
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Bra on the Runway, Models in a Brothel ( Part 4 )

On the windward side of the bathhouse, Mu Linfeng yielded all the beauties to Zhu Yousong with full authority, but in his heart he thought, "If you want to spend a thousand taels to buy Saisai's first night, I, your father, must get Saisai without spending a penny." With this in mind, he looked up and saw Bian Yujing also looking over, but her face was veiled and her expression could not be discerned.

Zhu Yousong immediately stood up and shouted to Xu Erniang, "Erniang, tonight all twenty girls are reserved for Xiaowang."

Xu Erniang looked embarrassed and said, "Master, this is not good. How do I explain to the other guests?"

Zhu Yousong became slightly angry and said, "Do you not respect my face, Erniang?"

Although Xu Erniang had been in the business for a long time and could handle one or two people, it was difficult to handle all of them. She also knew that offending Zhu Yousong was not a good idea, especially since she had heard that he had some peculiar demands when it came to women. She looked towards Mu Linfeng.

Mu Linfeng immediately stood up and said to Zhu Yousong, "Xiaowang, if you want to reserve all the girls, it will surely cause complaints from other guests. Wouldn"t that make things difficult for Erniang?"

Zhu Yousong laughed and said, "What a joke! Why should I care about what other guests think?"

Mu Linfeng said, "I have a win-win solution for the young master. Why not scare off these guests with an astronomical price? It will also save Second Madame from any trouble, after all, she is also running a business."

Zhu Yousong asked, "What solution?"

Mu Linfeng suggested, "Young master, why not offer a huge sum of money to scare off all these guests? This way, Second Madame won"t have to worry, and it will also ensure that you are well taken care of."

Zhu Yousong nodded and said, "Money is not a concern for me. As long as I am comfortable, I will not hold back."

Seeing Zhu Yousong"s relaxed attitude, Mu Linfeng immediately said to Second Madame Xu, "Madame Xu, you can start the bidding now. The highest bidder gets to choose."

Madame Xu smiled and announced to the audience, "The bidding starts now, and the starting price for each girl is one hundred taels." The audience immediately started bidding, and in a short time, the price went up to more than two hundred taels.

Madame Xu was thrilled to see the bidding go so high, as it would surely surpass their daily income. But Zhu Yousong shouted, "I will offer five hundred taels for each girl on stage!" Madame Xu was overjoyed when she heard this. With twenty girls on stage, that would be ten thousand taels, enough to buy the entire Chunxiang Tower and still have money left over.

The men in the audience below booed and complained loudly, shouting, "This young master's approach is robbing us of our fun!"

Without anger, Zhu Yousong laughed and said, "I have already left room for you. I am only offering five hundred taels for each one. If anyone can offer five hundred and one taels, feel free to take them."

These businessmen in the audience would not spend five hundred taels on a woman. They all hesitated and none dared to offend Zhu Yousong even if they could afford it.

Meanwhile, Xu Erniang was still in a bind. If she followed through with this plan, she would be locking these customers out of the establishment. Who would come to the Spring Fragrance Pavilion in the future?

Mu Linfeng noticed Xu Erniang's predicament and immediately came up with a solution. He whispered to her on stage, "You should have the other girls wear corsets too and then start the bidding again. The price still can't be too low. On one hand, the girls might feel disrespected, and on the other, it would be a loss of face for the young master. Wait until the young master leads the girls into the room, and then you can start again."

Xu Erniang anxiously asked, "But what about the other customers when the young master goes into the room?"

"Rest assured," replied Mu Linfeng, "I will make sure the young master leads the girls into the room right now."

With that, Mu Linfeng jumped down from the stage and said to Zhu Yousong, "I have already talked to Xu Erniang. She would rather offend other customers than offend you, young master. But I think you should consider her efforts. Please lead the girls into the room immediately. Xu Erniang has prepared the best room for you, and the food and drink are all ready. All that's left is for you to enjoy them."

Zhu Yousong laughed heartily and said, "Brother Mu is right. If Er Niang is forced by Xiaowang to close Chunxiang Tower, it would be Xiaowang's loss."

Mu Linfeng immediately smiled and said, "You are generous."

Zhu Yousong immediately led twenty young ladies upstairs. After bringing them in, Mu Linfeng signaled Xu Erniang to continue bidding.

Mu Linfeng then sat back in his seat and smiled at Mr. Feng beside him, "So Mr. Feng also likes Chunxiang Tower?"

Mr. Feng coldly smiled and said, "I came here to discuss something with Xiaowangye, but he didn't care. It seems that I will have to go find Prince Fu myself."

Although Mu Linfeng did not understand what Mr. Feng wanted to discuss with Zhu Yousong, he felt that something was amiss with Tianchuan Miko also present.

Mu Linfeng turned his head and looked at Tian Chuan Miko. Seeing that she was still staring at him, he immediately smiled and asked Mr. Feng, "Who is this distinguished friend?"

Mr. Feng was taken aback and did not answer. Kong Wu then said, "This is our new steward from the Feng family."

Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "So Brother Kong also likes to come to this kind of place." He then stood up, walked to Tianchuan Miko, and put his arm around her shoulder, asking with a smile, "How should I address this brother?"

Tianchuan Miko tried to push away Mu Linfeng, but Mu Linfeng held her tighter, thinking to himself, "Since you like to dress like a man, I'll pretend not to recognize you." Tianchuan Miko also knew that Mu Linfeng must have recognized her, so she pushed harder and said, "Show some respect."

Mu Linfeng pretended to be surprised and asked, "What do you mean, brother? We're both men, what's wrong with this? And you're not a young lady. Besides, young ladies wouldn't be in a place like Spring Fragrance Pavilion, right?"

Kong Wu explained for Tianchuan Miko, "Tianchuan brother is not used to such intimacy with others. I was also like that before, and she even slapped me."

Mu Linfeng knew that Kong Wu was straightforward and didn't know that Tianchuan Miko was a woman.

Mu Linfeng asked, "Tianchuan? Is that a name or a surname?"

Kong Wu was surprised and said, "Mu old friend, you're joking. Of course, it's a surname. Who in the Central Plains has the surname Tianchuan?"

Mu Linfeng slapped his head and laughed, "Look at me, of course it's a surname." Then he turned to Tianchuan Miko and asked, "Right?"

Ignoring Murong Linfeng, Tianchuan Miko turned to Liu Liangzuo and Huang Degong on the side and greeted them, "Two generals, since you're here, why not pick a few girls and have some fun?"

Liu Liangzuo and Huang Degong saw that Zhu Youxuan had already become brothers with Mu Linfeng and just laughed, "All the good ones have been picked by Young Master Wang, we can only watch from the sidelines."

Mu Linfeng laughed and said, "You two don't know, being picked by Young Master Wang doesn't necessarily mean they're the best."

Huang Degong was skeptical and asked, "What do you mean?"

Mu Linfeng laughed and said, "Just because someone has a good figure doesn't mean they're good in bed. The ones who are left are the most skilled ones."

Liu Liangzuo smiled and asked, "If you don't like them, what's the point of being with them?"

Mu Linfeng shook his head and said, "Do you, General Liu, prefer to look at beautiful women or to sleep with them?"

Liu Liangzuo smiled and said, "Naturally, I prefer both." Mu Linfeng shook his head and said, "Women, after the lights go out, it's all the same. What's important is that the person who serves you feels comfortable. If you don't like her, just imagine her as another beautiful woman."