
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Redeeming the Beauty: Rapid Development ( Part 1 )

Huang Degong laughed and said, "Master Mu indeed has extraordinary insight. If Master Liu is not satisfied, he can imagine her as one of the Three Beauties of the Qing Dynasty."

Liu Liangzuo laughed heartily and said, "Not bad, not bad."

Upon hearing this, Mu Linfeng became angry.

Liu Liangzuo did not pay attention to Mu Linfeng's expression, which seemed to suggest that he wanted to eat him alive, nor did he know about Mu Linfeng's relationship with Bian Yujing. Feng Lao Ye, on the other hand, seemed to have caught a glimpse of something and asked curiously, "What's wrong? Master Mu, are you feeling unwell?"

Mu Linfeng quickly shook his head and said, "No, no." However, he had already taken note of Liu Liangzuo's behavior and thought to himself, "As long as I occupy a foothold in Nanjing, I will have the chance to make you suffer in the future. You can be as happy as you want right now."

The remaining girls on stage had already been chosen, and Liu Liangzuo had paid eight hundred taels of silver for three women. Mu Linfeng found it amusing, "It seems like he's competing with Zhu Yousong. Zhu Yousong said the girl wasn't good enough, but Liu Liangzuo bought three of them at once." Huang Degong, on the other hand, only chose one girl and was playing with her in his arms. Feng Lao Ye did not choose anyone and was still sitting there, watching Huang Degong and Liu Liangzuo's shameful behavior with a cold smile.

Mu Linfeng had no idea what the relationship was between Feng Lao Ye and the others, such as Tian Chuangmei, Liu Liangzuo, Huang Degong, and Zhu Yousong. On the surface, they all seemed to be colleagues in the official and commercial circles, but there seemed to be something else going on behind the scenes. Mu Linfeng had a feeling that they were all suspicious of each other and wished for each other's death.

At this moment, Mu Linfeng didn't want to bother about right and wrong. After quickly bidding farewell to the group, he spoke a few more words with Kong Wu, who seemed to still be concerned about Zheng Xiyu's whereabouts. Mu Linfeng had already put Zheng Xiyu out of his mind, but hearing Kong Wu mention her made him secretly anxious. However, he was not very familiar with this era and finding someone was not an easy task.

When Tian Chuanmiko heard Zheng Xiyu's name, her delicate body trembled slightly. Mu Linfeng saw this and thought to himself, "If Zheng Xiyu and Zheng Lianxiang were twins, I think she looks more like Tian Chuanmiko."

After bidding farewell to everyone, Mu Linfeng walked over to Xu Erniang and asked, "Erniang, how is the business? Are you still satisfied?"

Xu Erniang was grinning from ear to ear and said, "Thanks to Master Mu's program arrangement." Then she added, "But men's interest fades quickly, I'm afraid this won't last long."

Mu Linfeng nodded and said, "That's why I want you to sign an agreement with me, so that I can supply you with goods in the long term. And I promise that the styles will become fresher and fresher in the future."

Xu Erniang was enjoying the sweet taste of success and readily agreed. She immediately had someone bring paper and pen and signed the agreement with Mu Linfeng. According to the terms of the agreement, Xu Erniang had to pay Mu Linfeng a deposit of one thousand two hundred taels of silver. Xu Erniang had earned tens of thousands of taels of silver overnight, so she didn't care about this small amount. She immediately gave Mu Linfeng a one thousand two hundred tael silver note.

Mu Linfeng took the silver ticket and thought to himself, "Expenses have been so high recently that I probably don't have much silver left. This one thousand taels is just enough to subsidize the household expenses when I go back, and I can also use it as capital to further develop."

Mu Linfeng went up to the second floor and bid farewell to Bian Yujing. Bian Yujing was in the middle of removing her makeup in the room and did not stop, so Mu Linfeng walked up to her, hugged her waist from behind, and kissed her neck, saying, "Sai Sai, wait a little longer, I'll be able to redeem you soon."

Bian Yujing did not stop her hands and looked at Mu Linfeng in the mirror, asking, "Do you know how much silver it will cost to redeem me?"

Mu Linfeng shook his head and kissed Bian Yujing again, saying, "No matter how much, I will find a way to redeem you."

In fact, Mu Linfeng knew that the amount of silver needed to redeem Bian Yujing would not be small, but he didn't have any money on him at the moment, so he just made a few reassuring remarks. Bian Yujing looked at Mu Linfeng for a long time before letting out a breath and saying, "I hope you really do care for me."

Mu Linfeng turned Bian Yujing around and said affectionately, "Of course I care for you."

Bian Yujing was about to say something when Mu Linfeng's lips were already on hers. After a few hesitations, Bian Yujing also indulged in the intimacy and followed Mu Linfeng's lead.

After a long time of intimacy with Bian Yujing in her room, Mu Linfeng finally left. He didn't ask Bian Yujing to offer herself to him at that moment because he knew that if he did, she would surely refuse and think of him as a person like Zhu Yousong.

When Mu Linfeng returned to his mansion, it was already past midnight. As soon as he entered the entrance, he saw someone sitting in the main hall. It was Su Duxiu. Mu Linfeng's heart skipped a beat. Su Duxiu cleared his throat and asked, "Master, why didn't you practice martial arts this morning?"

Mu Linfeng argued, "I did. I got up before dawn and practiced for a while before going out for a walk."

Su Duxiu said, "Is that so? Yesterday I passed by your room and saw the door was open, so I took a look. Can you guess what I saw?"

Mu Linfeng immediately said, "Oh, I just went out to pee. You must not have seen me lying on the bed, right?"

Su Duxiu said in a weird tone, "Oh? Is that so? Does Master really have to make the bed so neatly after peeing?"

Mu Linfeng was speechless after hearing this. Su Duxiu said, "Master, I'm not forcing you to practice martial arts. It's just that the old master entrusted me to teach you well. I can't go against the old master's wishes, and I hope that Master can also understand the old master's expectations."

Mu Linfeng repeatedly said, "Yes, yes, Mr. Su's words make perfect sense. Linfeng will remember them." Su Duxiu shook his head and went into the inner room.

After a busy day, Mu Linfeng realized he was exhausted and didn't want to take another step. He sat down in the lobby and poured himself a glass of water, only to notice that there were ten more rickshaws in the courtyard. He immediately walked out and counted them, finding that there were now twenty rickshaws.

Mu Linfeng thought to himself, "Twenty rickshaws? If we rent them out for five taels a month each, we'll only make about 100 taels a month. That won't be enough for the fifty or sixty people in the household."

He sat back down in the lobby and thought it over. "Since we're renting them out, we'll need a deposit. We could charge thirty or forty taels for each rickshaw, which would give us five or six hundred taels for twenty rickshaws. We could use that money to tide us over. And once the rickshaws become popular and we start selling them in large numbers, that'll be another source of income."

Mu Linfeng began to plan and prepare to open a rickshaw business the next day. Furthermore, he had signed a contract with Xu Erniang's Chunxianglou, which brought in a fixed income of eighteen hundred taels a month. The household's expenses should not be a problem.