
Wizarding World: Malakai Malfoy

Malakai, Kai to his friends, was many things, ambitious, stubborn, strong-willed, but most of all, he had a deep hunger for power. Climbing through the shit and dealing with idiots, he finally clawed his way to the top only to be backstabbed by those he trusted most. Upon dying, he's greeted by a hall filled with many gods. [I suck at writing these summaries, this is my seventh try, I hope it's okay]

FalloutNerd · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

The Genius Child

The first year of his new life brought him new experiences, being tended to by house elves, being apparated to different places with his parents, but magic was the highlight, he hadn't trained at all this past year since he didn't know if it would stunt his growth by practicing too early.

Only three months into his new life and Narcissa had fallen pregnant again, Draco was on his way.

He was visited regularly by Bella as she was named his godmother, which he was happy with.

To his surprise, perhaps the most feared male Death Eater had become his godfather, Antonin Dolohov.

He trained this past year to get better at using his body, rolling, kicking, grasping, crawling, he did these various actions every day until exhaustion hit him.

By the time he was seven months old, he could walk almost perfectly with the occasional wobble.

He could say single words but couldn't do full sentences yet.

Now a year old, he once again sits in Bella's lap as they talk about his first use of accidental magic.

"So he accio'd a toy he to himself?", Bella says with mirth in her voice.

Lucius and Narcissa both have proud smiles on their faces, Draco lies asleep in a crib not too far away.

"It's not just his magic we're proud of, he's incredibly intuitive and determined for a child his age, he could walk near-perfectly before he was year old, we bought him small puzzles and he solved them without failing a single time, and he seems to understand us perfectly when we talk to him", his mother says with a bright smile.

Lucius looks up from the newspaper he's reading, "Our son is the future Lord Malfoy, it's only natural that he stands above his peers"

As his aunt and parents continue their chat, he decides to let them in on a little secret, meeting his father's eyes, he turns his hair platinum blonde, causing the man to spit out his tea and forget his etiquette.

"Oh my god, he's a metamorphmagus", his words make the two women look at the boy and see his new hair.

Silence fills the air before they erupt into cheering and celebrating, he changes his hair back to normal before cheering happily with them.

Over the next few weeks, many of the dark families visited the Malfoy residence to see the boy's new gift.

He spent his free time learning more about the wonders of magic by reading as many books as he could.

As the weeks continued to pass, the Death Eaters became more active due to the knowledge that it was the offspring of the Potters or the Longbottoms that were destined to kill their lord.

What did Kai do to prevent this? nothing, he didn't interfere, he continued to focus on his growth and absorb everything piece of information he could like a sponge.

So, despite his days becoming more hectic, he focused solely on himself, before he knew it, three and half years passed by in what seemed like a blink of an eye.

During these three years, his information on various subjects in the magical world expanded exponentially.

He memorized the laws, learned proper etiquette befitting a pureblood family, learned to read and write perfectly before he was three, and made "friends" with the sons and daughters of the other dark families.

He slowly started learning wandless magic, he didn't want to do it every second of every day in case he stunted his growth, he only learned accio but he easily mastered it.

His body had grown nicely, he had a fair idea that it was due to the blessings from the gods that he chose but he was tall and healthy for a boy his age, he had a charm that made boys his age follow and look up to him while many young girls first crush.

Neat black hair swept to the side, pale white skin, beautiful ocean blue eyes, and a confidence to say and do whatever he wants. his mother often teased that he would break many girls' hearts.

With Bellatrix and Dolohov in prison, he surprisingly got permission from the minister to send letters to them even if they couldn't send them back.

There were rules he had to follow like not writing about Voldemort, and Death Eaters among other things but he had surprisingly gotten slightly attached to the crazy woman and feared man.

Draco had grown up spoiled and bratty like in the books & movies, Narcissa became protective after the dark lord's downfall and Lucius focused on growing the power of his family.

Now, a week after his fifth birthday, he sits in his father's study, he looks across at his parents.

Lucius finishes his writing before looking at his son, "You wanted to see us both, this must be something serious", he says with a small grin.

Kai clears his throat, "I want to travel the world", this catches his parents off guard, they knew he was serious, their eldest son very rarely joked or acted his age.

Before his father can open his mouth, Narcissa interrupts, "why do you want to do that?"

"I'm tired of constantly being in this manor or the lands surrounding it, i want to experience the world and learn things you can't find in books. when i become the lord of this house, i don't want to be narrow-minded", he says with passion and fire knowing his father will appreciate his desire to be a better lord.

His parents look at each other as he continues to talk, "Right now I'm a caged bird, i want to become a dragon that stands above all others, i promise that i won't slack off, I'll spend every minute bettering myself"

His father holds up his hand to stop his speech, "if we allow this, you will need to go with a guardian that will constantly be by your side, if you disappear from his side, you will come straight home"

Kai nods, knowing this would happen, "why don't we use an aurora, it would no doubt make those morons that follow the light side confused if a person like Mad-Eye Moody was watching me?"

His mother was about to reject before she was stopped, Lucius smiles at him, "Nice suggestion, if you, my heir, were to get hurt under his watch, he'd probably get sent to Azkaban himself"

"Do you have any ideas on the places you want to visit?", his mother interjects.

Kai grins, "Egypt, Africa, Transylvania, and the Amazon Rainforest i want to spend a year and a half in each of these places... i feel like these places are the best for me to become a more worldly person"

After a short debate between his parents, they both nod their heads, "We'll allow it, it may take a few days to get the ministry to allow an Auror like Moody or someone similar to him to watch over you"

He leaves his father's office after giving both of them a warm hug, with a giant smile on his face and ideas in his head, he needs to prepare for his long holiday.

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