
X-Men: Onslaught

The want to be something more, to be something bigger than yourself. Every child dream of being a hero. But for young Ian Sinclair things just don't work out that way... Or do they?

TrapcardD · Anime & Comics
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150 Chs


" Hey, we still on for tonight?" Ian asked over the phone.

" Yeah. Wanna meet me in Westchester?" Rahne replied.

" Sure, I'll meet ya there." Ian replied happily.

" Alright, I'll see ya soon. Goodbye." Rahne spoke. She hung up the phone and Ian sighed.

" All right, I've got the date. Now I just gotta make sure I don't make a complete fool of maself. Och, this is gonna be so embarrassing." Ian groaned. " I also need someone to drop me off in Westchester. Hopefully the shuttle bus will be around soon."

" Yo, Ian!" As Ian was getting ready to walk up the stairs he was suddenly stopped by the voice of Julian.

" What's up, Keller?" Ian asked.

" Look, I know we haven't always... Been the best of friends." Julian started.

" Or any kind of friend at all since you know... You knocked me over, bullied me, and broke both of my legs. But go on." Ian interrupted.

Julian rubbed the back of his neck and hung his head.

" Look, man I'm sorry about that. I get it you're still mad, and you have a reason. But I really need your help with something man. Like seriously." Julian spoke.

" What?" Ian asked.

" Well, I'm going into town with Sofia later, or we all are... The Hellions and the New Mutants. And I wanted to ask her out. Think you could... I don't know, maybe get Noriko off my back long enough for me to make a move?" Julian asked.

" Dude, I don't know what it is you did to piss Nori off so badly, but whatever it is it stays between you two, man. And besides, you don't need to worry about her. Nori's not here right now. She's with Mr. McCoy, they went to see Forge about getting her some new and more comfortable gauntlets." Ian said to Julian. " And for another thing, I've got plans of my own, and I don't want to ruin them, having to hold your hand."

" Oh, okay that makes me feel a bit better... Wait what do you mean by holding my hand, jerk?"

" I mean, you're not the brightest. I don't know why but Sofia likes you, at least I think she does. She seems to be one of the few people on the team that don't completely hate your stinking guts." Ian told the boy. " So, hey. Chin up kiddo. And give it your best shot. Worst she can do is say no right?" Ian turned and continued walking upstairs, leaving Julian behind.

Ian walked up the stairs to his room and saw Logan waiting by the door.

" What's up, Logan?" Ian asked.

" Look, I got some business, I need to take care of for a bit. Figured I'd speak to ya before I left." Logan explained.

" Yeah, what's up? You need some help?" Ian asked.

" From you, nah. But just in case, I do need ya, be ready for me to come pick you up." Logan stated.

" For what? What's going on Logan?" Ian asked.

" I'm looking for someone, and I don't know whether or not they'll let me get close to'em. If I can don't worry about it. But if not then next time, I'm bringing you with me. Got it?" Logan explained.

" Alright... That doesn't answer all of ma questions. But knowing you, you probably wouldn't tell me anyway." Ian replied.

" Good answer. I'll see ya when I get back runt. Don't have too much fun out there and make sure to keep your cell on ya, in case of emergency, give me a call." Logan spoke up before leaving Ian to go on his own journey.

" Right..." Ian muttered. He shook his head and opened the door up and stepped inside his room. " Aghhh! Alright, I've got about forty minutes before the shuttle arrives to take us into town. That gives me time to shower and change into something a little more presentable." Ian opened up his closet and stared at the slim pickings he had.

" I really need to get a chance and buy new clothes." Ian muttered. He grabbed a plain White T, a pair of blue jeans, and a black jacket, with Black Airforce 1's. " This should do, just fine." Though it's a little tight, now. Guess I have gotten bigger." Ian stated. He looked in the mirror as he tried on the jacket and examined how it fit snuggly, around him. " Yeah, but it's fine for now. If I get lucky enough to get a second date, then I'm definitely shopping for new clothes... Eh, I'll shop for new clothes anyway." Ian muttered after the fact.

He dropped the jacket and the rest of his clothes on the bed and stepped into his bathroom.

" Ahhh, the best thing about being a formal cripple, you get a bathroom all for yourself!" Ian exclaimed.

