
With The Sharingan In The MCU

David Blake was hit by a Nokia 3310 on the head and is transported to the MCU with the power of the Sharingan… Can he survive in this dangerous world? Stay tuned! --- Author Note: - Every character except the OC are owned by Marvel - Pictures are coming from my Google Power, AI and Paint - English is not my main language - New at this writing thing - No harem - No System ---

RetMod · Phim ảnh
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We spent the next day entirely in bed while ordering food and drinks.

It seems that Wanda was really afraid when Dormammu kidnapped me because she didn't take her eyes off me for the whole day.

I need to be more careful, or she will always be worried about me, when I step out of the house...

So after a relaxing and somewhat exhausting day, we decided to continue our vacation. I also hired someone to clean and repair my bedroom.

I paid them a lot and they promised they would finish by day's end. Therefore, we left the apartment in their hands and proceeded to do what we had planned yesterday.

That means visiting the Straw Hat creator and going on the Downtown tour.

In my day-to-day life, the blindness in my left eye doesn't really hinder me. You just need to move your head more to cope with it.

Sadly it will make a difference when I need to find someone at the same level as Dormammu, since I can't absorb energy anymore.

Let's just hope I don't have to fight someone like that anymore and everything should be fine...

"Damn!" I say and click my tongue.

Wanda, who concentrated on the speaker on the tour bus, looked confused at me and asked, "What? Did you forget something?"

But I shake my head, "No, but I'm sure I just raised a red flag myself."

She looked at my hands which had only a drink and a hot dog in them and then looked at me again, "Are you sure, you are all right? Should we stop the tour and return home?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry."

She shrugs and continues to listen to the tour guide.

Afterwards, I tried not to disturb her anymore and we enjoyed the tour till we arrived near Oda's mangaka studio.

We hopped off the bus and walked the rest of the way. It was a small building with two large windows that displayed his work.

He started a new series with a guy on the cover with spiky hair and a tail and called it Wish Balls...

"Look! They already have over ten volumes here. We need to buy all of them!" said Wanda and stormed into the studio.

I followed closely behind her because Oda doesn't really like to interact with people he doesn't know. When asked why this is the case, he said they always want to know the truth about the One Piece.

So I understood his reasoning. It's THE secret and he never told anyone except me the truth.

Oda froze up when he saw us, but then relaxed and told us about his new work.

However, the relaxed atmosphere ended when they started arguing about the new design of the female characters, especially their breasts... Wanda wanted them to keep their normal size, while Oda did not.

Let's say it that way. Wanda won and Oda cried after this.

Maybe I need to use my Sharingan later to let him forget something like this happened...

After that, we spoke about his naming sense a bit and then said our goodbyes, with a bunch of new volumes in our bag.

But when we walked through the exit door, we found ourselves in some antique-looking building...

"Hello and welcome to the New York Sanctum. We need to talk."

A man in 'strange' clothes and a red cape stood at the top of some stairs.


"I think we walked through the wrong door. Sorry for any inconvenience." I took Wanda's hand and we walked out to her confusion.

But Strange wipes with his hand and we suddenly appear in something like a living room. A table was also prepared with coffee and snacks for us.

Wanda activates her powers and her eyes start to glow violet, while he starts to back off.

But I place a hand on her shoulder and shake my head. So she and Strange relax and we sit down.

Then I look at the coffee and say, "Okay, let's talk, but I need something stronger than coffee for this kind of talking."

He nods and a whiskey glass appears, while Wanda drinks the coffee.

"Since you brought us here, we don't need to introduce ourselves right?" I ask and taste the whiskey which has a really rich flavor.

"No, I know a lot about you two. By the way, congratulations on the pregnancy."

Wanda smiles and says, "Thank you."

He nods, then continues, "Let me introduce myself. I'm Dr. Stephen Strange. The Ancient One told me a lot about you and she said before she died, I should keep an eye on you."

"How thoughtful of her... my condolences, by the way. She is--- I mean, she was an interesting person."

Yao, what on earth did I do to you to deseve this?

"Yes, she was, but I brought you here not because of the Ancient One. There is something else."

He makes some hand gestures in front of his amulet, the Time Stone appears. Yet something was off.

It seemed to vibrate and was out of control as if it wanted to escape Strange. The only problem was it felt like it wanted to be grabbed by me...

Strange noticed my look and made it disappear again, "Sadly, I can't give it to you yet, because the time is not right."

What the hell is he talking about?

"Is this an infinite stone like the Mind Stone?" asked Wanda while looking at me.

I nod, "Yes and it's better when we stay far away from it."

"That will be impossible, because you will soon need it."

"Why should I and how soon?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

"You will know when the time comes and if you don't take it you… will lose everything."

