
Yellow Diamant Island

In the Red Diamant Bay, yes I know not Yellow Island I know! Life only had one meaning, peace. Under the rule of Tishoa clan, this island prosper in armony. But one night, in just 3 hours, the capital was taken from the clan, a new ruler had been establishes, rename the island and the Tishoa where now traitor to the people. Now Baron Argvorg track and exterminate the clan out of pure madness, maybe there's an other reason to that ? But this story doesn't revolve around a hero, nor a knight coming from far away to win the day. No, the story is about a girl and her brother, trying to survive and meating loats of people.

Urusome · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The slaughter of the Tishoa clan


They advance quick and in silent, just as the baron told them to, until theu finally saw the b ig wooden door of the camp. Right behiden it was the barons enemy. The traitors to the islands and soon to be dead.

The baron then took his elite soldier with him and talked about a plan of attack. The amiral was left with his soldier which all looked at him, ready for his order. But he could not give them yet, not before the baron had told him about his own plan. After a few minute the baron came back but only the bull guy and the snake one were with him, the other had gone to other place, probably the plan. Then the baron Argvorg tooked with him the amiral to a place where they could see the camp for a high point. Then he started to talk about the plan.

" Do you see the main entrance ? Of course you do, well now do you see the...second...entrance ? "

The amiral looked around a bit, searching for this second entrance. He looked on the right, nothing, on the left, stil nothing, then he looked at the back and saw a particular path between the trees, and it was right... before a tent. 

" Just behind this tent, on the very far end of the camp, there somekind of path between the trees "

" Great, now what do you think we should do ? "

" Block that path so they won't escaped "

" Wrong amiral, you see there's a lot of children and women there "

" Yes I see it "

" Know this amiral, if we block that path then there will be even more people to kill and to defend themself, and you know better then anyone else that when there no way to escape, strong warriors will make sure they bring their killers with them. "

" But there not warrior sir "

" Will deal with the child and women later, now we only concatred into killing the warriors and the leader. "

" What about prisoner ? "

" They're will be no prisoner "

" Okay... so what's the plan ? "

" Simple "

The baron then told the amiral the plan: the bull guy will destroy the main entrance and be on the front line while the howl guy will kill the guards on the watch towers, next two groups of one of the baron elite and a part of the amiral soldier will destroy the middle of the left and right wall and enter. But before all that the howl guy will fire multiple flamme arrow into some tent and then the attack could start.

The amiral listened carefully then plan, and he was okay with it. When the baron had finish Khiiro got to his soldier and told them the plan. Everyone place themself on position and waited for the baron signal. When a fire started to happened inside the camp the attack began as intended. The main entrance broke and multiple guards were killed, then the bull guy seperated a group of warrior that had form and the left and right wall soon fall and the camp was now covered with fire and blood, the children and women were, as expected, evactued by the second entrance , now exit, and soon there was only a few warrior left and they all form a human wall in front of the leader tent. They hold their ground pretty well and the amiral was actually impressed by how much strengh they had left. But then the baron came and all the hope the warriors of the Tishoa clan had left, was destroyed in a meer second. The amiral didn't even see what had strick his enemy, it was like lighting, the warriors were now only a pill of meat, bones and blood. 

The baron stood there, in front of the leader tent and was about to enter when the snake, bull and scorpion guy came with him. The amiral followed them and was there fast enough to see the last few warrior being killed without mercy or chance to fight back. And just in the end of the tent wasthe leader, not one a thone, nor a chair, no he was standing and looking right in the eye of the baron.

" So...the first time I see the little Taskami, leader of this... now dead clan ! "

" Argvorg...I heared a lot of horrible things about you " said the Taskami

" Hah yeah, I have a particular past " 

" Before you kill me, why ? " the leader asked

" Because I wanted to ! And I was given orders " Argvorg answer

" From who ? " Taskami asked

" That's the fun part, you don't get to know ! Hahaha ! "

" You won't get away with this !"

" Ohhhh but I will, the family of noble of this island want me in charge, and you know they have all the power, and so I have "

" Well then kill me now ! "

" But thats not funny ! You're suppose to try and fight me but then I kill you in one second, that's very easy to do "

" Whatever happend to me, just let the women and child go "

" Oh but we already did ! And my spy are following them down. In about a week they will crossed the Tama canyon and no one there will survive ! Because they'll be kill before even approching the half of the canyon !! HAHA ! "


Before the leader could finished his sentence his was impalled in the stomach by the baron.

" I just made you looked like criminal, and with the recent event, I will difinitively make your clan dissapear, even tho that's already the case "

The baron then kill the leader and leaved the tent with his elite and the amiral who didn't cared much about what would happened later. He heared alot and he will not make himself the enemy of the baron, no he would not. As they all were walking to their horse the howl guy came to the baron with the very last warrior of the Tishoa clan. The baron then orders them to be taken prisoner.

The next day they were executed for the murder of the farmer familly and the people of the Island cheer the baron and amiral for killing the monster that was the Tishoa clan. But in the crowd, was someone special, hidden by dark cloths, someone who just saw his entiere clan died, and his father.

The son of Taskima. And not the protagonist of this story

-------------| End of the prologue |-----------