
Wimpish son-in-law

Lin Xingwen applied for a job at the teahouse and caught the eye of a wealthy matron, who took him as a live-in son-in-law. To his surprise, the matron was involved with another man; originally, he planned to endure it for the sake of money, but he didn't expect that the matron was genuinely trying to help him. To defend his home and protect his manly dignity, Lin Xingwen had to develop his own power, grow reluctantly, and protect the wealthy matron.

Pillow Wind 1 · Thành thị
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215 Chs

Chapter 127: A Simple Colleague Relationship

Dịch giả: 549690339

Before long, Zheng Yufei also came in from outside, her voice somewhat quiet, "Thank you."

I didn't mind and continued to pack up the luggage, "It's nothing, since I already promised to come back, I definitely want to do the job well." After I finished speaking, I put the last bit of luggage into the wardrobe, then took the dirty laundry into the bathroom.

When I had finished washing up and returned to the bedroom, there was now a folding bed placed by Zheng Yufei's bedside, already made up with bedding.

I raised my eyebrows, looking at Zheng Yufei with a somewhat teasing expression, "Has Mr. Zheng had a change of heart?"

Zheng Yufei blushed and glared at me, "It's just to prevent you from catching a cold, nobody to work then," she said before burying herself into the covers.

It was only now that I truly understood Zheng Yufei, the aloof exterior was all to hide her girlish heart. I chuckled, not intending to think further and lay straight down on the bed and soon fell asleep.