
Wink Smile

I am but a simple narrator. This is an Earth ruled by martial arts and magic. However both this Earth and your Earth are in danger if I don't find a host soon...

TangoThree · Urban
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3 Chs


["HEEEEEEELLLOOOOO EVERYONE! Thanks for tuning into another -MAGICAL- mysteries podcaaaaast.— Today's subject is Gang Yu: an ancient heavensblade from the old Qhenzou Kingdom in western Mainful. Only ONE document mentions him. According to it, he is said to have transc-"]

Great, now I have a headache. I shouldn't be listening to a random podcast at 7AM with only three hours of sleep. I'm really starting with the right foot... Why did I think it was good idea?

Not to mention this guy.

Kurt turns off his phone and unplugs the earphones, putting both in his pockets. He then swiftlies grabs the white coat that is hanging on a chair in front of his desk. He proceeds to pack his laptop, that was on the desk, into his backpack where a single notebook is, accompanied by one pen.

"Are you really going to be this annoying? Show some respect I couldn't get any sleep because of you.", Kurt says, contradicting the fact he couldn't sleep because of his restless insecurities.

He frowns.

It's not one of Them, otherwise I would've been dead. I'm too tired to care at this point anyways, I already have more important things to worry about.

He proceeds to open a small blue steel fridge that's on the corner of the room. He takes out a small chocolate milk package and drinks it.

Kurt starts to feel annoyed, loudly clicking his tongue.

What if I narrate the rest by myself? That way the voice will have nothing left to say, right?

Well, let's see:

After drinking the milk, I open a small bag sitting on top of the fridge, where some fruit is and eat a banana. Since I'm already fully clothed, I pick up by backpack and head towards the room's door. I can see from the window on the other side of the room that it's hazy outside.

Kurt may regret, in the future, drinking third-rate chocolate milk and eating a banana. Some stomachs can't handle the exotic mixture.

"You gotta be kidding me. I have a headache and I still have to 'survive' today, isn't it enough?", he desperately asks the heavens.

I'm being mocked. Well, at least I can confirm that this voice is only in my head. It also knows my name somehow. Creep.

He takes a deep breath, and exhales very calmly.

As annoying as it is, I'm taking a huge step in my life. Relax a bit Kurt Crimson!

Kurt motivates himself a little. However, since it's September, the sun has just barely risen. There's a thick morning fog outside and it's cold. The environment may be enough for Kurt to feel unmotivated again.

I know it's cold outside, but is it really that cold? You're making me miss the southern hemisphere with that description.

Kurt op- No. I open the door and proceed outside my room into a long corridor, made of a flat brown floor and beautiful white walls, the corridor already has other students in it, walking towards the staircase. The staircase leads towards the bottom floor where the dorm's entrance resides. I see other doors filling the corridor's walls. Some open with other students leaving their rooms, having prepared themselves for the day. The atmosphere is eerily silent despite there being dozens of people in the corridor. Everyone's tired I guess.

Kurt's room is in the east common dorm, on the third floor. There are six floors on all dorm buildings. His window directly faces the campus, although he couldn't see it.

Kurt lets out a heavy sigh. Gritting his teeth with his mouth closed. While walking down the corridor towards the staircase, his eyes adapt a sad and frustrated look.

Narrating myself does nothing. I guess this is karma for talking to myself all these years. Divine punishment I guess.

He mockingly thinks.

After leaving the dorm he finds himself in the foggy campus. The haze is starting to clear, and Kurt is able to spot a few landmarks. Most prominently the four hundred year old, one hundred and sixty meters tall clocktower behind the main University building.

It's so cold that the dim orange light of the sun is enough to heat my skin. And the salty smell from the sea is nice.

Kurt deeply exhales.

But this headache is killing me. And the narrator isn't helping.

I can't let myself be annoyed, let me try again:

There are a lot of people walking around and a lot of white buildings in and around the campus. What catches my eye is the green grass and bushes mixed with the cement and grided tiles on the ground. What the 'nArRaToR' forgot to mention is that the lobby of the dorm has a giant glass entrance. It's aesthetically pleasing, I guess.

Kurt sees a map near one of the buildings, he goes and looks. There are football fields, training grounds, an arena, classrooms, pools, management buildings, warehouses...

It may have a cringe name but the University sure is big. Let me see, I'm part of Class W soooooo... Building C.


"Good morning, everyone, I'm professor Leith and welcome to the University.", an old female stoic teacher greets them. The classroom has over fifty students. It has stadium seating all facing the teaching area. It's a classic lecture classroom, of course it's small compared to the ones from Class A through N.

Gee, I wonder where you were, urgh.

She continues: "I'm the course supervisor and I'm sure most of you already know it, but we are honored to have you here in the M&S Arts course and we hope you enjoy your five year long journey."

I almost forgot it's five years. Now that I think about it Luck warned me about them trying to soften the first years in this course but didn't tell me why.

The teacher then proceeds to present the usual: how evaluation works in each class and what they entail.

Shouldn't the teachers of those classes be the ones to present that?

"As you know, the schedule is available on the website. And to confirm: No, there won't be any tests or exams of any kind for the theoretical classes."

