
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Here Comes the Lightning Again: Next Episode

After indulging in the car for a while, Mu Linfeng couldn't help but think, "We can't just finish in the car, can we? Remember that." With that, he quickly pushed away Hong Hong and said with a smile, "Let's go to the hotel."

Hong Hong smiled lightly, straightened her clothes, nodded, and leaned her whole body against Mu Linfeng's shoulder. Her hand continued to play with Mu Linfeng's private parts. Mu Linfeng shook his head helplessly and immediately started the car.

Mu Linfeng parked the car in front of the most luxurious hotel in the border city. For the sake of decency, he reorganized Hong Hong's clothes before getting out of the car. He almost held Hong Hong's hand tightly and walked into the hotel. When he checked in at the front desk, the receptionist smiled and said to Mu Linfeng, "I knew Brother Feng would come tonight and have already reserved a room for you."

In fact, every time Mu Linfeng brought a girl out, he would come to this hotel, and the receptionists at the front desk were already very familiar with him. Mu Linfeng took the key from the receptionist, looked at the room number on the key with a slight smile, and put the key in his pocket. This number was his favorite.

Mu Linfeng hugged Hong Hong's slender waist and entered the room. As soon as he turned on the lights, he saw that Hong Hong had already taken off all her clothes and was lying on the bed, twisting her body sensually and seductively, beckoning Mu Linfeng over.

At this moment, Mu Linfeng had a special feeling and couldn't help but bitterly smile to himself, wondering, "Who is playing who in the end?" He had a feeling of being someone else's prey.

Mu Linfeng also took off his clothes, and Hong Hong looked at him in surprise. She didn't expect Mu Linfeng, who looked so refined in his clothes, to have such sturdy muscles underneath. Seeing Mu Linfeng's physique, Hong Hong was overjoyed and couldn't stop touching his strong muscles with her delicate hands. When she touched Mu Linfeng's firm manhood, Hong Hong couldn't help but fall back onto the bed in excitement. From Hong Hong's eyes, Mu Linfeng could already see her thoughts clearly, which made his male ego reach its highest point. He immediately pounced on the blushing and eager Hong Hong, and the spring water began to flow.

Mulin Feng never expected that Hong Hong would be so skilled in bed, whether lying, sitting, or kneeling, sucking, licking, or kissing, Hong Hong was a formidable opponent that Mulin Feng had never encountered before. Within three hours, Mulin Feng had already "battled" with Hong Hong seven times. Despite having been in the world of love and lust for so long, Mulin Feng felt like he was in a wolf's den. Although Hong Hong was terrifyingly big, both in body and skill, she provided Mulin Feng with ample sensory and physical pleasure.

Just as Mulin Feng was preparing to have another steamy encounter with Hong Hong, he heard a loud bang, and the door was kicked open. Mulin Feng's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly sat up, covering his body with the blanket. Hong Hong screamed in terror and hid under the covers. Mulin Feng thought it was the police checking the room, but looking at the way these people were dressed, they didn't look like the police. They were all wearing black suits, and as soon as they entered the room, they pulled out their guns and aimed them at Mulin Feng, looking at him expressionlessly.

Mulin Feng's heart sank, and at that moment, another person walked in through the door. Mulin Feng looked through the gap between the black-suited men who surrounded the bed and saw a middle-aged man with a flat head, also dressed in a black suit, walking towards the bed. Mulin Feng looked at the man's face and sneered, "Yang Lao San?"

Yang Lao San walked up to the bed and glanced coldly at Mulin Feng, then looked at Hong Hong wriggling under the covers and smirked, "How's it feel? Being with my woman?"

Mulin Feng was about to stand up, but Yang Lao San also pulled out his gun and pointed it at Mulin Feng, saying, "Do you think you can get away now?"

Mulin Feng suddenly burst out laughing, "I never planned to leave. Your woman really knows how to please me. We were about to continue, how could I bear to leave?" With that, he lifted the covers off Hong Hong, who looked panicked, and before she could cover herself again, Mulin Feng had already leaned over her, giving her a deep kiss on the lips. He turned to Yang Lao San and said, "How about it? Do you want to watch us continue?"

Yang Laosan cursed, "What the fuck! It's already this late and you're still pretending to be dumb. Tell me, where the hell is my goods?"

