvorg track and exterminate the clan out of pure madness, maybe there's an other reason to that ? But this story doesn't revolve around a hero, nor a knight coming from far away to win the day. No, the story is about a girl and her brother, trying to survive and meating loats of people.

Urusome · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

A day in the slum


Aska was tired, after a day as long as this one she needed a good 5 hours of sleep. She said goodbye to Gaby'l, the only guy to have help her into the job of weapon making. He was kind and just a cool dude to hang around with, that was making her job seems less like...a choice without being one, labor but not really. One thing she was sure about, that her boss was using her and coworker.

Even knowing that she needed that job, no, her brother needed her to be strong, but sometimes she wished he would also bring money home. But what work can he do here ? Other than making weapon or making armor, every other really other job that didn't direcly benefit the island were push aside for more industri labor job.

But what did she know about that ? She was just a weapon maker, not even a good one, she always needed help from Gaby'l, althaugh she could deal with find on her own problem. And really, all the real smart thing she could learn was from the oldest in the factory, Jonath, and even him was a bit extrem in his believe but at least with two great people around her she could still keep a solid mind. But in reality, did she really care about that ? 

Money doesn't come from a hard mind but from a hard hand. She didn't know where she heard that before, but she was sure that I came from someone and not just her mind.

" Hey ! Aska !! Over here ! " said someone, somewhere

Aska looked around the slum, wondering where that person was calling here. Then she was hit on the back by a pebble and she looked at the direction the pebble hit her. She than saw little old Cal, her best friend from...from foverer actually.

He was on the roof a two story house, looking down at her. He than walk onto the next saluting the other passing people on the house. He then walk on the purelly bridge made out of scrap and finally jump on multiple wooden box before finally stepping on the stone crack. He then join Aska and salute her with a ferm hug.

She hug him back and she ask him what he was doing in that part of town. He responded that he was there for food and that he was heading to his home just before he saw her. He then ask Aska where she lived.

" Do you see the red and white house before going to the port ? I lived just a few hallyway from there " she said

" In front or near the Violet Galie ? " he asked

" The building beside it " she respond

" Oh okay I see it now, maybe I will visite you sometimes " he said

" Yeah that could be nice "

The both of them started to walk togethere, he told her that he didn't live that far from the port which meant that they could see eachother more often. As they both walk into anothere part of the slum this time above a river where a lot of trading boat pass, they walk onto the wooden floor, since that part is so small they have to be careful and stop at moment to let other people pass by, but they usely carry nothing so its no big deal.

After a moment both Aska and Cal put they bags into there arm and watch their every step, since they where two, the chance of them being robs was less then average but still possible.

As they were about to step onto a normal rock floor they heard a guy being rob just behind them, multiple people passing by ignoring the guy and just watching as the dude was beating unto he was unconscious. The rober left the scene and people just started to walk again.

Aska was about to do the same when she noticed somethings off with Cal face, it showed anger and a bit of sadness, his fist was clenched.

She asked him if somethings was wrong and he responded:

" Yes, everythings is wrong "

Before he walked away, Aska followed him. When it was time to be seperated Cal informed her that he was working not to far from the factury where she work, so that means sometimes when it was her break she could meet him again. But she reraly took break.

The two wawes goodbye and Aska enter the part of the slum she was most familier with and like the most, there the people where nicer then in other part of the slum, that being not much, but at least she was more protected then other. Indeed the guards of the capital patrols in her area which meant that crime where praticaly none existent, tho they stil existented somewhere but she hasn' seen one yet.

She walked the stairs leading to her home, her brother surely waiting for her, habing prepared the perfet meal for her, like always. That was one of the few moment she was exited about, because it meant that she was free for the rest of the night until tomorow.