While everyone sighed of relief, Kurt's heart sunk.

Shit, my only hope of getting a 10 is gone.

"BUT. For those of you who want full points, joining an extracurricular activity and submitting reports biweekly will count in the overall evaluation. The extracurricular activities mainly involves associations and clubs available here at the University. All of the information is in the website. The class is dismissed. There won't be any classes tomorrow, see you next week."

Everyone is surprised.

Huh? Isn't tomorrow Friday? That means I have an extended weekend. Either way I need to see if I can join one of those associations asap. Besides, I don't know anyone in this class.

'How should I approach him? It's going to be awkward.', a young female voice wonders, on how to approach Kurt.

I'm more worried about the fact you're reading other people's minds, creep.

"Hello Kurt. It's me, Chloe. We were in the same class remember?"

Kurt looks to the side. There is a girl, the same age as Kurt with short brown hair and pale blue eyes.

Honestly no, if she's from high school then I don't remember anyone. Everyone was trying to be my 'friend' because of my last name. What a socially tricky situation I find myself in.

Kurt gets up from his chair.

"Chloe? I have faint memories.", I'm lying.

"Right? For some reason you were so distant from everyone back then."

Yeah, I wonder why...

"I guess it was nice meeting you again here.", I'm just trying not to be rude.

"I just came to say hi, there are so many unfamiliar faces. I know some ex-classmates are in other classes and courses here too. Anyways, nice seeing you."

It was a brief exchange, in that time Kurt didn't realize Chloe was scanning him using the Sixth Iris Technique, a spiritual art.

Most of the people in the classroom already left.

She was scanning me? Not that I'm that special, can't believe I met two creeps today. What time is it anyways?

Kurt turns on his phone.

10AM?! Was the presentation that long? I might as well check out the associations and clubs once I'm back in the dorm.

As he is about to leave the classroom a male voice screams.


A muscular boy, with dark blue hair and brown eyes, wearing glasses approaches Kurt.

"Excuse me, but you're the only one left. Can you please give me your phone number so I can add you to the class' group chat?"


After some moments.

"Thank you, since tomorrow there's no classes we're planning a dinner in the Space Elevator's restaurant.", his voice tone reminds Kurt of his younger brother.

Why there? It's expensive, unless he's joking?

"Also, you don't have to pay anything. It's all on me. Almost everyone is going, will you go too?"

"I mean... Yeah, sure.", this guy must be from a rich family. Not that I can say much.

"Oh, I forgot to put in the group chat earlier, but formal clothes aren't required. Also, my name is Furg, it's a pleasure to meet you.", he continues.

"Same. My name is Kurt. See you tomorrow, I guess."


Kurt's room. He is laying on the bed.

Oh no. Are you seriously going to be silent for a long time, only to have a triumphant return?

I guess its fine to meet the rest of class tomorrow, not that I have that much confidence in making friends.

Kurt is scrolling through his phone, seeing the list of associations, clubs, charities and many other extracurricular activities.

I need something easy. Oh, boxing gym? Intriguing but no. Mystery club: from their description they seem wannabe detectives.


He scrolls more and more.

Nothing sparks my attention, the student association is where Luck is too, so that's a no...

But something catches his eye.

I swear you're annoying. But honestly, this one is ridiculous why does it exist? It may be what I'm looking for though...

The University's Volunteer Lifeguards, they operate during the summer and late spring in a section of Sort Beach, of course they alternate shifts with professional lifeguards. In the meantime, they train in the University's pools and oversee the Swimming Club's competitions. They currently have twelve members.

This may do, seems easy enough and I don't have to do much. The report until spring is going to be easy to write.

I'll check in on them after lunch. It's been a while since I felt this relieved.

Far away from home and already back on my feet.

Everytime I feel like this something knocks me back down, but they aren't here.

I can't get something out of my mind other than the voice: Why was Chloe scanning me?

Tch, just focus on taking a nap. The alarm is set to 3 hours from now. Can't wait to sleep and get rid of this headache.


While Kurt is taking a nap, Chloe meets with his younger brother, Luck, in the student association's meeting room. Some teachers are present. Luck has a short stature and has the same dark red eyes as Kurt, however his hair is dark brown.

"How's my brother?", Luck asks.

"He seems fine. No abnormalities."

One of the teachers expresses his concern:

"We risk someone losing their lives if we don't find the target soon. Luck, keep looking and make sure this stays a secret."

"Yes, professor."

"You're always dependable Luck.", another teacher affirms.

"Thanks professor, but isn't the Heavensblade going to attract attention? Calling him for help in protecting the University's perimeter might cause suspicion among the students."

Another teacher adds:

"Don't worry, we already fabricated a story. And he's also not coming this month."

The teachers exit the meeting room leaving only Luck and Chloe in the room alone.

"This is getting troublesome Luck.", Chloe sighs.

"As the current leader of the student association I can't let anyone down. No matter how hard something is. I'll see this through the end.", Luck affirms to his reflection on the window, looking over the campus from a great height.

Chloe can't help but calmly smile.

'Maybe I should take a nap...', Luck thinks.