After a quick clean-up, Ian stepped out of the shower and dried off-quickly.

Ian walked back into his room and threw his towel into the dirty bin.

" Alright, twenty minutes." Ian listed off the time he had left until the shuttle bus arrived and started getting dressed.

After a few minutes, Ian finished getting ready and eventually made his way downstairs to wait for the shuttle bus.

" Whoa, Look at you. Where you going looking like that, Ian?" Sofia asked.

" Out. I need new clothes and I forgot to pick up my Cd the last time I was in city." Ian told the girl. Trying to keep his own private life, private.

" Oh, really? Well, why don't you come with us then?" Sofia asked.

" Nah, I'm not going to be out long. Or at least I'm not planning too. I might get dinner or see a movie or something. But no, you guys go and enjoy yourselves. I know Julian's been looking forward to this."

" Wait... I thought you said you had plans with." Julian started.

Ian smacked Julian on the back of his head, making him stop talking.

" Shut up, Julian." Ian whispered.

" Ouch, sorry! Jeez!" Julian replied as he rubbed his head,

" What was that?" Sofia asked.

" Oh, hey look there's the bus. We should really get going." Ian spoke in a hurry. He moved past The New Mutants and the Hellions and quickly boarded the bus with the others soon following behind him.

" Hey, you got lucky this time, mister." Sofia said to Ian as the bus departed from the school.

" Sure, sure." Ian replied nervously. Sofia seemed like a nice and sweet girl, but when she wanted something, man was she scary.

After a loud ride to the city, Ian was happy to finally get off the bus.

" Alright, Ian see you later!" Cessily shouted. She and the others walked off towards the shopping center while Ian made his way to the meeting spot he and Rahne chose.

It was a warm day, and the wind was blowing nicely for the fall season. Ian looked up to the sky, while the wind blew, and felt like he was truly free for the first time in his life. He just stood there, sitting still, soaking it all in. He could walk and fight. But more importantly, he could live.

After taking a moment to just breathe and enjoy himself he continued walking, until soon a familiar red head came into his view. Rahne was wearing a bright green top, with blue jeans and white slippers. A real eye candy and sporting a drastically different look than the one she wore when Ian met her.

" Rahne!" Ian called out to the girl who smiled and waved in response.

" Ian, it's good to see you again. You've gotten a little taller, and you look bigger too." Rahne exclaimed. She eyed Ian up and down, glossing over his body and absorbing every detail she could from what she could see beneath the tight shirt.

" Yeah, I noticed. It was hard for me to choose anything that would fit. Guess, I need to do a little shopping. But I'll worry about that later. What's say we go inside and eat?" Ian asked.

" Sure, sounds good. But a ma and pa shop?" Rahne asked.

" What? Tony's dinner is a blessing!" Ian exclaimed. He and Rahne walked into the small diner together and sat down at one of the booths.

" This place does look rather.... Homey." Rahne stated.

" I know right? The atmosphere is just welcoming. It feels like a place where I can be at peace." Ian stated.

" You've been here before?" Rahne asked.

" Yeah, just once. A few days ago, with Logan, but I'll admit this place really made a great first impression, and the owner is a real nice guy and his food, mwah!" Ian exclaimed with a chef's kiss, making Rahne laugh.

" Really? Now, I gotta see just how good this food is." Rahne replied.

" Ahh it's so good to see you again so soon young man. And you brought a friend with you today, a real beaut." The owner and cook approached the table and Greeted Ian and Rahne. He was an elderly man with receding white hair and a bushy white mustache.

" Tony. Thank you, sir. It's good to see you are well." Ian replied.

" Thank you young man. Now, what can I get for you folks?" Tony asked.

" Well, you're the expert. What do you think Ian?" Rahne asked.

" We'll get two double burgers, with a side of fries and can we also get two large strawberry shakes?" Ian asked, he eyed Rahne's face to judge whether or not he was going overboard.

" That's good, but can I get bacon on that?" Rahne asked.

" Sure, thing you two. I shall return shortly." Tony replied. He quickly left the two's table and returned to the kitchen where he began making the orders.

" I'm so pumped for this. But I should have asked for bacon too." Ian spoke up.

