

o After two full days of sleeping, Ian finally awoke from his rest.

" YAAAAAH!" Ian sat up from his bed and yawned. He felt so rested and relaxed. His bones were popping, and he just sighed from the intense relief. His body still felt heavier than before, but he didn't care. He was happy to be alive.

Ian saw a blur and was suddenly engulfed by Hank's big, hairy body.

" My dear, boy! I'm so glad to see you alive." Hank exclaimed.

Ian returned the hug and felt himself about to cry.

" I missed you, teach. I really did." Ian told the man.

" We missed you as well. Every last one of us." Hank spoke. He rubbed Ian's back and patted him on the shoulder.

" What happened?" Ian asked.

" You just passed out. Nothing too serious happened. " Hank replied. He was typing away at his keyboard, and Ian couldn't help but think maybe something was up.

" What is it?" Ian asked.

" Oh, nothing to worry about. Just letting Logan know you were awake. He asked me to let him know as soon as possible." Hank replied. You know everyone was worried about you, but no one spent more time coming down here, and bothering me, and threatening me than Logan." Hank stated.

" Really?" Ian asked.

" Oh, yes. Whether he'll say it or not, Logan cares a great deal about you young man. Sees a lot of himself in you. And well... He blames himself for what happened." Hank spoke.

" I bet he does. But he shouldn't. It was own fault. Being weak is what got me, not Logan." Ian replied.

" You couldn't have predicted what would have happened. Nothing was your fault." Hank stated.

" Furball's right, kid. Nothing that happened was your fault." Logan spoke up. He entered the room and approached Ian, placing a hand on his shoulder. " You mind giving us a moment alone, Hank?" Logan asked.

" Sure, Logan. Sure." Hank placed his tablet down and then quickly exited the lab leaving the teacher and student duo behind.

Logan stared at Ian, while Ian simply looked down at his hands.

" What happened, kid? Do you want to tell me about it?" Logan asked.

" i don't know, Logan. One second, I was walking back to the shuttle after our date and then, I was jumped by these men. I took care of them, but Kimura... She showed and... God, I just.... I couldn't beat her." Ian spoke. His voice was growing weaker and weaker, and he started rubbing his face to stop himself from crying. " I tried to keep going, but She was just... So much stronger than me. God, Logan, they took me and tortured me man... They threw me on a table and cut me open. They smashed my bones, cut my muscles into strings. They burned me, they shot me. And.... God Logan, they made me.... They made me kill people." Ian exclaimed. He was broken down, defeated. " I had to do it... I know I did. I had to do it to live and... I'm okay with that. But the little girl man. That evil bitch tricked me. Made me think I was keeping that girl safe. Damn it, Logan. It ain't right man." Ian exclaimed.

" No... No it ain't kid. I know it ain't fair, but you did what you needed to live. You can't let this take hold over you, kid. We'll get them back for this, I promise. You just focus on getting back in the game. How about we go see that girl of yours?" Logan asked.

" Can I leave the institute?" Ian asked. He wanted to see Rahne especially after everything that happened. She was his only piece of light remaining.

" No... But who's gonna stop me?" Logan replied with a grin. " Here a change of clothes for you. Get dressed quickly." Logan spoke.

Ian nodded and took off the gown, Hank had put on him and started placing on the clothes, Logan gave him.

" Come on, let's go." Logan spoke.

Ian nodded and followed Logan out of the lab and into the Hangar, sneaking around the others so that they could get to the garage without being noticed.

They broke into the garage and drove out of the institute's grounds. While they were driving, Ian looked over to Logan.

" Hey... Logan. Why are you doing this?" Ian asked. After everything that happened, Ian found it hard to believe that Logan would allow him to leave.

" I don't want you off grounds, I'm actually doing this against my better judgement. But.... I want ya to be happy kid. I want you to have things better than I did. When I went through it, I didn't have anyone to go to. I didn't have friends, or people who cared about me. I just had myself, I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe things will work out for you kid. Abd if it means going against my better judgement, so be it." Logan explained. " But I'm coming all the way with you. I'm gonna be nearby just in case something happens and when I call you..." Logan spoke. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a new phone. " You come to me and we're leaving. Got it?"

Ian looked at the man and for a moment believed he was gonna cry again. But he didn't. Instead, he took the phone and nodded.

" Thank you, Logan. Thank you."

" No problem, kid." Logan replied. " Speaking of, i guess ye ain't a kid anymore. You're eighteen now, right?" Logan asked.

" Yeah, that's right. I had almost forgotten; I missed my own birthday." Ian spoke. " Did my parent's call or write?" Ian asked.

Logan didn't know what to say, so he just shook his head no.

" Right, I see. That's too bad." Ian muttered. He turned his attention back to the window and just stared out of it. Wondering what to do now. He was lost, confused, he didn't know where to go or what to do now that he was back. But one thing he did know, he wanted to see her.

Ian gave Logan directions to Rahne's apartment and once they were there Logan, let Ian out of the car and watched as he walked up the apartment stairs.

Once he was in front of her door, Ian froze. He didn't know what he was gonna say. Or what he was gonna do. He raised his fist to knock, but hesitated. But eventually he mustered up the courage to knock.

After a few seconds he heard a voice from the other side of the door.

" Who is it?" Rahne asked.

Ian felt a lump in his throat, he wanted to speak, but he struggled so hard.

" Who is it?" He heard again.

He didn't answer once more.

When no one answered once again, Rahne decided to open the door and just check. But when she did, she was shocked more than she thought she'd be. It was Ian standing in front of her door, with tears on his face.

Her shock soon turned to a slight scowl, and she started to close the door.

" Rahne! Wait! Please." Ian begged. He stopped the door with his hands and prevented her from closing him out.

" Why should I?" Rahne asked. " You don't call me, you don't text me, I don't see you or hear from you for over a month. Then the next time I see you, you're in San Francisco, being chased by crazy men in who killed hundreds." Rahne exclaimed.

" Rahne, you don't understand!" Ian shouted.

" I don't understand wha'?" Rahne asked. She jerked the door open and glared at Ian with tears in her eyes. " Wha' don' I understand?"

Ian bit his tongue; he didn't want to see Rahne upset or see her cry. He knew if he wasn't honest with her right now, he would lose her. But he didn't know how to tell her. So, he just spoke.

" I was kidnapped Rahne! These people took me! The experimented on me! And when I wasn't useful anymore, they tried to kill me!" He screamed. " I almost died, Rahne. God damn it, thy

The moment the words left his mouth, Rahne flinched. She felt instant regret for what she said and how she acted.

She grabbed Ian and hugged him tightly as he expelled tears from his eyes, holding him even as he collapsed onto the ground.

Down below, Logan watched in shock as the two embraced each other.

" Rahney?! Ohhhh, this is gonna be so complicated ain't it." Logan groaned. He watched as the two went inside and just shook his head.