
Whispers in the Winter Wind

In the serene city of Ginsukimura, where snow drapes the streets for most of the year, a young man named Yasushi Futakao leads a quiet life governed by the gentle rhythms of daily routine. However, this tranquility is disrupted when Jingliu Yang, a mysterious transfer student from China, enters his life. Jingliu is a mysterious presence, her beauty concealed by a frosty demeanor that keeps others at arm's length. Like his peers, Yasushi is drawn to her aloofness, intrigued by the secrets she fiercely protects. Despite her reluctance to form connections, a fateful event brings Yasushi and Jingliu together, igniting a fragile but deep bond between them. As the seasons change in Ginsukimura, so do the complexities of their relationship. Against the backdrop of a city that transforms from a winter wonderland to a sunlit sanctuary, Yasushi delves deeper into Jingliu's past, uncovering a multitude of experiences that have shaped her guarded nature. Their love story unfolds amidst the hushed whispers of snow-covered streets and the warmth of sunlit afternoons, every moment tinged with the wistful beauty of fleeting seasons. Through introspection and quiet conversations, Yasushi and Jingliu navigate the delicate dance of understanding and acceptance, their connection transcending cultural barriers and personal histories. As Yasushi peels back the layers of Jingliu's past, he comes face to face with his own journey of self-discovery, finding comfort and purpose in their shared experiences. Together, they navigate the complexities of love, loss, and the fleeting nature of time in a city where every season holds a story waiting to be told.

Haruki_Murakami · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs


The young man, Yasushi Futakao, found himself in the familiar embrace of another ordinary day, his gaze drifting through the window of his high school classroom. Second year had begun its quiet march, and for all its seeming normalcy — friends, familial bonds, and amicable relations with teachers — an unsettling void gnawed at Yasushi's core, a sense of absence he couldn't quite pinpoint.

At sixteen, with the tentative approach of seventeen, Yasushi cut a nondescript figure with his short, tousled brown hair and eyes that shimmered a deep shade of purple, a hue rarely seen. His presence melded into the background, yet within him brewed a subtle disquiet, a feeling that whispered of missing pieces in life's intricate puzzle, leaving him adrift amidst the ebb and flow of his peers.

"Yasushi, focus," the history teacher chided, tapping the crown of Yasushi's head with a textbook in a half-playful, half-exasperated manner.

Yasushi managed a weary smile, turning his attention back to the droning lecture. "Sorry," he muttered, his interest waning as he half-heartedly engaged with the lesson, drawing a few smirks and stifled laughs from his classmates.

Born in Japan, or perhaps it was more apt to say he had been reincarnated into this world, Yasushi found himself in a world that mirrored his own yet was adorned with distinct nuances. Mentally aged around twenty-one, he bore the scars of a fate all too common in the annals of tragic tales. It was a night blurred by alcohol and camaraderie, culminating in an encounter with destiny's merciless edge — a speeding train, an older woman in haste, a collision that left Yasushi cleaved in two upon the unforgiving tracks.

Too intoxicated to react, too mired in the fog of revelry, Yasushi met his end sprawled across the rails, a tragic character in a narrative he never intended to write.

Yasushi let out a silent sigh as he reflected on his new existence, a life carefully navigated to avoid the glaring scrutiny that would follow any drastic change. He had refrained from dramatic gestures that might raise eyebrows, opting instead for subtler maneuvers. Winning the lottery not once but twice had provided him with a financial cushion, stashing away the earnings in a nondescript savings account. This windfall ensured a certain ease in his daily affairs, sparing him the anxieties that often plagued ordinary folk.

Yet, despite this stroke of luck, Yasushi found himself in possession of a life lacking in flair or extraordinary occurrences. There were no fantastical "cheats" akin to those embellished in certain novels, no surreal encounters with characters from alternate realms. His days unfolded in the mundane rhythm of ordinary people, cultivating acquaintanceship that tiptoed around the edges of friendship but never ventured into the realm of romantic entanglements. It was a life devoid of grand narratives or sweeping dramas, a quiet existence nestled in the shadows of normalcy.

"Ah, one more thing," announced the teacher, his words a pivot in the day's mundane routine. "There will be a new addition to our class starting tomorrow — a transfer student, you might say."

The classroom buzzed with subdued curiosity at this revelation. Whispers danced around the room, eager anticipation tingling in the air as students speculated about the newcomer's identity. For many, it was a moment of shared excitement, a break in the monotony of routine lessons. Yasushi, however, couldn't shake a faint sense of cliché that hovered around the announcement. Yet, beneath this skepticism lay a quiet thrill, a subtle spark of anticipation that he couldn't entirely dismiss.

