
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

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58 Chs

Side Chapter: The Boy Who Became a Monster

 Alpha stood in the upper hall of the Sanatorium, gazing out of the window as memories from his past flooded his mind. Before he was Alpha, he was Alessandro DiPietro, a boy from noble blood.



Alessandro DiPietro was born into the DiPietro family, known for its aristocratic lineage. At the age of 8, Alessandro began to question his purpose in the world.



"Why am I here?" he pondered aloud. "Is my only role to serve royal decrees and engage in tedious tasks that hold me back?"



He looked up at the sky defiantly. "No. I want control. I want power."



At the tender age of 8, Alessandro stumbled upon slasher and gory movies. Among them, the "Wrong Turn" series captivated him the most.



He observed Three Finger and his brothers reveling in their gruesome acts of violence and dominance over their victims.



"How can they be so carefree and powerful?" Alessandro mused. "I want to be like them. They exude power as they watch their victims squirm in fear and helplessness."



As a young child, Alessandro's fascination with "Wrong Turn" ignited a desire for power and control.

And Alessandro's favorite character was the Joker, whom he saw as the embodiment of freedom, power, and control over one's fate. He admired the Joker's chaotic nature and his ability to defy societal norms without fear of consequences. To Alessandro, the Joker represented everything he aspired to be - unconstrained by rules, unafraid to inflict pain, and driven by a thirst for dominance.



Then by the time he was 9, Alessandro's innocent curiosity had turned into something darker. He took pleasure in crushing bugs underfoot, laughing maniacally as he felt a fleeting sense of dominance and control.



"See this?" he would declare triumphantly. "This is what power feels like."



By the age of 15, Alessandro was in Heaven's Love Orphanage.



In a secret basement of Heaven's Love Orphanage, many children were imprisoned. They trembled in fear as they endured unspeakable horrors inflicted by Alessandro.



Alessandro's lips twisted into a smirk as he watched their fear. The captives in the basement were aged between 10 and 20 years old, but to him, they were merely subjects for his experiments.



In secrecy, Alessandro conducted his sickening experiments on these helpless orphans. Only the orphanage principal knew of his actions, paid off to keep silent.



To those outside the orphanage, Alessandro seemed like a generous supporter, helping out with donations and appearing to care for the welfare of the children. However, unbeknownst to everyone else, behind closed doors, Alessandro was committing terrible crimes. He took pleasure in instilling fear and causing suffering among the orphaned children, using them for his twisted experiments and enjoying their terror.



Meanwhile, King Alexander DiPietro knew what his son Alessandro was doing, but he didn't want anyone else to know about his crimes because he loved his son deeply, seeing Alessandro as a treasure reminiscent of his late wife, Sandra DiPietro.



Despite having a second wife, King Alexander remained obsessed with his late wife Sandra, viewing Alessandro as his most beloved.



His younger son, 13-year-old Joseph DiPietro, asked, "Father, where is brother Aless?"



King Alexander replied, "Your brother is at the orphanage, helping to support them. That's how kind he is."

Unaware of the truth, Joseph nodded, saying, "Ah... Okay." He planned to visit the orphanage soon to see his brother, but for now, he focused on fulfilling his royal duties, with much on his mind.


Four years passed. Alessandro, now 19 years old, continued his cruel acts against the orphanage children, torturing and mutilating them.



A 10-year-old boy, bound to an electric chair, looked at Alessandro in terror. "Please... don't kill me."



Alessandro smiled sinisterly and replied, "That depends on how much you can endure." He activated the electric chair, causing the boy to scream in agony.

"Scream more!" Alessandro taunted. "Scream in pain and agony!" He laughed maniacally as the basement filled with the desperate cries of the orphaned children. Despite their screams echoing through the basement, no one above ground could hear them.



After satisfying his twisted desires, Alessandro emerged from the basement and was approached by the principal, Jon Smith.



"Sir, not good," Jon said nervously. "Your brother is waiting outside."

Alessandro's face twisted in anger as he punched Jon, causing the principal to stumble. "I've told you countless times not to mention my presence while I'm in the basement. Tell them I wasn't there!"

"I-I'm sorry, sir," Jon stammered, visibly shaken.

Alessandro sighed heavily. "Let's go." He stared into Jon's eyes. "Act like nothing happened. Understand?"

Jon nodded quickly. "Got it, sir."


As Alessandro approached his brother outside, he maintained an innocent demeanor.

"Brother," he said softly.

Joseph greeted him warmly, "Brother Aless."

Alessandro asked, "How may I help you? Why have you come to the orphanage?"

