
World Dream Experiment

Mashiro Hiro suddenly found himself in another world with his classmates. Not only that, the world is the world of the VRMMORPG Omnipossibilia. And since he's the main character, he gets to be the OP Hero. Unfortunately, he's in a world filled with overpowered people, some even stronger than him. His mission to save Gaia won't be easy. Lumiere D. Hyacinth, named after his father's childhood hero from some storybook he read, had always wanted to be a pirate, mostly because his father told him that pirates are the embodiment of freedom and fun. Follow his misadventures as he meets new friends and experiences. Updated every two days at least. Hopefully, daily. Cover sucks. I know. I am sorry for my lack of artistic talent. This will only be continued until the end of WFP. Please check out the full version here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/world-dream_18424750706767605

Blue_Crow · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Mashiro Hiro - Act 2.05: The Fight For Bonjouraux Continues! Hiro Vs Porthos & Athos! Athos' Big Reveal!

Maiko felt her arms aching as she blasted Glitch after Glitch with her fists. At that moment, as she fought for her life, she thought, "I am going to kill that cocky prince when I'm done with this" and "I better thank Yuko for teaching me martial arts when Dad and Mom aren't around. I will give him a BIG hug once I get back to my home."

Maiko heard a Glitch behind her, but before she could punch it into oblivion, her worst-case scenario played. "Damn! My muscles cramped!" Maiko screamed in her mind, "This is all Luge's fault for leaving me to deal with all of this! I am going to haunt him when I'm dead!"

The Glitch prepared to chomp on Maiko's head when suddenly, it gave a squeal of pain before a dying whimper. "Hello!" Luge greeted the downed Maiko as he pulled his rapier out of the Glitch's corpse, "Miss me!?"

"Yeah! Now do all my work! My muscles cramped!"

"Well, that's not good. That's why you have to stretch first!"

"I DID! IT'S BECAUSE YOU FUCKING LEFT ME TO DIE HERE!" Maiko was about to punch Luge's face into oblivion when her muscles cramped again.

"I'm sorry. Now, go rest there," Luge pointed at the debris away from the fight, "I'll back you."

"You better. First..." Maiko reached out her hand, "Can you carry me there? My leg muscles cramped too."

"Damn you..." Luge sliced another Glitch before swinging Maiko over his back.

"What the hell do you think I am!? An explorer backpack!?"

"Want me to drop you?"

"No... please..."

Luge placed Maiko on the debris and began massaging her muscles.

"EH!? WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? YOU PERVERT!" Maiko slammed her dirt-covered shoe on Luge's face.

"No. I am just massaging your muscles. Now, put that foot somewhere else!" Luge pushed down Maiko's shoes to the ground.


Luge slashed the Glitch behind him before continuing massaging. Maiko peered at the battle; the soldiers were now doing fine thanks to Maiko's red hair luring all of the Glitches to her (although she didn't know that) and the fact that she obliterated all of them until she got cramps. However, she couldn't find a specific pervert... "Where's Hiro?"

"Fighting over there," Luge pointed behind her, "There are some humanoid Glitches there."

"Isn't that dangerous!? Why aren't you there helping him!?"

"'Cause I have to massage my mistress' leg and arm muscles..."

"Don't you dare call me a mistress..." Maiko placed her foot on Luge's face once more.

"Yeah yeah. I won't. And also... Hiro said he wanted to deal with it himself."

"That idiot..."

"Don't worry, he'll win. Well, if he did lose, he would probably have dealt at least a lot of damage to them, so there's no need to worry."

"But they'll kill him..."

"Hiro won't die just from a few stabs. He can cast god-tier healing magic. Well, only once since he didn't have the Orb with him, but still pretty decent..."

Maiko peered behind her. "Hiro, you better live or I will kill you..."


==== Meanwhile... ====

BOOM! A bunch of small debris flew in the air as Hiro jumped back from the explosion and blocked a rapier just in time with an ice sword and dodged another. Hiro panted as he dodged and blocked the jabs and slashes from the enemy duo. Suddenly... SLICK! Hiro suddenly felt a slight pain in his left abdomen and jumped back further, his enemies in front of him. His left hand was placed over where the pain was and came out, repainted with a scarlet-red paint.

"Hmmmm..." Porthos spoke while scratching his mustache, "You are pretty fast. However... you seem to be lacking stamina from previous fights. You're quite suicidal to attempt taking on us alone..."

"Shut up..." Hiro's left hand filled with a green light and his wound began to disappear, "I can do this... After all... I am supposed to be an overpowered hero..."