In all his years since reincarnation, Yasushi hadn't encountered transfer students or foreign exchange students, reminiscent of the anime narratives he had once watched in his previous life. Thus, the prospect of a new face among them stirred a dormant curiosity within him, a sentiment he shared with the class albeit in silence, kept to himself like a cherished secret.


At lunchtime, amidst the clatter of trays and chatter of students, Yasushi's friend, whom he nearly considered a "best friend," sauntered over to his desk, brimming with excitement.

"Hey, Yasu! Can you believe we're getting a transfer student? It's gonna be so cool!" exclaimed Furuya, dragging a chair to Yasushi's side.

Yasushi offered a nod of agreement, his chopsticks poised over his lunchbox. "Sure, Furuya. It's a bit hyped, though. Feels like everyone's expecting a celebrity instead of a new classmate," he remarked, taking a bite while Furuya eagerly bit into his sandwich.

Furuya chuckled between bites. "You're spot-on there. But think about it, Yasu. We've never had a transfer student before. It's like something out of a novel, right? Adds a dash of excitement to our ordinary school days." His enthusiasm, infectious as ever, painted a picture of anticipation in the midst of the ordinary.

Yasushi chuckled softly at Furuya's bubbling enthusiasm, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he shook his head in mild amusement. "We'll find out soon enough. Any idea if it's a girl or a boy?" he inquired, shooting a glance at his eager friend.

"I'm hoping for a cute girl!" Furuya exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with anticipation and a touch of mischief.

With a resigned sigh, Yasushi rolled his eyes playfully. "Naturally. I'm sure most of the guys share your sentiment."

Furuya nodded sagely, as if imparting profound wisdom. "Exactly! Who wouldn't want a cute girl joining our class? But if it's another guy, and he's some pretty boy type, I might as well jump off a cliff..."

"Pretty boy? We don't exactly have those types roaming our school," Yasushi remarked, dismissing the notion with a wave of his hand.

"You're out of your mind! How can you not notice the seniors like Jishiha, Kevin, and that European guy, or even Tanaka in our year? They're like walking dreams, with bodies that make girls swoon! It's not fair!" Furuya's frustration spilled out in a torrent of words.

In the background, another voice chimed in, echoing Furuya's sentiments with a hearty agreement. "Exactly!"

Furuya turned to Yasushi, seeking validation. "See that?" he exclaimed, gesturing emphatically.

Yasushi paused mid-bite, swallowing his food before responding. "I don't really pay attention to all that. Why does it matter so much? Just ask them out or find your own way," he remarked, giving his friend an incredulous look.

"Ha! Now you're the love guru, huh? You haven't even had a girlfriend!" Furuya retorted, jabbing his bread at Yasushi accusingly.

Tilting his head slightly, Yasushi countered, "...but isn't advice about understanding people, not just about personal experience?" His gaze met Furuya's, thoughts swirling in his mind, 'Though I did have relationships in my past life...'

Furuya straightened proudly, puffing out his chest. "I'll have you know, I dated someone in middle school!" he declared, a hint of bravado in his voice.

Yasushi's expression soured as he interjected, "For all of four weeks before she left, citing your 'weirdness' as the reason. Seriously, man, let it go and move forward. She's even made it public on social media that you still message her," he said with a grimace, shaking his head at the folly of it all.

A look of sheer horror contorted Furuya's features, resembling a figure in a painting captured mid-scream. "People can see that!?" he exclaimed, his voice reaching such a pitch that it drew the attention of others in the classroom, who peered in to witness the unfolding drama between the two friends.

Yasushi buried his face in his palm, exhaling a tired sigh. "Yes, it's all over social media. Facebook, Instagram, even Snapchat. Half the city probably knows," he lamented, his voice tinged with resignation.

Furuya's complexion drained of color, leaving him speechless and visibly shaken. He struggled to articulate his thoughts, a sense of impending regret settling in.

Abruptly, Furuya leaped from his seat, panic evident in his voice. "I-I have to go!" he blurted out before making a hasty exit from the classroom.

Yasushi sighed once more, shaking his head in disbelief. "...you're such an idiot," he muttered under his breath, returning to his lunch with a weary expression. Leaning back, he gazed out of the window, lost in contemplation.

As he nibbled on his food, Yasushi's thoughts drifted to the upcoming arrival of the new student. Despite his expectations of a mundane existence, a glimmer of curiosity stirred within him, wondering if this newcomer would bring any change to their ordinary classroom dynamics. However, a deeper part of him suspected that things would remain as uneventful as they always had been, resigned to the familiar rhythm of his unremarkable life.

"Fall seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese proverb

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