
Wink Smile

I am but a simple narrator. This is an Earth ruled by martial arts and magic. However both this Earth and your Earth are in danger if I don't find a host soon...

TangoThree · Thành thị
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3 Chs


The canteen can only be described as big, it has two floors and it's full, since it's prime time. There's a section where students can cook their own lunches and dinners.

Kurt is now sitting on a table in the loneliest corner of the canteen, by the wide glass window that covers the entire second floor. He doesn't like to eat with strangers and he also doesn't mind eating alone.

Right now, he's enjoying a feeling of refreshment and bliss. The nap he took made wonders and removed his dreaded headache.

But it clearly didn't remove the other headache.

He's currently eating today's lunch: Lasagne. Although he seems annoyed.

You know what? After I visit the lifeguards I'll see if I can speak with someone at the infirmary to examine me.

I should make up a simple story, though.

The reason he prefers to conjure a story as an excuse to be examined, over talking about the voice in his head to someone, is that no one would believe him. It's a classic storytelling troupe, but I can be certain something dangerous would love to hear more about this voice.

What was that?

Urgh! I just hope you're not pulling me into something dangerous. I have more important things to do.

A heavy sigh is lost in the noisy canteen.

The space elevator piercing through the gray clouds looks cool. I'm yet to see it in the clear sky. Well, at least it's distracting enough to calm myself.


After eating, Kurt prepares to leave. But a tray is suddenly put in the seat right in front of him.

"Hello, brother."

The tray belongs to Luck.

"Luck?", his eyes look so tired. I know he joined the student association to prove himself to gramps, but this feels different. It's almost like he's genuinely overworking himself.

"Are you alright?", Kurt asks.

"Yes, I just had a rough night."

My grandfather goes through a meticulous protocol to choose the next leader. I don't know the requirements, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's invisible people following everyone around, reporting directly to him.

"Stop lying.", Kurt says with the most serious expression he's ever made.

Luck couldn't help but to quickly respond.

"No, Kurt. I promise you it's not something you should be worried about."

"Don't overwork yourself, okay? And go take a nap, it helps."

"Thanks for the concern. That aside, how's your first day going?"

"Quite boring honestly. Besides the school association, how's your year going? I know everyone, except the first years, started two weeks ago."

"It's progressing smoothly. But I can't say the same for what you'll go through next week. Hehe."


'For now focus on building a friendship with Luck, like last time. I can see his older brother is here too, this will make things easier.', a male voice echoes inside Kurt's head.

"Why did you choose the common dorms? Krista has been bothering me why she hasn't seen yo-"

Kurt suddenly looks around and carefully scans the canteen.

"Kurt, is something wrong?"

Where did that come from? It's just like Chloe. Hey, narrator, can't you at least help out a bit? If you're going to put people's thoughts in my head, you might as well tell me who they belong to.

Kurt looks back at Luck and answers him:

"I thought I saw someone I knew."

"No one suspicious right?"

"What's with that question? Of course they aren't suspicious.", did he see through my lie?

To the brothers' surprise, someone elses sits at the table. This time, on Luck's left side.

A first year in class X, on the same course as Kurt. Well built, with silver hair and sharp lazuli eyes. His symmetric face adds to his beauty.

"Oh, I'm sorry to have bothered you.", he says with a smile.

It's the same voice from before.

'Kurt Crimson. He was nothing special last time, so how did he notice my presence? At my level it should be impossible. Probably a coincidence.'

Did he just call me weak?

The stranger extends his hand to Kurt, he looks him right in the eye. A glare the stranger returns. For some reason the atmosphere around the table becomes tense.

Not that he is wrong though...

"I'm Clyde, it's a pleasure to meet the younger children of the esteemed Crimson."

Kurt and Luck both shake hands with Clyde.

"Likewise. I'm Luck, and this is my older brother, Kurt."

I don't know what he was on about earlier, but he's not that suspicious. He's probably just trying to make new friends.

Kurt stands up and leaves the table, holding the tray he used.

"Are you leaving already?", Luck asks.

"Yeah, I've already eaten and I noticed you didn't touch your food when we were talking. Anyways, Luck, Clyde, enjoy your lunch.",

"Thanks, have a nice day.", Clyde responds in a polite tone.

"I'll see you later.", Luck follows.

"It's an honour to share a table with the honourable student association president...", Clyde starts a conversation that is lost to the noise of the bustling canteen as Kurt walks away.

After putting the tray on the tray stan- You're teaching me an important lesson in patience. Who are you narrating to anyways?

[Sigh] Why bother asking if you're not gonna answer?

At least that Clyde fellow doesn't seem like a bad person.

Let me see... the Volunteer Lifeguards are next, and the infirmary after.


I open two glass doors and enter the indoor swimming pool building. There are four pools and they are lengthy, the only difference between them is their depth. There's also stands on both ends of the building. And on top of them, bars and offices and other rooms. According to the website their headquarters is in that area.

But which side?

Luckily for Kurt, he hears voices and follows them. He enters the stands and gradually climbs the stairs. When he reaches the top, he sees three people inside a room with a big round table in the middle, through a glass door.

Kurt opens the door and enters the room. Inside there are only three people; two women and a man.

He quickly finds out why the voices were so loud: an argument.

The two women are a second year and a third year respectively, and the man a fourth year.

"But I don't wanna!", the man says. He's quite tall and athletic, and has an undercut. In contrast to the (not so) aggressive hairstyle, his eyes are soft blue.

Upon hearing this response the two women protest.

"Are you a kid or what?", one of them says. Facepalming. Her hair is orange and shag. Her eyes are brown.

"I swear... Why can't you study?!?! This is what you should've expected from Economics. It's also your. Fourth. Year!", the other follows. Beautiful red eyes and pure dark straight long hair, currently arranged in a ponytail.

