
Chapter 1: Dawn

All I hear is my step-dad yelling at my mum, all they ever do is fight. I don't understand why my mum stays with him, he doesn't treat her right.

He never has. She claims she loves him and that he wasn't always this way. That he loves her and he's just having a bad day.

The bad days became more frequent. Him yelling and cussing at anyone who crosses his path. He hates us. Except his two perfect daughters, my half sisters. They could never do any wrong. He loves them, but hates me...I never do anything right in his eyes, I'm nothing to him.

"You're pathetic!" He yells at her

"Just like your own daughter, a pathetic little whore" I hear his voice carry throughout the house.

It's kinda ironic, how he's calling us whores when he's constantly cheating on my mum and not even hiding it. She knows he is but she stays and takes the abuse, the disrespect, everything all because she loves him.

He's never actually physically abused us thank God, but words do hurt and I've dealt with enough bullies throughout my life.

I hear a door slam, signalling he left, so I make my way down to the livingroom where my mum sits on a black leather couch.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I take a seat beside her, wrapping her into a hug.

"I'm fine" she states coldly, not returning the hug. "Mum you can't let him keep doing this to you, you deserve better" I speak softly, wishing I could fix how broken she is.

"Get away from me. You don't know shit about what I deserve!" She yells, causing me to flinch. "Hes right. We both are pathetic! Look at us!" She cries

"Don't say such things mum" I back away from her, holding in tears that are threatening to escape.

"You're the worst of us though," she points a finger at me, her eyes filled with anger and unshed tears "Things would be better if it weren't for you"

"Fine." My eyes darken "I'm leaving tomorrow for college anyways, but you would've known that if you ever actually payed attention or even cared about me!" I snap.

Guilt fills her eyes as she reaches for me. "Don't" I state as I stand up, creating distance between us.

"I didn't mean it Dawn, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take it out on you." A tear slides down her rosy cheeks.

"But you always do. When its not him belittling me, its you or someone else. I'm done with it. I'm gone tomorrow, don't contact me, and stay the hell away" My voice wavers as I'm saying this but it needs to be said, I can't keep living as a emotional punching bag for either of them. Tomorrow will be a new beginning, where I'm free from them and everyone else who has told me I'm nothing, I'm pathetic, a waste of space. I'll prove them all that I'm worthy, that I'm good enough. I have to be good enough...


Tall beautiful stone buildings surround me as I step on to campus grounds, looking around with wide eyes in awe of the sight, The main building has beautiful ivy growing on it, almost reaching the top, not making it look rundown, but more beautiful if that was possible.

I start heading towards the dorms, having a basic understanding of the layout because of orientation week. I look down at my class list and information packet. It should be around this corner I think to myself, not paying attention to my surroundings. Room 5b? I sigh before walking into what feels like a brick wall and landing on my ass.

I wince before I look up, zoning in on the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Pale blue, almost like how an ocean looks on a hot summer day, the way it twinkles and calms you.

"I'm so sorry" his voice came out smooth and low, causing goosebumps to raise on my skin. "No I'm sorry!" I reply shakily, taking in the sight of him, his blue eyes sparkle against his light olive skin and deep brown hair hangs slightly on his forehead, looking disheveled.

"Like what you see, huh?" A crooked smile lights up his face as he reaches towards me, offering to help me up

I feel heat rush to my face as I blush and take his hand "I'm really sorry again, I need to pay attention to where I'm walking."

After helping me get back on my feet, his hand lingers a beat longer before he pulls away completely. "Its all good. I'm Jackson" he shrugs

I smile politely. "Dawn. But I should go"

He nods, taking a peek at my class list. "Aww we don't share any classes" he pouts.

Adorably, if I must say so. But I'm not here for guys, I'm here for a degree. "See ya!" I wave as I walk past him, not once looking back.

"Wait, Dawn!" He calls after me.

I pause before turning around. "Yeah?"

"Get coffee with me." He smiles, hoping I'll say yes. Which is too bad for him cause yes is the very last thing I want to say. "No" I smile sweetly before continuing on my path to my dorm.

What a guy, just met me and thinks I'll actually get coffee with him? I scoff to myself and shake my head. I'm not into any kind of relationship with anyone, friendships included. I just want my degree so I can get the hell out of this town.