"I just wanted to visit you. I heard you were here at the orphanage, so I thought I'd come see you," Joseph replied.



Alessandro seemed puzzled, "You could have visited me at home like you always do."



Joseph explained, "Things have changed over the years... I wanted to mix things up a bit."



Alessandro smiled faintly and said, "Is that so? Alright, but don't change things too much. You never know what might happen."



Joseph smiled back, reassured that his brother was looking out for him. He didn't know that it has a double meaning

"Okay, Brother."

And now, years have passed; it is 2023.

Alessandro, now 24 years old and the crown prince, continued his dark activities in the orphanage basement, where he conducted gruesome experiments and inflicted torture on children for his own twisted desires.



One fateful day, while Alessandro was engrossed in his cruel activities, the basement door suddenly swung open.



A swarm of FBI agents burst in, shouting, "Put your hands up!"

Alessandro gritted his teeth in frustration as he realized he had been caught. Among the agents, he spotted his brother Joseph and Principal Jon.



Prince Joseph stared at Alessandro in disbelief, seeing him as a monster. "Brother Aless, is it true? Tell me it's not true! You're just being framed, right? You're not the mastermind!"



Alessandro sighed and then chuckled softly. "You're quite the comedian."



"What do you mean?" Joseph demanded, his voice trembling.



"I am the one behind all of this," Alessandro confessed, smirking at them. "I am the mastermind."



"Why, brother? If father finds out, he'll be devastated!" Joseph pleaded.



Alessandro laughed again, a manic sound filling the room. "Do you really think Father doesn't know about my actions?"



"What are you saying?" Joseph asked, confusion and horror creeping into his voice.


Alessandro's smirk widened. "Why do you think I was never caught until that traitor ratted me out?" He glared at Principal Jon accusingly.



"No, no, no... I can't believe it," Joseph muttered, trying to process the revelation.



Alessandro continued, his laughter turning more sinister. "That's right. It was Father... Father who covered up everything I did because he loves me soo much that he doesn't want to lose me."



"What?" Joseph exclaimed, stunned.



Before Joseph could fully comprehend the gravity of his brother's words, Alessandro swiftly drew a gun from his pocket.



The FBI agents yelled, "I said freeze!"



Ignoring their commands, Alessandro focused on Joseph. "Goodbye, brother."



In an instant, Alessandro took his own life.


"No, brother!" Joseph cried out in anguish, but it was too late. Alessandro's lifeless body lay on the cold basement floor, a haunting reminder of the brother he once knew.



Joseph fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face. "Why, Alessandro? Why did it have to end this way?" he whispered, his heart heavy with sorrow and confusion.



The FBI agents moved in, securing the scene and taking statements, but Joseph felt numb to it all. He couldn't comprehend how his brother, the person he had looked up to for so long, could have committed such atrocities.



Principal Jon approached him cautiously. "Prince Joseph, we need to get you out of here."



Joseph nodded mechanically, allowing himself to be guided away from the horrific scene. His mind was a whirlwind of memories and emotions, trying to reconcile the loving brother he once knew with the monster Alessandro had become.



As they stepped outside, the harsh reality of the situation began to sink in. Reporters and onlookers gathered, eager for a glimpse of the royal scandal. Joseph ignored them, his thoughts solely focused on his father and the revelation that he might have known about Alessandro's crimes.



"Father... did you know?" he muttered to himself, the question echoing in his mind.



Back at the palace, Joseph confronted King Alexander. "Father, did you know about Alessandro's actions? Did you help him hide his crimes?"



King Alexander's face turned pale, a mix of grief and shame. "Joseph, it's complicated..."



"Complicated?" Joseph shouted, anger boiling over. "Our brother tortured and killed innocent children! How could you possibly justify that?"



Tears welled in King Alexander's eyes. "I loved him, Joseph. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him, not after losing your mother. I thought I could protect him, save him from himself, but I failed."



Joseph's anger softened into sorrow. "You didn't just fail, Father. You allowed countless innocents to suffer. Our family name is tarnished because of this."



The room fell into a heavy silence as the weight of their shared guilt and grief hung in the air. Joseph knew that their lives would never be the same, and he was left to pick up the pieces of a shattered legacy.



After Alessandro's death, he suddenly found himself in a strange room, surrounded by scientists conducting experiments.

"A subject name [Alpha] is awake," a woman scientist announced.



Realizing he was in a strange room, Alessandro's confusion deepened


After a moment of realization that's when Alessandro knew that he was no longer in his own world.

And the rest is history: he escaped the room, discovered his regeneration abilities, and killed all the scientists who experimented on him. It was there that he found the true freedom he sought.



The end of Side chapter