
World Dream Experiment

Mashiro Hiro suddenly found himself in another world with his classmates. Not only that, the world is the world of the VRMMORPG Omnipossibilia. And since he's the main character, he gets to be the OP Hero. Unfortunately, he's in a world filled with overpowered people, some even stronger than him. His mission to save Gaia won't be easy. Lumiere D. Hyacinth, named after his father's childhood hero from some storybook he read, had always wanted to be a pirate, mostly because his father told him that pirates are the embodiment of freedom and fun. Follow his misadventures as he meets new friends and experiences. Updated every two days at least. Hopefully, daily. Cover sucks. I know. I am sorry for my lack of artistic talent. This will only be continued until the end of WFP. Please check out the full version here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/world-dream_18424750706767605

Blue_Crow · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Mashiro Hiro - Act 2.04: A Humanoid Glitch Appears! Along With Its Family Jewels!

---- Previously on World Dream (I am doing this 'cause the previous chapter is in another perspective)

While Luge was busy being mushy all of a sudden in the midst of battle, Hiro encountered a humanoid Glitch (==> read back to Act 2.02 a.k.a Chapter 4). The fight against it starts now.


Hiro stared at his naked enemy, his eyes trying not to avert to the Glitch's 'ahem'. "This is really hard," Hiro realized, "I can't focus because of this guy's balls dangling around. Doesn't this guy feel any sort of shame!?"

Just then... Hiro flew back into a bunch of debris. Before Hiro could recover, the Glitch appeared in front of Hiro with its fists charging at his face; Hiro flew back once more, his back aching and his face screaming in agony. "Oww... That bastard!" Hiro dodged a blow from the Glitch as he charged once more, "Fire Magic! Leo Haze!"

Hiro's left fist became fire as it collided with the Glitch's stomach. However... "He's not pushed back!?" Hiro's mind despaired as the Glitch grabbed his flaming arm and lift Hiro up in the air before smashing him down like a hammer.

Hiro grunted before another smash. Hiro coughed out blood. Another smash. Smash. Smash. Smash! Hiro felt his left arm shatter and he screamed in agony. The Glitch finally released its grip on Hiro's disfigured arm and prepared another attack. "You think I would be done so easily!?" Hiro began chanting, "Earth Magic! Crack!"

The earth opened an empty hole below Hiro and was able to dodge the Glitch's attack. "Fire-Earth Union Magic! Volcano!"

A pillar of fire blasted the Glitch up into the air and Hiro began healing himself. "Ah... that fucking hurt... Never knew this thing would be so heavy in endurance. Well, I guess I gotta-!"

A hole caved in as the Glitch appeared in front of Hiro. "Holy mother-!" Hiro cursed, "Fire-Air-Earth Union Magic! Geyser!"

Hiro was blasted into the air and chanted a flying spell to stay afloat. "Well, I don't think it could go here now-!"

Hiro's eyes widened as the Glitch also began approaching him with a flying spell! "Damn! It can use magic!" Hiro dodged a blow and another before retreating.

"Ice-Wind Union Magic! Blizzard Tornado!" a tornado of ice slammed into the Glitch, however...

"Damn! He's still standing!?" Hiro's legs quivered as the Glitch landed a few meters away from him, "I am starting to exhaust my mana and my stamina. Crap!"

Hiro spat out some blood and healed himself. "Damn. Damn! How am I supposed to beat that guy?" Hiro's mind raced, "His body is rock hard and he's fast too, not to mention that strength of his and his balls jingling down... there..."

Hiro had thought of a great plan.

He charged at the Glitch to which the Glitch replied with a straight. A few seconds later, an elbow before a knee punch coming after a few seconds delay. "He may be fast on his legs, but when attacking, he's pretty slow... That doesn't make sense, but whatever..." Hiro formed multiple fireballs in the air, "That means I have the upper hand when it comes to my attack speed."

He threw the fireballs at the Glitch who dodged as it charged towards Hiro, only to miss his straight due to Hiro crouching just in time. "You may have really hard and really sexy muscles..." Hiro smiled mischievously, "But that doesn't change the fact that you have one weakness as a male!"

Hiro's right foot collided with the family jewels and the Glitch stopped moving, its expression suddenly changing from robot-faced to a face filled with agony as it fell to its knees, its hands holding its busted family jewels. "And now for the final touch! One, no, three fucking Azure Meteors coming UP!!!"

Hiro smashed three consecutive giant azure fireballs at the downed Glitch! "EXPLOSION!"

The ground lighted up with a blinding azure light that repainted the light blue sky an azure blue. What was once the Glitch was now a huge crater covered in soot and ashes. Hiro smiled as he panted before laughing hysterically into the sky. "That's what you get for wrecking my face, you baffoon! HAHAHAHAHA!"

As Hiro laughed and laughed, Luge was dying inside as he tried not to look at his fellow party member. "I do not knoe this man" he repeated as he covered his face with his palms.

Suddenly... "How surprising that a weakling like you manage to singlehandedly defeat a humanoid Glitch..." a voice sounded, "Well, that naked idiot just woke up a few moments ago so it shouldn't be really all that powerful, but still... impressive..."

"Huh?" Hiro turned his head to face two figures hiding underneath a collapsed roof in the distance, "Who the hell are you!? You know this naked guy!?"

"I wish not, but unfortunately, yes," the figures stepped out, revealing two musketeers, one who is quite fat and sprouted a distinctive mustache and the other who is much thinner and whose mouth is covered by a black bandanna and his eyes were covered by the shadows from the brims of his hat.

"So... are you an ally?" Hiro formed some fireballs, "Or are you an enemy?"

"Well... I would say..." the fatter musketeer scratched his mustache before suddenly appearing behind Hiro, revealing his pale white skin and red eyes, "An enemy."

A rapier managed to graze Hiro as he dodged to the other side and began attacking the thinner musketeer, only for him to easily blew them off course with his rapier. Hiro retreated a few meters away from them. "Those two are humanoid Glitches. Not only that, those two are definitely stronger from that naked Glitch."

"Looks like you need help, Hiro..." Luge suddenly appeared beside Hiro.

"Oh... you. No thanks... I can deal with them myself."

"You sure? You're pretty exhausted though and you almost got defeated by that naked Glitch from before, didn't you?" Luge dissuaded, "Individually, those two would have been able to slice that Glitch up way faster than you. Are you sure you can-"

"I can. Just need a little heal and I could go..." Hiro began healing himself, recovering his stamina.

Luge sighed before walking away. "I am going to help Maiko with the Glitches in the hills. You deal with the ones here."

"Got it."

"How funny," the fatter musketeer chuckled, "You're overestimating yourself, kid."

"Let us see if I am overestimating myself or not..." Hiro's body burst into flames.

"Well then, I shan't question your judgment. Let me introduce myself," the fatter musketeer did a slight bow, "The name's Porthos. And my comrade-in-arms here is Athos. Before we became Glitches, we were of the Four Musketeers-"

Porthos blocked Hiro's flame sword and Hiro jumped back. "How rude. Since you're so energetic, let us start!" Porthos and Athos charged at Hiro who smiled in content before charging as well, "Sure."

======= TO BE CONTINUED =======