Wanda's look changes to a worried one and she takes my hand. So I squeeze it a bit to calm her down.

Then I ask Strange, "isn't telling someone their future the worst thing you can do?"

"Not if there are no other options." said Strange seriously.

What the hell will happen that even he is afraid of?

"That's all I can and will tell you." he wipes his hand again and we appear outside Oda's studio.


"David? I don't like what he said. Are we in danger?"

I hugged her and said, "Don't worry. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen. I promise you this."

She nods and stays in my arms for a little longer.

Since Strange destroyed our mood, we decided to go home and opened a portal to my apartment.


Over the next week, nothing really happened.

We continued our sightseeing tour of New York, while keeping an eye on people who were dangerous enough that I would need the Time Stone to beat them.

However, the only ones who would fight me were the X-Men, but when I sent my ravens to them, nothing pointed to this.

So we continued to spend our time together and everything was peaceful until now.

Today I should get my new figures. But when we arrived home, no package was there. It was strange, because they told me yesterday that an employee would bring them today.

When I called the manager to complain, my phone told me his number was not taken.

"David, I tried calling Pietro, but it said his number was not taken."

"Really...? Let's change and visit them to see if everything is fine there."

She nodded and then walked into the bedroom to change into something battle-ready, while I wanted to check my treasures.

But when I opened the door, the shelf was gone... and my Nokia was lying on the ground.

What the fuck? Someone stole my stuff again... I grab my trusty phone and prepare myself to beat someone up.

But suddenly, I dropped to my knees and not because of the shock that my treasures were stolen. Instead, it felt like someone had started to rip me apart.

"David?!!" I heard Wanda weakly calling my name from the living room and I stumbled over there.

Entering the living room, I saw her standing on the balcony motionless. So I walked towards her, while my body felt like it was breaking with every step.

I stepped out onto the balcony, but Wanda was already gone...

"Wa... Wanda?" I couldn't feel our connection anymore... and my mind started to race.

The Infinity Stones? Did Thanos appear? I will kill him and every single one of his followers! How I reverse this? I promised her everything would be fine...

Then a shattering noise from above. As I look up at the sky, I see it shatter and disappear from existence. Leaving only white space behind.

That's not the work of the infinity stones...

I activate my remaining right Mangekyou Sharingan and look at my left hand, which starts to disintegrate.

Using my eye ability, I stabilized the energy that held my atoms together and prevented my body from dissolving.

But for my left hand, it was already too late... But there is still a chance to save Wanda.

I activate my Raiton Armor and dash towards the sanctum, while the world around me starts to crumble.

Arriving at the Sanctum, I saw Strange sitting on the ground holding the Time Stone with a sad expression.

I walk to him and lift him by the throat. "What the hell is happening? What do you know? Tell me!!!"

"The timeline... it gets erased..." he says, while gasping for air.

This made me stare at him wide eyed.

"Then stop it! Use the Time Stone and reverse it." I say and place him down on the ground.

But he shakes his head and says, "I can't... the event that triggered this is too far in the past, for me to reach it."

"The past can't change the future. What are you talking about?" I asked him angrily.

"If this is only a possible future, then it can. What do you think happens if you stand on a road and you can go left or right, but you choose the left path?

Wasn't there also a future in which you could have taken the right path instead of the left? What happened to that future?"

That made me speechless...

"Exactly, it disappeared. But it still existed, even when it was only a second.

The same thing happens to us now. Someone brought the timeline into a straight line and our future became only a possibility that is now no longer possible."

I dropped to my knees. Is it all over? I fucked up again...? "Didn't you say I could save everyone with the Time Stone?"

"The Time Stone is only a tool. Use it." he throws it toward me and then simply disintegrates.

I caught the Stone, but didn't know how it worked, so I used my Mangekyou to access it and tried to reverse time completely, but nothing happened...

However, I was able to heal my hand when I used the stone on my body.

The world was about to shatter completely around me. So I used the power of the Stone again to freeze time in a small space around me to keep me safe.

I was now in a white world, with a bit of the Sanctum around me. After deactivating my Sharingan, I placed the stone next to me and began to wait, while calming my nerves.

Only one group is capable of doing such a thing and they will also help me restore everything.

The next second, an orange portal appears next to me and people in strange riot gear come out.

They start to surround me and a black woman, who seems to be the captain says, "Seems like this variant used the stone to save himself."

Then she walks closer to me and says, "On behalf of the Time Variance Authority, I hereby arrest you for your crimes against the Sacred Timeline."

I smile and raise my hands.

Hey guys,

As always, thank you for your support.

The TVA appears and wants to mess with the MC.

Since the erase thing was never explained in Loki I used my own theory. Time travel is always bs so everything goes.

Stay tuned;)

RetModcreators' thoughts