" I can tell, you're shaking your hands a lot. Something I should know?" Rahne asked. She eyed Ian suspiciously and Ian quickly hid his hands under the table. "Ahahaha! I'm kidding. I'm kidding." Rahne spoke up. " But seriously, how about we get to know each other a bit before the food comes out?" Rahne asked.

" Alright. That sounds good" Ian replied.

" What do you do?" Rahne asked.

" Uh, nothing currently. I'm at school right now." Ian replied. " It's nothing like your normal school, more like... A trade school I guess is the way to describe it really? It's weird." Ian explained.

" Trust me, I know a little something about weird." Rahne replied.

" Heh! really? What about yourself? Do you have a job?" Ian asked.

" No, not right now. I'm actually working on trying to get a job at a place I used to live, but I've been having some troubles recently that have pushed my plans back a little." Rahne explained. " Wait, so if you're not working and I'm not, how are we going to pay for this?" Rahne asked.

" Hahaha! Don't worry, I wouldn't ask you out without a way to pay, I have money Rahne." Ian replied.

" Yeah?" She asked.

" Yeah, when I was younger and even now, I uh fixed up computers and other gadgets for others. I even got a decent job at a tech store, which helped me pay for my medical bills." Ian explained.

" Oh no, are you sick?" Rahne asked in concern.

" I was, when I was younger. I was really sick." Ian replied.

" What was it? If ye don't mind me asking? I mean if ye don't want ta talk about it, it's fine." Rahne asked. Her accent bleeding through her nervousness.

" Heh! It's fine." Ian replied. " Uh, I had a disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Brittle bone disease." Ian told the woman.

" Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. It must have been hard growing up like that." Rahne replied.

" It was. It was harder than anything I've ever had to experience. I had to grow in a world full of so many different wonders, running, biking, hiking, swimming, sports, games like hide and seek and tag, all of it was forever out of my reach." Ian told the woman. " I don't even have a learners permit or a driver's license. I couldn't drive, even attempting would break my legs and I could kill someone... I was a prisoner in my own body, a bird trapped eternally in a cage forced to watch as the world passed me by, unable to even spread my wings." Ian hung his head and felt the bad memories of his past come flooding back towards him and his eyes tarted watering.

Rahne on the other hand, felt a hurting pain in her heart.

' Poetry, from a man so young. Such beautiful words, filled with so much pain. I know it well maself.' Rahne thought to herself.

Ian lifted his head and wiped away the tears.

" Did ya anyone ta talk too?" Rahne asked.

" Not really. The kids at school bullied me anyway they could. When they weren't making fun of my canes, or my small and fragile body, they were making fun of the way I talked/ It got so bad I eventually started talking like this all the time, instead of talkin like this." Ian spoke. He switched from his American accent back to his normal accent for just a moment. " They made fun of me just because I was different."

" I know how ye feel. I used tae talk like this all the time and I dinnae care who dinnae like it." Rahne stated. " But as I moved around and I had to work and speak with others, I had to lose the accent just so people could understand me." Rahne explained. " It felt like I was an outcast from the world."

" I'm sorry you had to go through that, Rahne. No one deserves to be forced to do something they don't want." Ian spoke. " If ye want, we can jus talk like this if ye perfer it." Ian told the girl.

Rahne smiled and nodded her head.

" Thank ye. Aye appreciate it. It's hard meeting people who dinnae care fer how Ah speak." Rahne stated.

" I know right?" Ian asked. " I mean who would prefer to speak so boring like this all the time? Huh? Or maybe they'd prefer it if ah talked a little something like dis eh?" Ian spoke, doing his best to mimic a Brooklyn accent.

Rahne giggled and Ian continued on.

" I mean look at me huh? I'm a walkin here! Or maybe I canna talka like dis ah! Look da pizza!" Ian exclaimed.

" What pizza?" Rahne asked through her fit of laughter.

" Or mayyyybe Ah should talk like this!!!!" Ian exclaimed, doing his best to mimic a southern accent.

" Where'd ye learn ta do tha'?" Rahne asked.

" I had a lot a free time when I was a lad. Somethin, like this is easy now." Ian explained.

"Can ye teach ma how tae do tha too?" Rahne asked.

" Sure, if I have enough time." Ian replied.

Rahne was just about to say something when the door to the kitchen opened up and Tony came out with their food.

