

The next day was the same as every other day for Ian, he got up early, did his morning pushups and showered before class.

" All right, I'm ready for the day. Let's go squad training!" Ian exclaimed. He was excited to finally be able to join the other students.

He marched out of his room and down the stairs to his first class of the day with Mr. Drake, better known as Ice man.

Ian sat was the first to arrive, as always.

" Hey, Ian. Heard you were joining Dani's squad, congratulations." Bobby spoke.

" Thanks, teach. I appreciate it. I'm glad I can finally keep up with the others." Ian spoke gleefully.

Bobby nodded and handed Ian the sheet for today's class.

" I know you're good with this stuff, so go ahead. It's today's lesson. Might as well let you get started since, you're here early." Bobby spoke.

" Well, i didn't think I'd get done with my morning workout so soon, it usually takes me a little longer to do five hundred pushups with this weight on. But I'm getting used to it pretty fast. Hey, teach, think you can introduce me to this Forge guy? There's some more gear I want made." Ian asked the man.

" Sure, but Forge is a busy guy, and his base is pretty far away, you might not get to see him as often as you might hope." Bobby replied.

" Oh, don't worry about it, I'm sure I can aske Logan if I really need to." Ian replied.

" That's true." Bobby remarked with a shake of his head.

Bobby returned to his desk and Ian started on doing his work for the class, meanwhile the sound of students coming to the classes got louder and louder and eventually the students all began flooding into the class.

" Yo, Ian what's up man." Victor, was a green reptilian like mutant, who Ian met in one of Logan's self-defense classes.

" What's up." Ian replied. " It's good to see ya Victor." Ian spoke.

" Out of the way loser." Just before Victor could say another word, Julian and his Hellions came barging into the room and stood in front of Ian. " What's up, Sinclair. I heard you were gonna be the New Mutants sixth member. Is that true?" Julian asked.

" Yup. Got the go ahead yesterday." Ian replied.

" That's unfortunate. I want ya to know that whatever I do to you from now on, isn't personal. Alright? It's just business." Julian stated.

" UGH! Move it Keller!" Cessily shouted. She put her hand on Julian's face and shoved him out of the way. " Hey Ian, congratulations. Miss Frost said you passed your test with flying colors. That's awesome!"

" Thanks, Cess. And yeah, it was pretty awesome." Ian replied snarkily.

" How about we celebrate. Are you free this weekend?" Cessily asked.

" Ahh, no. I have plans with a friend actually. But hey, if you want to maybe hang out or do something later, I wouldn't mind." Ian replied.

Cessily deflated a little, but Ian's follow up helped her keep a little hope.

" Okay, that's fine. But hey, what are you doing after classes are over?" Cessily asked.

" Well, I usually work out, but today, I'm actually going to get my costume and meet the rest of my team." Ian explained to the girl. " It shouldn't be too long. But I don't know if Dani will want us to train today or not. I guess what I do after that will depend entirely on how long that takes." Ian explained.

" I see. That's too bad. But hey, there's always later, right?" Cessily asked.

" Of course." Ian exclaimed.

" Haha! Ian Cessy sitting in a tree. Kissin Ugh!" Brian started mocking Cessily, however before he could finish, she kicked him in his shin.

" Shut up, Brian!" Cessily exclaimed.

" AH! damn that hurt Cess!" Brian complained.

" What are you complaining about? At least she didn't shove you to the ground and step all over you." Julian spoke up from his seat on the floor, rather unamused by being made a steppingstone.

"All right, you all get to your seats, class has started." Bobby spoke up.

" Ugh!" The Hellions groaned.

" Ugh! Hey, you... Remember what I said Julian spoke as he climbed up from the floor, he eyed Ian and pointed back and forth between him and himself.

" I got it, Julian. I got it." Ian replied. He smirked and waved at the boy as he passed along and couldn't help but laugh as Julian rubbed his back.

" Alright, class. Today we start advance calculus. So, let's begin by opening our books to page fifty-three." Bobby spoke.

After school was over and done with Ian finally began making his way to Dani's office in the school.

He stopped just short of the door, feeling a bit nervous.

" All right, Ian time to meet the crew. Oh, I'm so excited." Ian muttered to himself. He grabbed the door handle and opened it up and stepped inside.

" Ian, welcome!" Dani shouted. She walked up to Ian and gave him a hug, which Ian happily returned.

" Hello, Miss Moonstar. It's good to see you again." Ian spoke.

" And it is good to see you as well." Dani replied. " Alright, everyone, this is Ian Sinclair, I'm sure you've all seen him before, but as you can see things are a bit different now." Dani explained. " Ian here, will be joining us as the sixth member of the New Mutants for the time being." Dani explained.

