
With a System to the Past

This is the tale of a young man who inadvertently finds himself transported 3000 years into the past. As the first person ever to travel through time, he is bestowed with a divine system by God to aid him in becoming stronger. In this unfamiliar yet strangely familiar world, our protagonist embarks on a remarkable journey. Throughout his odyssey, he encounters numerous new individuals and experiences a multitude of thrilling adventures. Was his journey a mere accident, or was it destined for him to travel back in time? This lingering question becomes the constant companion of our main character throughout his extraordinary expedition. Autor: Hello everyone, I am Neonime_Tam. This is my second novel and I want to share it with you. I hope you can like it and if you want to, then give me a review. Thank you. https://www.patreon.com/Neonime_Tam to support me --------------------------

HaytamB · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Chapter 93

They both stand there and looked at each other without saying anything. The two of them knew that the other was strong, and they could not stupidly attack first. At first, they wanted to scan their opponent and then decide what to do.

But then the city leader broke the silence:

"Who are you and what do you want from me? I think I never met you before."

Noah smiled and replied: "Do you know what? I am the main reason why you are trying to escape from the empire. It could be said, that without my intervention and information I gave to Principal Black, you would still be in Berbary and enjoying your life without worries."

Noah said that with a laugh, and he sounded like he made fun out of him. It was true, that Noah wanted to provoke him, because one thing he learned from hunting was, that if the beast is angry, then the hunt will be easier. The reason was simple, the beast would not be able to think carefully while being angry.

"You bastard, I will kill you!!! Ahhhhhh!" The city leader instantly become a fiery and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Do you know what you caused? My million plan is gone, my position and my status, for everything I lost, I will make you pay it with pain and blood."

"Every cell in your body will feel the rage of messing up with me."

And Noah really felt a goosebumps all over his body and he knew that this man in front of him, was in a worser state than of anger because of provocation.

"I think I provoked a beast, shitt!!" Noah said that and dodged the earth bullets sent by the city leader. Then he began to move forward and back and to the sides, and to every possible place to dodge the thousands of earth pieces that were flying to him and wanted to go through him.

"Please, calm down!! Think about it as gift from the heavens. You will not have to think ever again from where to get children and so on. You are free now and if you die today, you will get freer and be happy in the other side. So please, think about my offer carefully.��� But even in this dangerous situation, Noah did not lose his humor sense. Until, he could not dodge a few earth bullets and his iron skin become red because of the hits. He even bleeds a little bit.

"Auchhh, hey man stop! This is not fair; I do not have time to attack back."

Noah was getting angry too, because he was hit and he was feeling pain and once a person feels pain, then their mood gets only worser with the time.

"Earth prison castle!"

A huge piece of mud become to form around Noah and then build a huge castle, where a few Noahs could pass easily. At the same time, when the castle was perfectly formed, a few spikes were also floating around the castle.

"You will at first feel the pain of being pierced through and see your own blood flowing out and then the open wound, which will get infected soon and then you will feel twice the pain." The city leader was sounding like a psychopathic person, or he was already psychopathic already, because what he did with those children was not something what a human would do.

The spikes then began to enter the castle and cries of pain could be heard. Because the earth castle was hiding Noah inside, nobody could see what actually was happening, but the sound was enough to know that the other one was having a lot of pain.

The spikes then pierced through the wall of the castle and disappeared in the castle, and once they went completely through, then Noah would be bleeding all over his body.

"I did especially not point to your vital points of course. I do not want to see you die so quickly, I have still a few minutes till I leave this empire, so I will use them to play with you."

"please no, it hurts too much. I do not want to die; I am still very young. I am really sorry; I was young and had no experience and you did not know that you are not a person I could play with."

"hehehe, it is too late. I will now see your bloody body and enjoy the view and the sound of pain."

The city leader then nullified the spell and in short, the castle began to fall apart slowly, till only a person could be seen. But different to what he was expecting, the person looked very healthy and he did not have any wounds at all. It was like the spikes never touched him.

"How? How is that possible?"

"AH, it was very easy, did you know that mud mixed with a little bit of water becomes very soluble and it will fall apart, I did exactly that."

"And the pain cries, were very good acted. I think sometimes, I have to become an actor."

Noah looked very serious while explaining how he did it.

"If you think, you will escape because of tricks then you are very wrong. This is only the beginning, if you thought that you can use tricks again, then you will die before you know how." Shout he city leader with indignation. He was more angered after being played by a young boy.

Noah smiled and did not say anything, he was waiting for the next move of the city leader. He may look very relaxed, but it was already a challenge to escape this castle. If not for his luck, he would not have used the water element and he would have used the fire element, which would make the spikes harder. But somehow, he used the water element for some reason, and he was successful.