" I hope I'm not interrupting. But your food... Is ready!" Tony exclaimed as he placed the two baskets of food down in front of Ian and Rahne.

" Tony! Just in time." Ian exclaimed.

" Yeah, this smells amazin." Rahne stated.

" Well, thank you young lady. Enjoy you two, I shall return with your shakes once you're finished." Tony spoke. He bowed to the two and then quickly returned to the counter.

Ian watched as Rahne picked up her burger and took a rather large bite from it. " Och, My lord. Forgive me, but this is amazin. I dinnae think I've ev'r had anythin' like it." Rahne exclaimed.

" Hahahaha! I'm glad ye like it." Ian spoke. " You know yuir really beautiful Rahne." Ian suddenly spoke.

Rahne was caught off guard by Ian and blushed.

" Thank ye. hehehehe!" Rahne started laughing nervously. * SNORT! " HUhhhH!" Rahne gasped when she heard the weird noise escape, her mouth.

Ian leaned closer towards Rahne and started smiling, making Rahne even more embarrassed.

" Och dear." Rahne raised her hands and covered her face.

" Heeeey. No don't hide your face, that was... that was amazin. Tha' was beautiful." Ian stated, he leaned closer to Rahne and tried to see over her hands.

" Nae it was not." Rahne replied.

" Yeah, it was. I've never heard someone snort that loud." Ian said to the girl. He grabbed her hands and slowly lowered them from her face. She was beat red in the face and Ian had to fight back the urge to laugh, less he force her to cover back up. " All I see is one beautiful, lady."

" Och, yuir jus sayin tha'" Rahne replied.

" No, I'm not. That was amazin. A really beautiful thin' ta see." Ian told the girl.

" Thank ye." Rahne replied.

" And a beautiful miss piggy." Ian slid in a quick jab at the woman.

" Heeeey!" Rahne frowned and leaned over the table and punched Ian in his arm and grabbed a handful of his fries and ate them.

" HEY!" Ian exclaimed as he rubbed his arm.

Rahne sank down in her seat and pouted.

" Hehahahaha!" Ian started laughing loudly.

Rahne watched him laugh and slowly her face started to control until she was laughing along with him.

" What do you say we stop beatin each other up and try to enjoy this meal?" Ian asked.

" Tha' sounds like an amazin idea." Rahne replied.

Ian and Rahne both laughed again and then started eating their food, while it was still warm.

" So, Rahne... I never asked. Where are ye from?" Ian asked.

" Och, I was born in Ullapool, Scotland. Do ye know where tha is?" Rahne asked

" Och, yeah. I was born in ma mothers' homeland in Ireland, but I heard from ma father that he came from Scottland. He always said our ancestors were proud Mclarens." Ian told the woman.

" Maclarens? Well, I'll nae hold it against ye." Rahne said to Ian with a grin on her face.

For Ian this smile was more beautiful than any other she'd shown him. For onesimple reason, she seemed to have finally loosened up, and was genuinely smiling from the bottom of her heart, and Ian couldn't help but stare at her.

" Is tha' a bad thing? I dinnae know much about the Maclarens. Only tha dad said we never killed anyone tha didn't deserve it." Ian replied.

" Aye, but I dinnae think the English will agree wit ye!' Rahne laughed

" Okay, now ye really will have ta tell me about it." Ian stated, he was intrigued. He wondered what the Maclaren's could have done to warrant such a bad reputation.

By now the two were truly having a good time and the sun was rapidly setting. Which meant it was time for the evening to come to an end.

" Ahhh, I feel fat." Ian exclaimed.

" But ye look so wonderful." Rahne replied.

" Wha?" Ian asked.

" Nothing!" Rahne quickly covered up her embarrassed face with her hands. " Och, the sun's gone down." Rahne stated.

Ian looked out of the window of the restaurant and noticed that it was indeed sundown.

" Guess, maybe we should call it for the evening. I'ma go pay for the food, and we'll get out of here." Ian told the woman. Ian got up from his seat and walked over to the counter where he quickly paid Tony for the meal. Once he was done, he returned to Rahne.

" Alright, we're good ta go. Are ye ready?" Ian asked.

" Aye." Rahne replied.

