
242. I thought you missed me

Dante came out of his cave and went up the corridors. He had gone to see Eden a little earlier and the omega had still given no sign hinting that he was going to wake up soon. However, like everyone who had set foot inside, the young beta knew that his friend would wake up soon.

The energy he could feel from the golden omega's aura had grown to the point that he, too, had to admit it. He wasn't a match for Eden anymore. A smile lifted the corners of his lips and he shook his head realizing what that meant. As he promised to challenge Eden to battle as soon as all of this was behind them, Dante heard a voice calling him and he looked up.

Elma Softmane waved her hand to get his attention and he couldn't help but swallow the sudden lump in his throat before hurrying up to Purple Eyes' alpha.