Mu Linfeng got off from his bed and sat down, lighting a cigarette and taking a few puffs before saying, "Actually, my men took your goods. It was my mistake. If you talk to me nicely, I'll give you an explanation. But it seems like you haven't brushed your teeth in years, and you can't even speak like a human being. If I give you back your goods and your men, wouldn't it mean that I'm incompetent as the boss of Wolong Society?"

Yang Zhi felt something was wrong when he saw that Mu Linfeng could still speak so calmly. He turned his head and saw that the men who had been pointing their guns at Mu Linfeng were now pointing their guns at him. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he cursed, "What are you doing? What did Mu Linfeng give you?"

The men just sneered at him and didn't answer.

When Yang Zhi turned back to Mu Linfeng, he had already put on his clothes. Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "You're a failed boss. Even your own men can betray you." He motioned for his men to take the gun from Yang Zhi's hand. Yang Zhi slumped to the ground and said, "I admit defeat. I don't believe you dare to touch me."

Mu Linfeng smiled faintly and said, "Old man, you're out of touch. You should read more books in your next life." He squatted down and said to Yang Laosan, "You probably haven't read 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms,' right? Do you know what 'separation of a long time must reunite in the future' means?" Then he stood up and said, "Now your brothers are killing themselves every day for you on my territory. There have been countless casualties. Who wants to live every day killing and being killed? Isn't it all for money? After swallowing your gang, I can unite the black forces in Haicheng. At that time..."

Yang Laosan shouted, "Don't bullshit me! Try touching me!"

Mu Linfeng laughed and said, "Our Mr. Yang is in a hurry to report to the underworld, huh?" He flicked his cigarette butt away and suddenly said coldly, "Take Mr. Yang to the top floor and give him a ride."

Yang Zhi thought Mu Linfeng was really going to kill him, and quickly shouted, "Mu Linfeng, you son of a bitch, you pervert... even if I become a ghost, I won't let you go." As he spoke, he was already being taken away and headed towards the top floor.

Mu Linfeng lit another cigarette and said to the woman on the bed, "I'm going upstairs to take care of business. You wait here for me. When I come back, you won't be able to live or die." As he spoke, he gave her a hard squeeze on her buttocks and headed towards the top floor.

This hotel had a total of eighty floors. By the time Mu Linfeng reached the top floor, Yang Lao San had already been taken to the edge of the building. Mu Linfeng walked up to Yang Lao San and smiled, "Do you have any last words?"

When Yang Lao San saw that Mu Linfeng was serious, he suddenly spoke softly, "Brother Feng, I was wrong. I don't want that stuff anymore. Let me give it to you as a gift."

Mu Linfeng pulled out his gun and said, "You're a forgetful man, Yang San Ye. Have you forgotten how you treated my brother back then? Did you really think I would risk my life for a batch of goods?"

Yang Lao San was taken aback and suddenly remembered how he had killed a person on this rooftop a year ago. At that time, he didn't expect that person to be Mu Linfeng's brother. He was about to speak when he felt a sharp pain in his legs and was shot twice by Mu Linfeng. He fell to the ground and cried out, "I'm sorry, I'm blind. Go ahead and shoot me."

Mu Linfeng walked up to Yang Lao San and pointed his gun at his head. "I suggest you crawl to the side and jump down yourself," he said.

Yang Lao San looked up at Mu Linfeng and didn't expect him to look so refined on the outside but be so ruthless on the inside. He thought that he wouldn't be able to escape this time, so he slowly crawled towards the edge of the building. Looking down, he saw that people and cars looked like ants. If he really jumped down, he would probably break every bone in his body. He couldn't help feeling scared.

Mu Linfeng walked up to Yang Laosan's side, and fired another shot into his right hand, saying, "It seems that our Lord Yang still lacks the courage to die for the cause." He then motioned for the people beside him to push Yang off the edge.

Just then, there was a loud bang in the sky, and a bolt of lightning struck next to Yang Laosan. He immediately fell from the rooftop, and Mu Linfeng looked at him falling and then up at the sky, which was now covered in dark clouds. Mu Linfeng laughed and said, "So even heaven wants to collect..." But before he could finish his sentence, another bolt of lightning struck him directly, causing him to lose consciousness and fall from the rooftop.

The crowd was shocked and looked down at the ground, where they saw a flash of cold light in midair...