
World Without Emmanuel By Emmy Spark

"Hehehehehehe," Sean laughed and decapitated the Ravenger. He dashed to the rest and began stabbing them one after the other fatally. He threw his sword at a Ravenger, impaling it in the wall. Another Ravenger dashed to him from behind and he stabbed his sword into it's eyes, twisting it until it's eyes fell off. He pressed some commands on the watch and it began playing music. It played a song by Pop Smoke called, "Wolves ft NAV". Music gave him utmost concentration in almost everything. The general threw three daggers at three Ravengers, impaling them on the ground. He punched a Ravenger so hard, the impact sent it crashing into a dead soldiers sword, impaling it on it. "Kill the fucking Ravengers nigga, all of em nigga, don't fuck around nigga," Sean stabbed a Ravenger on its belly, spilling its rotten intestines. He stretched his hand and his second sword was immediately attracted to his palm and he used it to decapitate the head of another Ravenger. 4MINS Later "We did it," the whole camp shouted as they managed to defeat the Ravengers with only 5 dead ninjas. They shouted as they danced happily. Suddenly, the Ravenger proximity alarm started ringing and they immediately prepared themselves for another battle. "What the fuck's happening," a large Ravenger with large muscles stepped out of the broken gates of the camp and the ninjas stepped back. This was a rare specie of Ravengers and were very resistant to conventional weapons. "Don't just stand there, attack," the general commanded and the ninjas attacked in unison. Two ninjas strikes their swords at the Ravenger but it shattered on impact as if they were glass shards. The Ravenger grabbed them and swallowed them as blood dripped from its mouth. "Restrain," the general shouted and they immediately removed ropes from hidden compartments in the camp and speedily tied the Ravenger who was significantly slower than the regular Ravenger. Different ropes were tied on it as the general walked slowly towards it with his sword unsheathed. He slashed the Ravenger with share strength but his sword just shattered as expected. "He's breaking free," one of the ninja's said as they tried to hold the Ravenger down. The general tried to stab it with a green metal but the Ravenger stood up, sending the ninjas flying into different directions. The Ravenger grabbed the general despite his struggling. "Dad," Sean screamed and leapt at the ravenger, stabbing his sword into its eyes, penetrating it. The Ravenger snapped the general's bones into shards before leaving him as it charged to Sean who stood transfixed at a spot looking at his father's untimely death. The Ravenger kept coming but was stopped by a ninja Who tried to push it away. The Ravenger simply slapped him away, sending him crashing down the waterfall. Sean then pulled out of his troubled mind as he heard the screams of the ninja Who sacrificed himself for him. Sean leapt away from the claws of the Ravenger and ran towards his father's body to pick the green metal which was lying on the floor. He looked at his dad for some seconds before facing the Ravenger who was charging at him and the waterfall behind him. "For the lin qui," Sean whispered and walked backwards until his foot touched the end of the Mountain. The unsuspecting Ravenger bulldozed him and the force pushed both itself and Sean into the water fall. As they went down, Sean stabbed the Ravenger with the green metal and it surprisingly penetrated it, earning a very loud growl from the Ravenger who slashed his face with its claws. Sean was on top of the Ravenger as they kept going down. Be stabbed the Ravenger again and they landed on a large rock. Sean felt the force but was protected by the dead body of the Ravenger. He rolled away from it (not after removing the metal) and swam to the shore as he breathed heavily. ********TO BE CONTINUED******** Emmy Spark Out. What do u think?

Emmy_Spark · Khoa huyễn
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8 Chs

World Without Emmanuel Chapter 7

"Wooooooow," the crowd screamed in excitement as Jao Ming went full phantom.

Jao Ming's Phantom form was called the indestructo defense. It was based mainly on full body defense but Phantoms who cultivated the form could be defense and attack oriented by indestructo at phase 2. Jao Ming was currently at phase 1 and only used his natural muscle build and strength which was enhanced a little when not in Phantom Form.

"Fuck off," Jao said in his now deep baritone voice as he dashed towards Sean with speed which seemed unlikely for a guy his size.

Sean kept looking at the Phase 1 Phantom keenly as he tried to pin point where Jao was subconsciously protecting. Normally, every creature has a weakness, and this weakness(if known to the creature) would always be protect_8ed by the creature either consciously or unconsciously.

