
Whispers in the Winter Wind

In the serene city of Ginsukimura, where snow drapes the streets for most of the year, a young man named Yasushi Futakao leads a quiet life governed by the gentle rhythms of daily routine. However, this tranquility is disrupted when Jingliu Yang, a mysterious transfer student from China, enters his life. Jingliu is a mysterious presence, her beauty concealed by a frosty demeanor that keeps others at arm's length. Like his peers, Yasushi is drawn to her aloofness, intrigued by the secrets she fiercely protects. Despite her reluctance to form connections, a fateful event brings Yasushi and Jingliu together, igniting a fragile but deep bond between them. As the seasons change in Ginsukimura, so do the complexities of their relationship. Against the backdrop of a city that transforms from a winter wonderland to a sunlit sanctuary, Yasushi delves deeper into Jingliu's past, uncovering a multitude of experiences that have shaped her guarded nature. Their love story unfolds amidst the hushed whispers of snow-covered streets and the warmth of sunlit afternoons, every moment tinged with the wistful beauty of fleeting seasons. Through introspection and quiet conversations, Yasushi and Jingliu navigate the delicate dance of understanding and acceptance, their connection transcending cultural barriers and personal histories. As Yasushi peels back the layers of Jingliu's past, he comes face to face with his own journey of self-discovery, finding comfort and purpose in their shared experiences. Together, they navigate the complexities of love, loss, and the fleeting nature of time in a city where every season holds a story waiting to be told.

Haruki_Murakami · Tranh châm biếm
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95 Chs

Transfer Student Jingliu

Yasushi rose from his bed with the morning sun, a routine as familiar as the ticking of a clock. In the quiet solitude of his home, he went through the motions of brushing his teeth before descending to the kitchen for breakfast. Living independently, his parents' presence lingered in sporadic visits, reserved for grand occasions when work schedules allowed a fleeting reunion.

Every month, a stipend arrived like clockwork, a lifeline for his daily needs. Unbeknownst to his parents, his luck had favored him twice in lottery wins, a secret he safeguarded zealously. The thought of revealing this windfall brought a shudder; he knew all too well the vulturous gaze that wealth could summon.

Preparing breakfast and packing his lunch for the day, Yasushi relished the anticipation of the approaching weekend. Thursday's arrival hinted at the imminent embrace of Friday, a harbinger of leisure and freedom.

After meticulously making his meal, a fusion of Japanese delicacies and the familiar comforts of an English breakfast, Yasushi settled at the table to savor his creation. The flavors mingled on his palate, a subtle reminder of his dual heritage, bridging the gap between past and present.

As he ate, Yasushi absentmindedly scrolled through his phone, navigating the digital landscapes of social media. A cascade of mundane updates greeted him, punctuated by the occasional burst of excitement in a LINE group chat where his classmates, predominantly male, voiced hopes and fantasies about the incoming transfer student — a recurring theme that failed to pique Yasushi's interest.

Finishing his meal efficiently, he tidied up, then proceeded with the rituals of the morning — showering, dressing in his school uniform tailored for the winter chill, and securing his home before venturing out. A glance upward revealed a sky cloaked in ominous clouds, a silent backdrop to his daily journey.

Snowflakes danced down from the sky as Yasushi made his way toward school, the delicate flakes catching his attention. He plucked one from the air, a small smirk gracing his lips. Winter held a special place in his heart, a sentiment rooted in his past life as an Englishman.

England, with its trademark blend of dampness and cloud cover, occasionally graced by fleeting moments of sunlight and even rarer snowfall, had instilled in him a fondness for the season. The gentle descent of snowflakes brought a sense of tranquility, a quietude that Yasushi cherished.

Walking through Ginsukimura, a city that did not exist in his previous life, Yasushi passed by a myriad of shops, businesses, and towering structures, their doors opening to greet the day. Glancing at his watch, he noted the familiar hour of arrival at his school, a routine that brought him solace — an early sanctuary before the bustling chaos of the day unfolded.

As Yasushi ascended the hill, flanked by cherry blossom trees that whispered secrets to the wind, a figure caught his attention. His gaze fixated on her, the gentle breeze teasing her hair as delicate snowflakes danced around her. She stood there, her presence commanding yet ethereal, her snow-white hair a stark contrast against the wintry backdrop, and her deep red eyes seeming to hold untold mysteries.

Yasushi felt an inexplicable pull toward her, as if drawn by an invisible force. He couldn't tear his eyes away from this mysterious stranger. Though unfamiliar, there was a strange sense of recognition that flickered in the recesses of his mind, a name hovering on the edge of his consciousness.

