

People say just because we're young means we can't truly love, but isn't all love the same? It's a feeling you get when you look at your partner, the pride you feel when they accomplish something… even if it's small. It's the inside jokes you share, the laughing, the smiling, the feeling of pure joy when they are around you.

Love is eye opening, world changing, it can be so amazing. 

But it can also lead to pain...

"You promised me! You promised that you were different, that you wouldn't leave me like everyone else does" I shouted with tears streaming down my face in time with the rain that was surrounding us.

"I'm sorry" he says, not once making eye contact with me.

"Look at me" I plead, begging for this to be a nightmare.

His beautiful pale blue eyes meet mine. "Dawn.."

"You promised" I remind him, shaking my head and not wanting to believe this is real.

"I know" he sighs, breaking eye contact once more before turning around and walking away, leaving me standing there, heart broken and utterly alone.


Funny how life works... One minute you're happy, and the next everything comes crashing down.

And love?

Love is a fickle thing, It's not everlasting or unconditional. It doesn't bring joy or happiness....It just brings pain and memories that can't be erased. At the end of the day, All I have is myself. I'm not the kind of girl who needs to be saved, this isn't a fairytale, this is real life.

No knight or prince will save me.

No one can save me from myself.

I am my own worst enemy...

I've witnessed a lot in my short life, I've seen so called 'love' break someone close to me and from what I have seen, I don't want anything to do with it. Who in their right mind would?

I don't like cheesy romance novels or movies like most girls, Those movies show what we want to see and novels tells us what we want to hear, not the truth.

The truth is, love is blinding and not in a good way. It causes you to ignore red flags and warning signs, It makes good people turn into an empty shell of hurt.

It broke my mum and I swear I will never become anything like her...no words can describe how she changed because of love, and not for the better..

My name Is Dawn Winters and this is my story of who I was, who I am and who I wish to be.

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