
Who Is Your Baby Mama- (Will Be Republished)

THIS STORY HAS BEEN REPUBLISHED WITH THE SAME TITLE... "WHO IS YOUR BABY MAMA" CONTINUE READING FROM THERE... THANKS Having a baby will only ruin her body and her career. After Nate kept on pestering Quinn about having a baby, she couldn’t, she didn’t want to get pregnant. Adoption was never an option for her until she found her long lost friend. Because of what she had been through, she agreed to the contract to carry the pregnancy for her because of the money. Nate, having the chance to lay with his crush, used the opportunity. What happened after her third miscarriage? Who is the owner of the baby? Quinn or Paige? Find out in… Who Is Your Baby Mama?

Pop_Corn_0765 · Thành thị
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33 Chs

It's Paige Or No One!

Zane drove Paige to Nate's house, following the map. They had no idea where the house was but the map was helping anyway.

The car was silent because of what transpired between them earlier. Paige felt guilty. She thought that he has been doing a lot for her, she should have just kissed him. The ever first person she kissed was Nate. Number of times he handled her roughly while they were at school. She couldn't open up to anyone or even tell her best friend because at the end, he won't end up f*cking her. She was going to be saved one way or the other. Four years, Nate didn't have any chance to end up on the bed with her.


"Betsy would be here any minute. Thank you for coming downstairs" Quinn said to Nate. Nate rolled his eyes. Quinn had no idea that he was expecting his own guest while she was expecting hers.

Nate stared at his wristwatch and fetched himself a glass of alcohol.

Quinn was excited that Nate has finally agreed to make Betsy his baby mama.

The doorbell dinged. Quinn squealed happily.

"She's here!"

Nate leaned on the chair, hoping that it should be Paige and not Betsy.

Quinn walked to the door and twisted the key till it made a flicker sound. She pulled the handle and stared at who was at the door.

Quinn's expression suddenly changed. Even Nate was surprised.

Trisha shoved Quinn aside and walked into the house. She saw how clean it was.

"Hey bruh!" She walked towards her brother and hugged him tight.

"Mom and dad sent their regards to you and your... 'wife'" Trisha glared at Quinn and looked away from her.

"Let's go. We have a lot to talk about" she said, pulling Nate's hand.

"I have a guest coming" he said.

"Guest? Who is it?" She furrowed her eyebrows.


"Her name is Betsy. She's going to be his baby mama"

"Are you kidding me? Baby what? No woman is going to be my brother's baby mama. It's better he adopt a child than to sleep with that Betsy" Trisha said with disgust all over her face.

"She's perfect Trisha. You are going to love her"

"Don't you dare call my name. I know this is all you idea. To get him a baby mama? Seriously?!"

"What could I have done? He doesn't want to adopt a child! This is the only way" Quinn yelled back at Trisha. Trisha frowned. She opened her mouth to almost fire back at her but the doorbell rang again. They all exchanged glances with each other before Nate himself walked to the door. The two ladies waited to see who walk pass that door.

It was Betsy and... Paige. They met at the gate and even argued a little before walking to the porch.

"Paige?" Quinn called out.

"Hi" she waved her hand stylishly.

Nate stared at his sister and smiled. Trisha folded her hand and also smiled in reply. She should have known who his guest was.

"Come in Paige" Nate said to her. Quinn stood there dumbfounded.

"What is she doing here? I invited Betsy"

"And I also invited my secretary Paige, is there anything wrong with that?" He asked.


"Let me get you a drink Paige" Nate said and walked away. Trisha walked to her and hugged her tight.

"It's nice to see you again. Come on, let's take you somewhere far from here" she said and pulled her hand to the living room that was upstairs. Betsy was also confused but damn! She loved the house. If she became Nate's baby mama, she has to live in this house with them.

"Have your seat Betsy. Give me a moment" she said and walked away. Betsy just went on a little tour in the living room, staring at the painting at everything.


Quinn walked to Paige.

"Um, I don't mean to be rude but why exactly are you here? Nate was supposed to meet with Betsy!" She yelled.

"I had no idea Betsy was coming over. Besides, I don't want to be here in the first place. I had plans before your husband ruined everything" Paige replied calmly.

"Quinn, don't be rude to our guest. Go and have fun with your guest instead. Besides, he already said he doesn't want a baby mama" Trisha spoke up. Nate arrived with a plate of diced fruits. He placed it before Paige. Quinn shot her eyes and mouth wide open. That was something Nate has never done for her.

"Send her away or she's fired" Nate squeezed his eyebrows.

"Or... You could let him choose his baby mama himself. That's if he wants anyone to become his baby mama" Trisha suggested. Paige grabbed her cup of juice and started drinking from it slowly.

"Yes, if anyone wants to be my baby mama, it should be Paige" he said.

Paige choked on her juice and started to cough heavily.

"Are you alright?" Trisha asked, touching her back. She raised her head and stared at Nate.

"There's no way I can become anyone's baby mama" she replied.

"Come on Paige, you are the only one I can trust. Just carry my child since Quinn can't" Nate pleaded.

"Hold on! Paige? Your baby mama? Now, you're making it seem like there's something going on between you two. Yesterday, you almost killed me just because I called her a sl*t now you are choosing her over Betsy to become your baby mama"

"Take it or leave it" Nate folded his arm.

"No! I'm not taking it and I'm not leaving it. It's either Betsy or nobody!" She yelled and walked away. Trisha and her brother exchanged glances and wore a mocking smile. Nate left to order some pizza for Paige and his sister.

"Have some fruits Paige. Never mind what we just said" Trisha spoke softly to Paige. Paige nodded and heaved a breath of relief. She hoped everything was just a joke.

"But on a serious note, would you become Nate's baby mama?" Trisha asked. Paige hoped wrong.

"Why can't Quinn carry a child?"

"She doesn't want to. She said it would ruin her job as a nude model" Trisha replied.

Paige lowered her gaze and thought about it.

"No, I can't. I just can't become his baby mama. I also have a future" she said, staring at Trisha with a teary eyes.

"Yeah, you do. But think about it please, Nate doesn't want any other person than you" she said. Paige looked away in disbelief, thinking about Nate. He just made her come here so that he won't spend time with Betsy but her instead.