

" What happened?" Rahne asked. She sat Ian down on her couch and then took a seat next to him.

Ian, wondered how to answer that. Should he oust himself as a mutant?

" It was after our date, I was walking home, and I was just jumped by a bunch of thugs on the street. I... I handled them just fine but... Rahne, ya gotta trust me when I tell you not to speak of this to anyone. Me just being here puts you in danger." Ian stated.

" What is it, Ian? What happened to ye?" Rahne asked.

" Some people... This secret organization, they kidnapped me. Drugged me and tortured me. Rahne, they hurt me bad. They made me... They made me do a lot of things, that I'm not proud of. Things that guarantee me a one-way ticket to hell." Ian explained.

" Och, dear." Rahne wrapped her arms around Ian's head and pulled him into her chest. " I wan' ye tae tell me everathin tha' happened. But we dinnae have tae do this today if ye don' want. I've had my own personal share of horrible things happen tae me. And I know how hard it can be tae talk about it. So, trust me when I tell ye, I know what yuir goin' through. Just take yuir time. We'll get through this together, okay?"

Ian sighed and leaned further into her chest, his tension seemingly melting away under her soft touch.

" God, I've missed you so much." Ian muttered.

His warm breath tickled Rahne's neck, sending shivers up her spine.

" Ah, I've missed ye too." Rahne replied. She leaned down and kissed Ian on the top of his head.

Ian turned and kissed Rahne, right above her cleveage.

Rahne felt a surge of electricity rush through her. She threw her head back and let out a raspy moan.

" Ian... Ian wait." Rahne spoke. She used the little strength she could muster and gently pushed Ian away from her.

" I'm sorry. I didn't..." Ian started.

" No, don't apologize...." Rahne spoke. She placed her finger on Ian's mouth and silenced him, before moving over and positioning herself atop his lap. " Ian... kiss me."

" Okay." Ian replied. He placed his hands on Rahne's hip's and leaned in and planted a kiss right on her lips.

Rahne leaned into the kiss and moaned, almost animal like, and started running er hands through Ian's hair.

Ian felt his chest and face starting to burn. He mashed his lips against Rahne's aggressively, feeding off her energy. His hands moved down, from her waist, to her small yet soft ass. She didn't have a very large ass or even big breasts, but Ian didn't care he gave both cheeks a firm squeeze, making Rahne moan.

Rahne's hands moved from Ian's hair and slowly slid down over his muscular chest, and down to the hem of his shirt.

" Is this what ye want?" Rahne asked, she broker their kiss and stared right into Ian's eyes with a wolf-like grin. She lifted Ian's shirt up and over his head and pressed her lips to his again.

Ian began to hesitate a little, he definitely wanted this, but was right now the right time for it? He wondered. Eventually he broke the kiss and pushed Rahne slightly off of him, giving them both room to breathe.

" What's th' matter?" Rahne asked.

" Nothing with you... It's me." Ian spoke. " I do want this. I want you.... But maybe right now, isn't the right time." Ian spoke. He raised his hand and placed it on Rahne's cheek, and she grabbed it.

" But.... I want tae make ye happy." Rahne replied.

" You do, but... This... I want our first time together to be special with no regrets. Not out of pity." Ian told her.

" I dinnae mean tae make it seem tha' way." Rahne stated.

" I know, Rahne. I know... Can we.... Can we just lie here together? I just want to hold ya." Ian asked.

" O'course." Rahne pressed against Ian's chest and the two slowly laid back on the sofa, and just embraced each other.

Ian enjoyed this moment of contact, having gone so long without it. His mind, which had been heavy and burdened since he awoke, was now finally at peace. At least for the time.

But the time for peace would soon come to an end as Logan finally had enough waiting. He called Ian's phone, and the alarm woke Ian and Rahne from their sleep.

" Who is it?" Rahne asked.

" An important friend of mine. He was my ride here today. I guess he's back to pick me up." Ian spoke.

" Tha's too bad." Rahne replied. She sighed and placed her top back on and got up from Ian's lap.