"Overpowered...? How interesting...? That word was quite often used to describe many people..." Porthos' tone suddenly turned low, "Especially The Devil. He's a monster."

Hiro's eyes suddenly widened. "You met him before...? The Devil...?"

"No. Of course not. But we Glitches share a hive mind so we could definitely feel what it was like to face The Devil and his crew," Porthos suddenly shivered, "To think that ten million Glitches along with 100,000 humanoids like us were killed in an instant... by one man too..."

"He's that strong!?" Hiro thought to himself as he gritted his teeth, "If I am overpowered, then what is he!?"

"Why do you want to know?" Porthos suddenly questioned Hiro.

"What happened to the fight?"

"I prefer: talk first, fight later. So... answer my question..."

Hiro was reluctant at first, but after a few drops of sweat dripped onto the ground, he decided to tell them. "He's my enemy."

"My... You made quite an enemy. A tip for you..." Porthos continued the conversation, "Do. Not. Mess. With. Him. You're just an ant and he's a god. That's my comparison..."

"A god, huh? And I am just an ant!? Bullshit! No one could be that strong!"

"Yes... but his pirate crew was well known for doing the impossible, so it is of no surprise," Porthos dismissed Hiro's opinion as he and Athos raised their swords once more, "Now... let us continue our fight, shall we?"

"Yeah... we shall..." Hiro began chanting, "Dark Magic: Despair Aura."

A cloud of black aura covered Hiro and he charged at them. "I will beat you... then that Devil!"

"Idiot... You won't be able to even touch him..." Porthos also began charging along with Athos.

And the battle began once more...

Porthos and Athos dodged Hiro's blows effortlessly and began slashing, only to be blocked by the aura. Hiro smiled as he tried again. "Damn, he really is overpowered. That aura was as hard as steel," Porthos analyzed, "Well, if it was that monster instead of that cocky boy, we would have already been dead."

"HAH!" Hiro punched the ground, cracking it, while Porthos and Athos jumped into the air.

"Got you," Hiro rushed towards Athos.

"That boy! ATHOS!" Porthos warned his comrade.

"Too late!" Athos' face watched in shock as Hiro smashed him down with a kick.

The ground underneath Athos cracked open from the shock. "Athos!" Porthos landed and begin to rush towards Hiro, however, it was too late.

Athos stood up, giving an opening to a certain spot... "You're finished!" Hiro announced as he swung his leg right at the center of that spot, "Ball Buster!"



"Was that..." Everyone stood still...


"A woman's voice?" Hiro finished his question.


"Now that I think of it..." Hiro voiced his thoughts, "I don't feel any balls..."

Hiro and Porthos stared at a red Athos who pushed Hiro's raised foot down before... smashing his balls with a quick snap-kick. (now replay that in slow-motion). "Ah... I see a light... Wait for me... Hahaha..." Hiro was down from the shock...

Porthos was silent and once again, he stared at Athos... "Oh... you have... pretty strong balls..." Porthos nodded in awkwardness, "Yeah..."

A few minutes later, a pissed off Athos was standing over Porthos whose mouth was foaming. Athos then began to take off his/her clothing, revealing bandages wrapped around her chest. "You... bitch..." Hiro stood up, only for his eyes to be greeted by a wondrous, glorious sight.

"Oh my..." Hiro's nose suddenly spurted out blood and Hiro was once again... down for the count. Athos was filled with utter confusion on what just happened.

She looked back in front of her, only to see Porthos awake with sparkling eyes and a bleeding nose. "Nice body," he gave a thumbs-up and a smile.

Athos screamed and started filling him with holes with her rapier while repeating the word 'Die'. She eventually stopped and was filled with shame. "Men..." Athos finally spoke her first word, "To think they could die from seeing a woman's naked body... Well... none of my business..." (trying to lie about the situation to herself)

Athos finally put on the clothing she had discarded over her now unwrapped body. She picked up her hat and brushed it off before putting it on her head. "Really is hard pretending to be a man..."

Athos began walking along the path that leads to the battle. Suddenly... "Damn... my chest hurts. Shouldn't have wrapped my chest that tightly..."

(Although Porthos was now out of the picture, Hiro was down for the count from Athos who was actually a female! Not to mention, she was approaching the battle. How will Luge and Maiko deal with this new threat!?)

======= TO BE CONTINUED =======

Okay, I'm back. Man, yesterday's diarrhea was scary...

Blue_Crowcreators' thoughts