
Who Is Your Baby Mama- (Will Be Republished)

THIS STORY HAS BEEN REPUBLISHED WITH THE SAME TITLE... "WHO IS YOUR BABY MAMA" CONTINUE READING FROM THERE... THANKS Having a baby will only ruin her body and her career. After Nate kept on pestering Quinn about having a baby, she couldn’t, she didn’t want to get pregnant. Adoption was never an option for her until she found her long lost friend. Because of what she had been through, she agreed to the contract to carry the pregnancy for her because of the money. Nate, having the chance to lay with his crush, used the opportunity. What happened after her third miscarriage? Who is the owner of the baby? Quinn or Paige? Find out in… Who Is Your Baby Mama?

Pop_Corn_0765 · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

He Protected Her Again!

Paige thrusted the key of her house through the key hole and twisted it twice. She stopped after she heard the last flickering sound. She pushed herself into the house and locked the door behind.

"He doesn't want anyone other than you" that word kept on ringing in her ear like a bell. She knew how much Nate loved her in the past but she had no idea he still love her. What would she do? Zane was also part of her life, he was something to her.

"There's no way I can become his baby mama. I can't let him sleep with me. Quinn is already mad at me even if we just make up with each other yesterday" she soliloquize.

"Argh!" Out of frustration, she pulled her hair and groaned loudly.



The next morning, Paige got a call from Zane. He was unable to come pick her up today because his car was faulty.

"It's fine Zane, I got another cab" Paige said with a cup of hot coffee in her hand.

"I'll see you tonight, okay?" He said.

"Yeah, bye" she said disconnected the call, slipping the phone into her bag. The cab driver repeatedly stared at her from front mirror but Paige was unaware of it. All she did was sip from her coffee and looked outside the car.


After some minutes, the cab pulled over in front of the company. She handed him the money and alight from the car.

There was some contractors outside. She furrowed her eyebrows, wondering what they were doing here. They carefully carried some glass board into the building. Paige waited for them to walk in before she entered into company. The first person she saw was Quinn and Betsy together. Her heart fell, it was like they were planning against her. She sighed deeply and gathered courage to walk to them.

"Hi, good morning" she waved at them. They neglected her greetings but she took the signing in book from and sign-in.

"Here's the documents. Give it to Dylan" Nate walked to Quinn and handed her a document.

"Sure" she replied. Paige walked out on them, heading to the elevator.

"Paige, we have a business meeting to attend" he said to her, walking with her to the elevator. Quinn and Betsy followed them behind.

"Babe? Babe?" Quinn called out to him. He stopped and shot her a hard glare.

"What is it? What else do you want?" He fummed angrily at her.

"You have to come early today. You have to spend the night with your new baby mama, she has signed the contract already" she said.

Nate stared at Betsy. Betsy hurriedly lowered her gaze.

"What do you think you're doing? You want to end up with your boss? Are you crazy?"

"It's also part of my job sir" she replied.

"Terminate that contract or I'll get you fired" he said, wanting to turn away.

Suddenly, they heard glass shattering upstairs. Some glasses particular rained on them. Nate grabbed his suit jacket and covered Paige while her coffee fell and spilled on her leg. She sucked in her lips, trying not to make any sound of pain. Some even tore Betsy's hand and face. Quinn was quick to run away from there. From distance she watched as her husband protected Paige again.

She tightened her fist and started breathing hard. Out of anger, she stormed out of the company with her bag and the documents she was asked to give to Dylan.

"Are you alright?" He asked her.

"Yeah" she nodded her head.

"I'm so sorry sir. It was my fault" one of the contractor ram downstairs.

"This shouldn't happen again" he said.

"Yes sir" he chorused and ran back up the stairs.

"Let's go Paige" he said, pulling her hand. She took two steps forward and groaned in pain.

"Argh!" She staggered and almost fell. He sighted the burn on her leg and the coffee.

"Jeez, come with me. Betsy, get the first aid kit to my office. Hurry!" He yelled at her. Betsy frowned before going to get the first aid kit. Nate didn't even notice that she was also injured.

He helped her into the elevator and into his office.

Carefully, he placed her on the couch and bent to check her leg. Paige saw what he was doing and moved her leg away from him.

"No, I can't let you do it" she said.

"I'll have to" he pulled her leg to himself. He took off her shoe and placed her feet on his laps. That was when Betsy walked in.

"Give it to me, hurry!" She stood there dumbfounded. Now, she hated Paige more and more.

Nate grabbed the kit from her and started to tender to Paige's burn.

"Ah!" She moaned in pain, jerking her head to the back. Betsy frowned. She thought Paige was purposely doing it to make Nate care for her.

He applied the ointment and gently placed her feet back on the ground with her shoe on.

"Thank you sir" she said.

Nate smiled and handed the box over to Betsy. That was when he noticed that she was also injured.

" You have a cut on your face. You should clean it and treat yourself" he said.

Betsy collected the kit and left the office. She didn't utter any word.

Nate sat beside Paige.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through all this"

"It's not your fault. Thank you for saving me from the glass" she replied and lowered her gaze.

Nate blushed. Paige sprung up from the couch and took her bag.

"I should go to my office now. I have some work to do"

"The business meeting is tomorrow. I hope you can make it as early as 8am"

"I'll try" she said and staggered as she walked out of the office. His eyes were fixed on her till she closed his door behind. Paige saw Betsy waiting in front of her office. She knew that she was in trouble.

"What do you want?" Paige asked. Betsy turned and faced her with the first aid kit still in her hand. In her eyes, Paige could see rage, anger burning in them, desire and hatred. She knew she was doomed. If Betsy was given a knife to kill anyone, she would definitely kill her.