
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

A Beauty Beneath the Crotch, A Strategist On the Bed (Beginning)

After an indeterminate amount of time, in a daze, Mu Linfeng gradually regained consciousness. All his previous memories suddenly flooded back into his mind, and he seemed to hear a strange sound. Opening his eyes, he found himself lying on a bed with a naked man and woman who had both passed away. Mu Linfeng didn't have time to think about it and wondered, "Where am I?"

He got up from the bed and looked carefully at his surroundings, only to realize that he was in a tent. There were two oil lamps on the table next to the bed, one of which had already gone out. The ground near the bed was covered with strange clothes. Looking back at the man and woman on the bed, he couldn't help but laugh, "So this couple was in the middle of their own version of the baby-making process and ended up ruining their own plan." Upon closer inspection, he was surprised to find that the man had a ponytail and the front half of his head was completely bald.

Mu Linfeng had a bad feeling and seemed to understand something. He thought to himself, "I was clearly struck by lightning and fell from an 80-story building. How did I end up here?" With that in mind, Mu Linfeng looked up at the top of the tent but found no holes.

Mu Linfeng walked to the entrance of the tent, slowly peeked out, and saw countless tents outside. Each tent was surrounded by soldiers dressed in ancient clothes except for this tent. This tent was surprisingly large, and the fabric used for the tent was also very thick. Even if an oil lamp was lit inside the tent, the figure inside could not be seen from outside.

At this moment, a hundred soldiers patrolled past him. Mu Linfeng immediately pulled back his head, thinking of his encounter of being struck by lightning and surviving, and couldn't help but exclaim, "This doesn't look like a movie set at all. Could it be that I have really traveled through time and space to another era?"

Mu Linfeng returned to the tent and sat down, his mind blank. Suddenly, he heard a woman on the bed moaning. Mu Linfeng immediately went to check and saw the woman with her eyes closed, blushing, and her lips like cherries. It was only then that he realized that the woman was unbelievably beautiful, someone he had never seen before, and he couldn't help but stare.

The woman opened her eyes slightly and saw Mu Linfeng in front of her. She was about to scream, but Mu Linfeng was startled and immediately covered her mouth, saying, "Don't scream."

The woman looked at Mu Linfeng with wide eyes, full of surprise. Mu Linfeng's eyes couldn't help but move from her face to her ample bosom.

The woman was startled and quickly covered her body with the blanket.

Mu Linfeng snapped out of his trance and sat on the edge of the bed, still holding the woman's mouth, and said to her, "I'll ask you a question. If you answer honestly, I'll leave."

The woman nodded, and Mu Linfeng asked, "What year is it now?" Seeing the woman looking confused, he quickly asked, "What dynasty is it now?"

The woman made noises as if she wanted to speak, but Mu Linfeng thought, "If I let go of her mouth and she screams, it'll be troublesome." Then he said, "If I say something and it's true, nod your head. If it's false, shake your head."

The woman immediately nodded.

Mu Linfeng looked at the naked man lying on the side and asked, "Is he your husband?"

The woman nodded, and Mu Linfeng asked again, "Is it the Qing Dynasty now?"

The woman looked puzzled, then shook her head.

Mu Linfeng was surprised and said, "Not the Qing Dynasty? But this man's hairstyle is clearly the queue of the Qing Dynasty. And all the soldiers outside are also wearing queues." He immediately said, "You're lying to me..."

The woman mumbled something, and Mu Linfeng vaguely heard her say, "Let go of me and I'll talk to you. I won't scream."

Mu Linfeng was skeptical but thought, "Well, I have a gun in my hand. If anything goes wrong, don't blame me for being ruthless." He looked at the woman's appearance and felt that killing her would be a waste. He said, "I hope you're not lying to me, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite." The woman nodded desperately.

Mu Linfeng held the gun in his hand and slowly let go.

The woman said anxiously, "First, check on my husband."

Mu Linfeng pushed the man on the bed and found that he was motionless. He turned over the sheet covering the lower half of the man's body and found a pool of blood underneath. The man had already passed away.

The woman cried with tears in her eyes, but Mu Linfeng wondered, "Did she kill him herself?" Upon closer inspection, he found two bullet holes the size of pinpricks on the man's back. He was surprised and asked, "Did the gun accidentally discharge?"

Mu Linfeng felt guilty and quickly said to the woman, "It was an accident. I didn't mean to."

The woman ignored him and continued crying.

Mu Linfeng looked at the clothes on the ground and was surprised to find a bright yellow garment embroidered with a dragon. He quickly picked it up and asked the woman, "Is he... the emperor?"

The woman nodded, still crying. Mu Linfeng thought, "This is bad. I killed the emperor. How can I survive here in the future?"

He asked the woman, "Is he Emperor Kangxi?" Mu Linfeng realized that this place was clearly not the imperial palace and he thought of Kangxi, who had personally conquered Galdan in history.

To his surprise, the woman looked bewildered and neither nodded nor shook her head, as if she had never heard of Kangxi's name.

Mu Linfeng said, "From the looks of it, this must be an emperor before Kangxi. Shunzhi probably never went on a campaign anywhere, and at this age...could it be..."

Mu Linfeng couldn't help but shudder inwardly and said, "Is he the Emperor Taiji?"

The woman nodded, but at this point she had stopped crying and her eyes were wandering, seemingly curious about Mu Linfeng's attire.

Mu Linfeng didn't pay attention to her, his heart was filled with both joy and worry. "So, this means I'm outside the Great Wall now. As long as I run inside, I'll be safe. Maybe I can even become a hero, after all, I killed Emperor Taiji myself."

Mu Linfeng looked carefully at the woman in front of him, and suddenly an idea came to mind. He asked her, "Are you Da Yuer?"

Mu Linfeng saw that this woman's appearance was definitely not that of an ordinary woman, and Emperor Taiji's favorite should be Da Yuer. This woman had a beautiful appearance, phoenix eyes and willow eyebrows, and a hint of a noble and elegant temperament. Although she looked worried and afraid at the moment, her every movement exuded infinite charm. With her bright eyes, white teeth, grace and beauty, it was almost an insult to describe her as "beautiful as a nation's flower and fragrant as musk". It was probably only Da Yuer who could match this woman. As expected, the woman nodded.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the tent. "Reporting to Your Majesty, Minister Fan Wencheng has something to report."

Mu Linfeng was shocked and quickly sat behind Da Yuer, pinching her neck slightly with his hand.

Mu Linfeng thought, "Scaring her with a gun probably won't work. She probably doesn't even know what a gun is. Using my hands would be more direct."

Da Yuer whispered, "The Emperor has already gone to sleep. Mr. Fan, please report your matter tomorrow morning."

Fan Wencheng said, "Yes, Your Majesty." Then there was a sigh, and his footsteps grew farther and farther away. Mu Linfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.