Ian got up and slowly walked towards the door, if it were up to him, he would have stayed here all night. But he knew the terms of this little deal. And he knew if he wanted Logan to bring him back, he'd have to follow Logan's rules.

" Do ye really have tae go?" Rahne asked.

" Yeah, I do. A lot of things are probably gonna change. I might not... Be able to just stop by anymore. But I'll still call... And I'll still try to see you as much as I can on the weekends." Ian spoke.

" I understand, I'll also be a bit busy from now on maself. I got a job teaching at ma old school." Rahne replied.

Ian smirked and then smiled.

" Well, there ya go. Look, Rahne about tonight." Ian spoke.

" No, ye don't need to say it. I understand. And yuir right. I want it tae be special tae. I want tae show ye all of maself. And I hope, you'll show me all of yuirself." Rahne replied.

Ian hugged Rahne and then kissed her right on the lips again. He then pulled back and smiled as he stared into her eyes.

" I promise, I will." Ian spoke. Rahne grabbed his hand and nodded softly, before finally releasing it. She opened the door and Ian quickly parted from the premises.

When he got back into the car with Logan, the man looked at Ian and shook his head.

" Hey, kid...." Logan started.

" Yeah?" Ian asked.

He took one look at Ian and then shook his head again.

" Nevermind... It's nothing." Logan stated. " You know, you're looking better kid."

" I feel better too, Logan. I really do." Ian stated.

" I'm glad to hear it, cuz Scott's gonna chew us out when we get back." Logan replied.

" Eh, shades will be alright." Ian spoke.

" Ha! Well, I hope you keep that attitude in front of him. Cuz I ain't taking the heat all by myself." Logan exclaimed.

" Heh! How bad can it be?" Ian asked.

A little later.

" ARE YOU TWO OUT OF YOUR DAMN MINDS?!" Scott asked, he looked back and forth between Ian and Logan and despite wearing shade they both knew he was glaring at them.

" Look, I told ya Slim, the runt needed this time to get himself straight. Holding him up here all day and night ain't gonna solve a damn thing and we both know that." Logan told Scott.

" We just got him back! And you took him out again to the same exact place he got kidnapped at in the first place. Do you know how irresponsible that was?!" Scott asked again.

" It's not gonna happen again." Ian spoke up.

" Oh, and how do you know that?" Scott asked.

" I'm stronger now. I've had to do a lot of things I'm not proud of to survive. But I did. And it wasn't you, or the X-men that saved my life. I saved my life. I escaped on my own, without anyone else's help. That should say something about me, Mr. Summers." Ian explained to the man.

" And that's well and all, but the truth of the matter is, you got lucky. How many more times is that gonna happen? Huh?" Scott asked. " It's more than just you. A lot of people died in this mess, that's something we can't afford. You have to understand your actions have consequences." Scott shouted.

" But everything worked out just fine. I understand you're upset. But you have to understand that this is my life. I can't live it trapped in a safety net. No one knows what I went through in there better than myself. I know I've still got problems; I know I'm probably not gonna be alright for a while. But I also know that I'll never be able to move on if I go back to avoiding danger like I used to. I've changed, Mr. Summers." Ian exclaimed.

" Ian, Logan told me what happened, Listen..." Scott started.

" No, you listen Mr. Summers. I knew what I was signing up for when I first asked to join the squads. I knew danger came with the job. But it was attitude at the time that caused me to suffer. I truly have no to blame but myself for being so weak. I got comfortable. I got lazy. But in my time in the facility, I well... I did what I do best, Adapted." Ian explained. " I know you're worried about me, Mr. Summers."

" Ian, what you did." Scott started.

" What I did, I did to survive. To live. And I hated it. I hated every single second of it. I'm not a killer Mr. Summers. I can't stomach it. The feeling of someone's skull shattering from my fist, the blood and guts, the carnage all of it is nothing but sickness to my stomach.... BUT! If it meant saving the life of the woman I love, or you, or Logan, or Frost, or Dani, or any of my friends.... Then I would do it again without hesitation. I learned that from Miss Frost. Now, goodnight." Ian told the man. He then got up from his chair and walked out of Scott's office, leaving the man behind to ponder what he had said.