"Jingliu..." he whispered to himself, the syllables forming softly on his lips. His feet halted involuntarily, rooted in place as he continued to observe the captivating girl before him.

In an instant, Yasushi recognized her from a character in a game from his previous life — Honkai Star Rail. The unexpected encounter left him slightly bewildered; never before had he experienced such a surreal intersection of realities. His gaze remained fixed on her, a silent acknowledgment of this uncanny connection.

As if sensing his scrutiny, the girl turned, her expression transforming from one of tranquility to icy disdain. Her once lively eyes hardened into a piercing glare that made Yasushi instinctively retreat a step, taken aback by the intensity of her response. It was evident that she despised being observed, her body language leaving no room for misinterpretation.

Without a word, she continued on her path, disappearing beyond the school gates and into the school. Yasushi watched her departure with a thoughtful frown. "Seems like she doesn't appreciate being the center of attention. That could be a problem; she's bound to attract attention today," he murmured to himself, resuming his ascent up the hill with a newfound curiosity tinged with caution.


The morning drifted into a quiet anticipation as Yasushi settled into his seat, the echoes of his encounter with "Jingliu" lingering in his thoughts. The minutes stretched languidly as he lost himself in the melodies of his music, a sanctuary of calm along with the stirring excitement of his classmates' murmurs.

Whispers flitted around the room like playful spirits, carrying tales of an unfamiliar presence witnessed earlier — a mysterious girl who had stirred the curiosity of the male students, igniting a buzz of speculation and anticipation.

As the clock ticked towards the appointed hour, the bell's chime broke the spell of idle chatter, heralding the start of homeroom. In walked Senbarisu, their homeroom teacher — a woman in her early thirties, possessing a graceful figure accentuated by her ponytailed black hair and warm brown eyes. Her presence commanded attention, a calm authority settling over the classroom as she prepared to guide them through the day's lessons.

"As you may have heard—"

"Girl! Transfer student!" interrupted a boisterous classmate, prompting laughter from the boys. Their mirth, however, swiftly dissipated under the weight of Senbarisu's stern glare.

Clearing her throat, Senbarisu resumed, "As I was saying, we have a new transfer student, a girl. Let's welcome her warmly." Her warning glance added an unspoken edge to the request, earning a collective nod of compliance from the class.

Into the room strode the enigmatic figure from earlier, her presence commanding the attention of every eye. With snow-white hair cascading around her shoulders and piercing red eyes, she exuded an otherworldly aura. Clad in the school's uniform — a striking black and red blazer, a skirt in shades of black and gray, knee-high socks, and black shoes — she stood out against the backdrop of familiar faces, drawing every gaze as if by magnetic force.

She offered a formal bow and introduced herself with a straightforward demeanor. "My name is Jingliu Yang, I hail from China. Both my parents are of Chinese and Japanese descent, and we've recently relocated here due to their work commitments. I'll be a part of this school and class for the remainder of my high school career. It's a pleasure to meet you all," she stated, her words precise and devoid of unnecessary embellishment.

A heavy silence descended upon the class, all eyes fixated on her, some jaws hanging agape in surprise. Yasushi, feigning disinterest, gazed out the window as usual, stealing occasional glances in her direction. To his astonishment, he noticed her gaze lingering on him for a moment before she averted her eyes.

"Wait, you're mixed!?" blurted out a classmate, earning a sharp reprimand from Senbarisu.

Jingliu responded matter-of-factly, "Yes, I am."

The classroom held its breath as another voice piped up, "Are you single?"

"I am," came her blunt response, her expression revealing little emotion as she addressed the inquiry.

"Will you go out with me!? Be my girlfriend, please!" another voice rang out, breaking the uneasy silence that had settled over the classroom.

Jingliu's response was swift and cutting. "I will respectfully decline. Such a notion is frankly, disgusting," she retorted, her glare piercing enough to make the boy recoil.

The awkward tension hung in the air until Senbarisu intervened, directing Jingliu to take the spare seat in the class. Positioned in the same row as Yasushi, albeit two seats away to his right, she settled into her place.

With the formalities concluded, the school day commenced, but the air was charged with curiosity and intrigue surrounding the enigmatic transfer student, Jingliu Yang—strange, cool, yet cold, as some whispered.

As Jingliu took her seat, her eyes subtly drifted towards Yasushi, who had resumed his contemplative gaze out the window, seemingly disinterested once again. However, Jingliu had already taken note of him earlier, and there was a quiet determination in her gaze that hinted she wouldn't easily forget their brief encounter.

"Even monkeys fall from trees." - Japanese proverb

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