After looking at the charging Jao for a while, he didn't see any weak spots and proceeded to fight Jao until he found a flaw to exploit. Of course, if he got hit, he would heal almost instantly.


"Fuck," Jao Ming frowned as Sean simply moved away calmly and if fighting with an inferior opponent. This only provoked Jao Ming the more as he dashed towards Sean again with boiling anger.

Sean also dashed to him at a controllable pace and the two "Phantoms" clashed.


Jao tried to punch Sean right in the face with his Phase 1 Phantom indestructo fist but Sean was faster to react as he swerved in the opposite direction and leapt up above Jao.


Sean held the imbalanced Jao's head as gravity pushed him down. With Jao's held tightly clutched on his hand, the combined weight brought him faster to the ground.


Jao's head made a high pitched noise like metal as it hits the hard floor hard.


"I don't believe it"

"How did he get Pulveriser to ground"

I don't fucking know"

The crowd roared in excitement as it was the first time Jao had touched the floor when in Phantom Form. Even Precious was surprised as she couldn't believe it with her two eyes. Jao Ming, otherwise known as Pulveriser, was sent to the ground by a first timer.

Sean walked to Jao calmly with a straight face as he bent down to meet his eyes which were filled with blood lust.

"Do you forfeit?" Sean asked the question everyone wanted to know the answer to.

"Never," Jao stood up swiftly and grabbed Sean who was a bit too slow to react and smashed him on the floor like he was some rag doll.




Jao kept smashing Sean on the floor so hard, blood began to flow everywhere in the ring.

Jao threw Sean some distance away and took some steps backwards.

Immediately, some girls started crying for Sean, even Precious was getting angry.

What Jao Ming was trying to do was his signature move, "Pulverise". It was a career destroying move which once completed would render the target or in this case, the victim enter a coma for a long time. Coupled with the coma which was not the worst, their muscles in their legs and hands would be "Pulveriser" and thus was where the real deal was. Once the victims muscles where Pulverised, their fighting career would undoubtedly end.

This was exactly what Jao Ming wanted to do ☠️.

Jao bent really low and dashed to Sean with killing intent, as he's metal skin shown brightly as if just polished.

Sean had just finished healing and allowed his energy level to become as high as any human could reach.

Just when Jao was about to land and shatter Sean's muscles, Sean stood up with burning hatred for the monster in front of him.


Everyone gasped as they thought Sean was already barely alive from the smashing done to him by Jao Ming but he survived unscathed.

"Ahhhhhhhh," Jao yelled as he kept running towards Sean with his eyes glowing in rage.

Sean just dived to another direction and kept rolling and dodging Jao Ming's strikes as his metal arm kept hitting the ground few centimeters from Sean.

"I'm enjoying this," Jao Ming smiled as he finally found a worthy opponent. Jao Ming was actually just a war Maniac. A fighter from childhood who always wanted a good show.

"Me too," Sean spoke as he rolled some distance away like a rolling pin.


Jao Ming was still hitting the floor as he ran towards Sean who kept rolling like his life depended on it(which it did).

Suddenly, Sean leapt up straight and punched Jao Ming so hard, the force sent him some meters away.


Jao Ming spit out darkened blood as he deactivated his Phantom Form unwilling.

Every Phantom Form has a time limit based on the fitness and the phase of it's user. Sean is not necessarily a Phantom (for now) and so can keep using his powers for as long as needed. Deactivating a person's Phantom Form doesn't mean the person is now a pure human. For some Phantoms, they still have their powers but in a weakened state. Phantoms like Jao whose Powers where mainly based on strength/defense would always be able to tap into their power without transforming.

"Crack," Jao sent a punch on Sean's head and he was immediately sent crashing on the forcefield with blood gushing out if his ears,eyes and mouth.

Jao Ming ran towards him with the faith of finally defeating him


Sean picked his sword which lay on the floor since and stabbed it straight through Jao's chest.

"Ahhhhhhhh," Jao Ming screamed as the sword pierced right through him and burst out from his back.

Jao's eye's were moving speedily before he fell down, Defeated.


"I can't believe it"

"Pulveriser is Dead"


"That Dude can fight"

The crowd cheered as the Force Field was disabled.

"We have a winner....... Sean Roberts," the announcer announced at and the crowd screamed in joy as Sean was surrounded by fans in no time. Medical Practitioners rushed into the blood Field ring and took Jao who was still breathing unto a stretcher which rolled to a ward.