"B-But I've only started two weeks ago. Why do I have an exam next Monday???", upon saying this the man begins to cry hysterically. There's a laptop on the table, where he presumably started studying.

Eeeeeeeeeh, what an awkward situation. They don't seem to notice me. Oh well, here goes.

"Excuse me. Where do I sign up?"

All of them turn to look at Kurt.

Including the man, who suddenly, at faster than light speeds, is grabbing Kurt's shoulders with an enthusiastic face.

"Hello!! my name is Mark!!! I see you're here to become my jun-!!!!", the orange lady slaps Mark on the back of his neck.

"DON'T RUN AWAY AND THAT'S NOT HOW YOU ADDRESS PEOPLE!", she screams, while literally dragging Mark back to the laptop. The red eyed girl approaches Kurt and apologises.

"We're very sorry for this", she goes to a table where lots of papers are, and grabs one, "Here's the application form."

Woah, her eyes are really beautiful. I thought you were exaggerating.

"Do you have a pen?"

"Yes, here.", she hands Kurt a pen and he starts filling the application form.

"I noticed your eyes are red like mine. I like them. I'm Shea, by the way. That sorry excuse of a man is Mark, who is also the current representative. And that is Kerstin, just don't get in her bad side.", she eagerly says with a smile.

Yeah, I can see that...

"My name is Kurt. And, thanks?", he pitifully responds to her compliment.

Barely anyone complimented me in my life, what do you expect?

Kurt hands over the application form to Shea. She takes the form and walks towards a second room where there's a desk and a computer.

Meanwhile Kerstin walks over to him, while Mark is crying in the computer.

"We're really embarrassed you had to witness this. Mark sometimes is too...— energetic. I can barely believe he's our leader."

"No problem. Oh, uuuh, in the website it said you have twelve members, is there a specific schedule for shifts?"

"Not really, in reality we're just five. But counting you, now we're six. It probably says there's twelve because the administration forgot to update the website. The others are still having classes."

"I like your red eyes young man!", Mark suddenly appears behind Kurt.

Young man?! I'm eighteen, and if you're in the fourth year it means you're twenty two! There's barely a difference there!

He continues, "They're just darker than Shea's!! Hmmhmmm, and I like the way you look directly at people's eyes."

"People tend to tell me that.", Kurt responds. It's a habit of his, when he interacts with someone, he looks directly at their eyes.

The omnipresent narrator just realises that now?!

"It may come in handy when spotting people who need help.", Mark finishes, before Kerstin drags him to the computer again.

Shea leaves the second room and approaches Kurt.

"All done. I didn't know we were in the same course. Just a year apart.", she says. "I've emailed you the schedule. Also, why did you decide to join the Volunteer Lifeguards? Mark only did so because his dad is the CEO of a safety company."

"Why not?"

"That's really honest, I like that."

What's the deal with her?

"Wait, are you really part of the M&S Arts course? Are you a first year by any chance?", Kerstin asks from the other side of the room.

"Yes, why?"

"Oh, you don't know yet?", Shea asks rethorically, with a mean smile on her face, "Better not spoil the fun."

"Well, if that's the case, next week you'll only come here Monday and Tuesday. The other days are free.", Kerstin adds.

"I-I don't really understand why.", Kurt says confused.

"It'll be enough time for you to recover. Well, it's tradition here at the University to never say the reason why.", Shea answers.

Is it because of the whole 'soften up' thing Luck was teasing me about? Is that why I won't have any classes tomorrow?

While Kurt is thinking, Mark approches Kurt, normally. He puts his right hand on Kurt's left shoulder, gives a thumbs up while winking and smiling.

"I pray for you young man. Also, swimsuits will be provided by us in the locker room, see you Monday!"

Kerstin, this time with literal flames in her eyes, approaches Mark from behind, like the shadow of a demon.


She knocks out Mark and drags his (lifeless?) body back.

Is he ok?

"Hehe... Well then, Kurt, I hope to see you Monday.", Shea says.

After leaving the building Kurt is now heading towards the infirmary.

Aaaaaah~... That's business taken care of. I hope I didn't cause a bad first impression. They seem like a lively bunch. I can't take Shea's eyes out of my mind, they really are beautiful. Like shiny rubies.

While walking towards the main building where the infirmary is, Kurt looks up.

Look at those clouds, it might rain soon, I have to hurry.

I also can't believe I'm getting used to the narrator. I thought I was crazy when I woke up this morning. It really has been a long day...


Infirmary. Kurt is sitting in front of the male doctor, whose bald head shines like a glass sphere.


The doctor is reading the results from a quick examination he did on Kurt.

"Your energy veins are normal, same goes for the mana levels in your blood.", he says

"But isn't the problem in the head?", Kurt asks.

"Well... that's the thing."

"Is there something wrong?", could it be an anomaly caused by the narrator?

"No, not at all. The mana and energy levels in your head, specifically, are normal. Too normal. Even for the average healthy person, those levels become wavy the closer the veins and the mana are to the brain.

It's probably something temporary. Other than that, everything is normal. If the headaches persist take these pills."

He hands over a box of pills to Kurt, composed of Acetaminophen, Aspirin and Caffeine.

That's too specific of you. Well, at least the pills may come in handy in the future.

"Thank you, doc."

After leaving the infirmary Kurt walks over to the east dorm. He is currently outside, vulnerable to the dark clouds' judgment.

How poetic.

Tomorrow I have that class dinner at the Space Elevator, speaking of which, in a few hours I'll have to go dine at the canteen. I just hope no one takes my seat in that table.

That's right, I have nothing to do during the weekend. I'll probably just play videogames.

After scheduling the next three days in his head, Kurt feels rain droplets falling on him.

"Crap.", he mutters to himself while fastening his walking speed.