" Ian, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Sofia, one of the co-captains of the New Mutants, my codename is wind dancer, and I can control the wind. " Sofia was the first to step forward and introduce herself. " And my Co-Captain is David." She spoke. She pointed at the African American teen, and he waved.

" Hey man, welcome to the team. My name's David Alleyne, my codename is prodigy. My powers allow me to absorb any information from any person within a certain distance." David explained.

" Neat, I heard about you from Julian. It's nice to finally meet you." Ian replied.

" Same here my man." David replied.

" Alright." Sofia exclaimed. " Next up we have Laurie Collins." Sofia spoke. She pointed to the blonde-haired young lady beside David and the girl waved.

" Hi, my name's Laurie Collins, my code name is Wallflower. I don't have anything as impressive as the others, but I can emit my pheromones and I can use them to help control my enemies. I look forward to getting to know you better." Laurie exclaimed.

" And my name's Josh Foley." Josh suddenly spoke up. " My codename is Elixir; I can heal almost any wound with a simple touch of my hands." Josh explained.

" Nice to meet you both, I look forward to getting to know you guys better and getting stronger with all of you." Ian told the two.

" And finally, we have our resident powerhouse, Noriko." Sofia stepped forward once again and pointed to the girl with blue hair.

" Sup. My name's Noriko Ashida. My mutant name is Surge, I can emit and control electricity from my hands. I absorb electricity from the objects around me. But I have to be careful if I absorb too much, I overload and accidentally release all of that energy uncontrollably." Noriko explained.

Her powers seemed the deadliest of the group since she can't control her powers too well.

" Well, Noriko... It's a pleasure ta meet ya. I like your hair a lot. Blue really brings out your beautiful eyes." Ian told the girl.

Noriko was stumped by this sudden compliment.

" Uhhh... Thanks... I guess." Noriko replied.

" All right, Ian. Now that you've met the team, why don't you tell us all about yourself?" Dani asked.

" Well, alright. I was born in Dublin Ireland, but we moved here when I was four. My mother's Irish and my father's Scottish, so ye can imagine what it was like growing up. My dad was a rough Houser, he loved ta fight. and Me mother loved ta watch him. But for me, well I was born with a disease that prevented me from doing anything physical my entire life, even walking. I didn't have a very colorful childhood, I went to school, and I was bullied for being a cripple and a nerd. The only people I had were ma parents. Thankfully, for me I found ways to distract myself from the constant berating and abuse. I worked with technology and fixed up computers. And I was good at it too. So, good I was actually able to get a job working for a certain company to fix computers and other pieces of tech when I was sixteen. And I don't have many hobbies." Ian explained.

" I do play video games and now I like ta work out. Oh! I do like music though. Punk rock, pop punk, rock, Heavy metal, country. And more." Ian exclaimed.

" Oh yeah? I'm a bit of heavy metal girl myself. Who's your favorite band?" Noriko asked, a fellow music enthusiast herself.

" Disturbed." Ian replied without hesitation.

" No way, I love those guys." Noriko exclaimed.

" Oh yeah? Tell me if you've heard this one. Ahem!" Ian coughed and cleared his throat. " As the countless numbers Hunger!"

" FOR WORLDWIDE RENOWN!" Noriko jumped in and joined Ian in singing.


" Damn! Okay, girl." Ian spoke.

" See, I know my disturbed." Noriko replied smugly.

" I see." Ian replied.

" Well, that was something. I won't pretend I understood any of it. But I'm glad you guys are already getting along. But let's move along, shall we? Ian, I have your uniform ready." Dani spoke up. She walked behind her desk and pulled out a bag. In the bag was a gold and yellow two-piece suit.

" What is that?" Ian asked in shock.

" The team uniform. What don't you like it?" Dani asked.

" No, it's just... Very radiant." Ian spoke, for the lack of nicer words, he smiled and took the uniform from Dani and examined it closer.

It was white for the most part, with a singular golden slash going down the chest piece, extending from the right shoulder to the left hip, with a golden sash, a pair of white bottoms, and gold and white boots. The sleeves stopped just short of Ian's biceps.

" And now, for the grand finale, your codename. The Amazing Adapting Amazo?" Dani exclaimed.

Ian just looked at Dani, in silence.

" What? You don't like it?" She asked.

" Uh I mean no offense, but it really doesn't roll off the tongue. And it has nothing to do with my powers at all? I mean what about adapto, adaptoid, or if we want to go with what I do, I mean I'm mostly a close-range fighter, how about brawl?" Ian asked.

" Well, I guess those work. I really thought amazo would be nice though." Dani replied. " Just choose what you want to be, after all you earned it." Dani stated.

" Alright, I think I'll go with... BRAWL!"