
Why is it so hard to be a supporting role?

*Current schedule: 1 chapter per day. * System: "Are you willing to sign a contract with me? If you refuse, your soul will reincarnate." MC: "If I lost my memories, am I still me? I accept." System: "There is low-tier, mid-tier and high-tier worlds, you can only access low-tier now." MC: "What is the difference?" System: "The amount of destruction." MC: (o_o) System: "Let's focus on low-tier. Low-tier is split into beginning, intermediate and advance." MC: "It is still differentiate by the amount of destruction." System: "How do you know?" MC: (-_-') System: "(ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ. Not entirely. It is differentiate by the scientific progress. More progress is more destructive. Your world is rather advanced in the low-tier." MC: "So don't tell me beginning is caveman and intermediate is middle age?" System: "You're half-right, intermediate starts at iron age." MC: 눈_눈 System: "Since are a beginner you can only do supporting roles." MC: "So when can I be the male lead?" System: "It largely depends on luck after you graduate from your beginner status." MC: "Fine, ML is hard anyway. So, How do I do that?" System: "You need to complete 110 low-tier worlds. You have to spend about 10 - 100 years in each world, that in a thousand to ten thousand years with no failure." MC: "I think the role of ML is not for me." System: "Supporting role is way easier." MC: "So, where I start?" System: "Caveman of course." MC: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Anonymreader · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: Low-Tier Worlds

Name: Meng Hun

Occupation: None

Physique: 1

Soul: 1

Bloodline: 1

Level: Beginner (1/10)

Skills: None

Equipment: None

Title: World Traveller

"Wait... Isn't it supposed to be something like health, speed, strength or something similar? What is this? Why I am all 1's?"

"That's because you're trash... I am kidding. Don't be offended. You are just average human being."

"So, how do I improve my stats?"

"Physique and soul can be improve by training skills or buy items from the System Store. Bloodline can only improve by special items from the Store or extracted from the world visited."

"What is level and skills?"

"You get level points and skill experiences by completing tasks or doing skill specific actions in different worlds."

"Huh... So how do the points system works?"

"For now, you only need to know that a world is mostly separated in low-tier, mid-tier and High-tier. You don't have the authority to know more. you can only access low-tier now."

"What's the difference?"

"The amount of destruction."


"Each tier is further split into beginner, middle and advance. For now, let's focus on low-tier worlds."

"It is still differentiate by the amount of destruction."

"How do you know?"


"(ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ. Not entirely. It is differentiate by the scientific progress. More progress is more destructive. They have only access to basic technology. Basic means that science progress is not high enough for space travelling. Your world is rather advanced in the low-tier."

"So don't tell me beginning is caveman and intermediate is middle age?"

"You're half-right, intermediate starts at iron age."


"For low-tier worlds, you won't have much penalty if you fail. Each world gives you 1 experience point, so you need to succeed in 10 worlds to go to intermediate level."

"Sounds easy. So what role do I play?"

To be continued...

Well, I wrote a big part so it is out...

Next chapter will be tomorrow or the day after.

Anonymreadercreators' thoughts