
With a System to the Past

This is the tale of a young man who inadvertently finds himself transported 3000 years into the past. As the first person ever to travel through time, he is bestowed with a divine system by God to aid him in becoming stronger. In this unfamiliar yet strangely familiar world, our protagonist embarks on a remarkable journey. Throughout his odyssey, he encounters numerous new individuals and experiences a multitude of thrilling adventures. Was his journey a mere accident, or was it destined for him to travel back in time? This lingering question becomes the constant companion of our main character throughout his extraordinary expedition. Autor: Hello everyone, I am Neonime_Tam. This is my second novel and I want to share it with you. I hope you can like it and if you want to, then give me a review. Thank you. https://www.patreon.com/Neonime_Tam to support me --------------------------

HaytamB · Kỳ huyễn
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104 Chs

Chapter 94

The city leader was pissed, and he had no patience anymore, he only wanted to kill the person in front of him as fast as possible and they leave this empire. Then if he does not finish quickly, then he would have no time to reach that period of 10 minutes, where the border is unprotected.

Noah was also a little angry, because he felt what a live treating situation was and was not in his good mood anymore.

The city leader, then took an item out from his ring and he looked very vicious while seeing the item in his hand.

"Do you know, what I have in my hands? It is my most precious treasure and the reason why I built an underground society to collect money."

"This little stab in my hand is one of the rarest items for magicians, which can make my spells more powerful and I can cast them faster."

Noah saw the stab in the hand of the city leader and was surprised, because he could recognize it.

"It is not a magician stab, used to cast spells in a concentrated form?"

"You are wrong, it is… wait, how do you know it?" The city leader wanted to explain and show off his ultimate item, never in his mind would he have thought, that the young man would know about them.

"Where do you come from? You are not a normal bastard, tell me your background."

The city leader was shocked, that a young man like the one in front of him would know about the stab in his hand. Then he only got one by luck, as he found out that an old magician died and his family, which were all knights, decided to sell the stab, because they did not need it. The stab itself was so rare, that finding someone selling it was a miracle, if not for that knight family, that had an old powerful magician in their family with such an item, he would never have gotten the opportunity to buy it. The magic stab was very rare and could only be made from a specific tree. The old magician only found it by chance too a long time ago and used it all the time without knowing exactly what it was. His family also did not know what it was, but they knew that it was useful for magicians, so they sold it after the magician died to the city leader, so they could pay the expenses of cultivating.

Noah on the other side knew about the magic stab because they were common in his time, the stabs were there like the swords for the knights. The modern stabs were different from this one, because they used technology too, but the ones found in museums were very similar to this one.

"I do not care, but you will die today without exception, if you think you will escape, then you are very wrong."

"You will too!" replied Noah and this time he did not wait for the city leader to attack first, then he would die really. Then with the help of the magic stab, the spells of the city leader were now on the make level as the ones from Noah. Of course, Noah did not need a magic stab to concentrate his Mana and intensifying the spell power.

"Wind Blades" Noah sent with rage.

"Earth Armor!" The city leader created an armor around him.

"Water Ball!" With this spell Noah dissolved the earth armor with water and had now no defense.

At the same time two fire balls were sent by Noah and a Fire chain to restrict his movements and burn the man.

The city leader now with the chains around, could not move at all and his flesh was burning by the fire. He was feeling real pain.

Then with a last move, he swung the magic stab and said something silently. Then at the same time a hole appeared under him and then he felt there and then he buried himself.

"You are really smart, turning off the fire with burying yourself and stopping the oxygen supply to let the fire extinct." Noah was impressed.

"But unfortunately, I am not only a magician, I am also a knight." Noah then took out his sword and fused the wind element with it.

"You will be the first one to taste the real Wind Sword." Noah saw the hole were the man buried himself and waited.

But after a time, the man did not appear, and Noah knew that something was off. And as he wanted to move and see what happened, he felt how another hole appeared behind him and a man jumped out to attack him.

Noah with pure instinct and without thinking properly, he swung his Wind Blade with all his strength and a wind blade came out flying, in a speed that he could not produce while using the magic version of the wind blade. And then as he turned back to see the situation, he saw a person cut in two with a surprise face and saying before dying: "Ho…How…?"

The man died without knowing how he died, he only wanted to attack from the back, because he supposed the young man would react slower if he attacked from the back, but the reality was that the reaction of this specific young man was the contrary, he was faster attacking when he felt danger from the back.

Even Noah was shocked, that the wind Blade he let out with the sword fused with the wind elements was so strong. Then he had used Wind Blade casted with magic, but no one would have been able to cut a 5th Star magician in two. This showed the difference of strength when using the elements as magician and as knight.