Ian held his hand out for Rahne. Rahne happily took it and Ian took note to how soft yet strong her hands felt.

" See ya Tony!" Ian shouted.

" Take care you two. You know it's nice to see young couples like you come by. Really makes my heartbeat seeing young love still exists, and a perfect gentleman." Tony stated.

' Aye, he's been the perfect gentleman, truly a wonderful person.' Rahne thought to herself. She looked at Ian's smile and started smiling herself.

"Remember Ian, Chivalry only dies when we allow it." Tony explained.

" Aye sir!" Ian replied. He waved to Tony one more time and then opened the door for Rahne and the two walked out of the restaraunt.

" Okay, so which way?" Ian asked.

" Which way what?" Rahne asked.

" Well, your place. I'm gonna walk ye home." Ian told the girl.

" Och, no. Ye dinnae need tae do tha'" Rahne replied.

" Rahne, I dinnae have tae. I want tae." Ian replied. " I've had such a wonderful day and I want tae make sure ye get home safe." Ian told the woman.

" Och, okey." Rahne replied she smiled, and Ian offered her his arm to hold.

Rahne linked arms with Ian and the two started walking away from the dinner together.

" I dinnae live far from here. So, it should nae be that long." Rahne spoke.

" It's fine. The longer I get to spend with ye the better." Ian told the woman.

Rahne giggled and leaned into Ian's arm as they walked, however the wind soon started picking up and Ian noticed that Rahne was beginning to shake.

" Hold up one moment." Ian spoke. He unlinked his arm from Rahne and took his coat off and placed it around her shoulders. " There we go. Tha' should keep ye warm." Ian spoke.

" Och, Ian. What about yuirself? Aren' you cold?" Rahne asked.

" No, I'm perfectly fine." Ian replied. He was no stranger to cold, himself. When he was smaller, he got cold all the time, so eventually he got used to it. " Ye just focus on stayin warm. I've survived worse." Ian spoke. " I mean look at me now. I went from not being able to walk to well, being able to do that and so much more." Ian explained.

" Aye, it is truly a miracle indeed. And because of tha' miracle we can share this moment now." Rahne spoke.

" Yes, we can." Ian replied. He and Rahne continued their walk, taking their time to enjoy each other's company, but even at the pace they were going, all the fun soon had to end.

Rahn and Ian stopped just at the front of Rahne's apartment, Ian had walked her all the way up the stairs and to her front door and for Rahne that spoke so many volumes.

" Well, I guess this is where we part ways. I had a really great time today, Ian. I'm looking forward tae next time." Rahne spoke.

" So, there will be a next time?" Ian asked.

" If ye still want me. And aren' upset about me being a little piggy." Rahne joked.

" Well, I just happen to like miss piggy. So, that sounds like a date." Ian spoke.

Rahne smiled and hugged Ian tightly.

Ian relished this feeling, taking in her calming scent.

" Have a goodnight, Ian. And call me when ye get home. Okay? Just ta make sure ye get home safe." Rahne spoke.

" Of course, have a goodnight, Rahne." Ian hugged Rahne and she hugged him back, he then separated from her with a smile and started walking down the stairs of the apartment complex.

Once he was outside, all of the joy hit Ian at once.

" YAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOO!" Ian shouted to the top of his lungs. He jumped up into the air and clapped his feet together and started walking back towards the meeting spot, where the shuttle would pick the students all up.

Meanwhile Rahne watched him with a smile on her face, while holding onto the jacket he accidentally left with her.

A little while later.

" Hey, sorry I'm late guys. I got lost!" Ian exclaimed as he climbed onto the shuttle bus.

" Where the hell have you been man?! We've been ready to leave for a while now!" Julian exclaimed. He seemed a little salty.

' I guess his plan didn't go as... well planned.' Ian thought to himself. He shrugged off Julian's saltiness and plopped down behind Sofia on the Shuttle.

" Have a good time, Ian?" Sofia asked. She watched him as he stared out the window and smiled.

" The best." Ian replied.

Sofia smiled and started giggling, finally drawing Ian's full attention.

" What?" Ian asked.

" So, didn't you have a jacket?" Sofia asked.

" Huh?!" Ian jumped up and looked down at his white t and realized that he left his jacket with Rahne. " DAMN IT!" Ian cursed.