
Why only Her

What if , you face many obstacles, and you have to succeed, whereas in between you stuck between your heart and mind.. This is a story of Choi Eunha, fighting with her life. She used to live with her mother Choi Kyong, in Korea. Her mother was a brilliant lawyer. Unfortunately, she was murdered. Life of Eunha took a turn over , after her mother's death. She now is forced in her mind of her mother's wish ..of being a lawyer. She met a boy named Kim Aiden, and studied at the same law school, they turned to friends.But can she keep up the friendship for always?..However, there are many opportunities, she has to face..

Shreyashi_Parida · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Mommy,where's my dolly?

It was spring now.. The weather was chilly. I was sitting in my room and was playing with my toy castle, as usual. I was placing the characters in the places then I was unable to find my doll is Isabelle. I want to my mom I was sitting in the couch and was doing some work in her desktop..I asked her "Mommy, have you seen my dolly Isabelle?" She gave no reply, I understood, she is not gonna answer my questions, as she is doing work now..I sighed, and was about to leave, when my eyes sparkled. The doll was behind the sofa, my mom was sitting on. I tried my best, to take it off, but my mom just wouldn't allow, so I tore the doll and pretended to cry..At last, she was unable to tolerate, so she took me to the nearest toy shop, to buy me a new one. The weather was calm and lovely, pleasant and beautiful , as we walked through the street.. I asked my mom "Mommy, when will I grow up, tall and beautiful as you?" My mom, looked at me and smiled , and said "Who told my Eunha is not beautiful, you are the most beautiful in the world, well about growing up, just eat plenty of veggies" I laughed, and so do her..It was the last day of my happiness, with my mom..