
Why is it so hard to be a supporting role?

*Current schedule: 1 chapter per day. * System: "Are you willing to sign a contract with me? If you refuse, your soul will reincarnate." MC: "If I lost my memories, am I still me? I accept." System: "There is low-tier, mid-tier and high-tier worlds, you can only access low-tier now." MC: "What is the difference?" System: "The amount of destruction." MC: (o_o) System: "Let's focus on low-tier. Low-tier is split into beginning, intermediate and advance." MC: "It is still differentiate by the amount of destruction." System: "How do you know?" MC: (-_-') System: "(ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ. Not entirely. It is differentiate by the scientific progress. More progress is more destructive. Your world is rather advanced in the low-tier." MC: "So don't tell me beginning is caveman and intermediate is middle age?" System: "You're half-right, intermediate starts at iron age." MC: 눈_눈 System: "Since are a beginner you can only do supporting roles." MC: "So when can I be the male lead?" System: "It largely depends on luck after you graduate from your beginner status." MC: "Fine, ML is hard anyway. So, How do I do that?" System: "You need to complete 110 low-tier worlds. You have to spend about 10 - 100 years in each world, that in a thousand to ten thousand years with no failure." MC: "I think the role of ML is not for me." System: "Supporting role is way easier." MC: "So, where I start?" System: "Caveman of course." MC: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Anonymreader · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: I want to live on...

Meng Hun died from a car accident. It wasn't that he hit a car or didn't pay attention when crossing the road, he was purely unlucky. Basically, in the wrong place at the wrong time. A car got crashed and slide on the right side from the impact... just where Meng Hun passed by. Meng Hun was thus knocked backward and hit his head hard on the sidewalk. Unfortunately, he was already dead when the ambulance arrived.

In an dark space, a dim lit round egg shaped ball floated in the darkness.

"Sigh, when will I have a host, I waited a few decade years already. It's so boring here. If I don't find a host, I will fail the test. I only have half a century left... (๑ó⌓ò๑)."

Suddenly, a faint light started to appear lighten the darkness around. Small light spots gathered around the light and were absorbed by the light. Finally, the light morphed into a vague silhouette. A soul has appeared.

" (* >ω<)! My lucky day, a soul is here?! Hehe, I will not be eliminated! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و! Haha, success here I come. Lalala~ ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪"

Meng Hun woke up from slumber. He looked around and noticed a glowing ball bouncing on emptiness.

It looked so happy that he didn't want to interrupt its weird dance, but he still had to ask it what was the situation here.

"So, where am I and why am I here?"

"Hmn? Didn't you notice that I am busy? Wait a minute... Huh? Who is talking to me? Oh, it's you."

"(⊙_⊙'). So, you just noticed me?!"

"Eh, yeah. Hello, I am System 5841. You can call me Stella."

"Okay. What is the situation here."

"Congratulations! You got chosen as my potential host. If you sign a contract with me, you will be a World Traveller. You will go to different worlds and do tasks there."

"I see."

"Are you willing to sign a contract with me? If you refuse, your soul will reincarnate."

"If I lost my memories, am I still me? I accept."

"So fast? Then, put your hand on me. We will sign the contract."

"Ok. Done. What's next?"

"Check your status."

"How do I do that?"

"Do I even need to tell you? Just say the word! Don't people in your world like to say that?"

"That's in games! No one say that in real life! Can I not say it? I don't want people to look at me strangely."

"Anyway, either say status or think about something to appear... Use your imagination!"

"You are definitely not helping... Imagine... I got it!"

-- Status --

To be continued...

I will live it there...any comments to help improve?

check the preview for the next chapter...

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