



Juliet went for shopping in a mall just when she is coming out and Ryan bump up to her and the things in Juliet hand fall, down

Juliet get angry and yelling at Ryan

Juliet) are you blind; see what you have caused?

Ryan) miss, am so sorry! And Juliet bend down with anger and pick her things; before Ryan could say another word and Juliet walk away; Ryan try to talk to her, but Juliet walk away without looking her back and Ryan walk towards inside the mall while looking back and say in his mind; this is the first time meeting this girl; but why she is so mean?

The next day Ryan arrive in a big company, he is the president of the company; just when Ryan entered and the staffs greet him; good morning president Ryan and he responded and went straight to his office while the females in the company whispered to themselves; that, he is a very cute guy but I wonder why he doesn't have woman in his life; and one of the managers walk up to them and everybody get to her position

After few hours in the afternoon time; Ryan is driving to somewhere and saw a four years old girl on the road and he stop and walk up to the small girl

Ryan) hey cutie, where are you going? And the small girl say; I'm from school; my teachers said I should go home and take money from mom and come and pay my exam fee before write the exam

Ryan) what is your name? And the small girl say; my name is Kiara

Ryan) where is your house; and Kiara say it's far from here;

After which in kiara school; in the principals office! Ryan pay kiara exam fee and everything and give kiara some money to keep: just when Ryan turn to go and Kiara call him and run towards him and held his clothes and ask him to bring his head down and Ryan low his hight to Kiara level and Kiara give him peg on his checks and Ryan squeeze her cheeks gentle and wave her and walk towards his car and drove away

Some hours later in Kiara school; Juliet the girl Ryan bump up to the other day in the mall arrive in the school and Kiara call her mommy and run towards her; and Juliet hug her; after which and Kiara teacher walk up to Kiara and Juliet and say; your child father is a super rich; he visit here today; he has paid everything for Kiara and she smile and walk away

Juliet become confuse and ask Kiara; who pay your fees and Kiara say; he is my friend: his name is Ryan

After which in gray mansion; Juliet and Kiara walk in, and gray mum and his younger brother; walk to them in the living room and the woman start shouting at Juliet to enter kitchen and prepare something for them to eat! Juliet apologize to the woman, to forgive her for not return back early and the woman shout at Kiara to go upstairs and change her clothes and come and help her mum cook and mop the house;

Juliet was married to gray; but gray travel abroad the next thing they heard is gray death; since gray died his mom and younger brother has turn Juliet and her daughter into slaves in the house and they don't help them, they only work as maids in the mansion! everyday Juliet go to bed with tears; because she has no where to go, her only option is work as a maid to get something small to help Kiara go to school

The next day morning Juliet wake up and cook breakfast and serve her mother inlaw and brother in-law and mop the house and took Kiara to school; after which in the school entrance! Kiara and her mum stand there waiting for Kiara friend Ryan to come, so she could thank him for helping her pay kiara fees; after which and morning bell ring and Juliet kiss Kiara on her forehead and tell her to go and learn they will meet her friend Ryan next time; just when Kiara went inside the school and Juliet turn to go out and she bump up to Ryan and Juliet trip to fall and Ryan grab her in his arms; and they stared into each other's eyes small after which and Juliet push Ryan away and slap him;

Juliet) you again, useless people everywhere; and she warn Ryan not to come in front of her once again!

Just when Ryan wanted to say; is a mistake and Juliet walk away, just when she leave and Ryan saw her ID card on the ground and he pick the card and chase after Juliet after which and Ryan saw Juliet stand beside some waist bin and run towards her,

Ryan) hey girl you forget while he stretch his hand towards Juliet, and the card in his hand; Juliet thought it Ryan business card; he wants to give to her; she didn't wait for Ryan to finish what he is saying and she grab the card and trough it inside trash

Ryan open his mouth and say; what? And Juliet smile and say; is that not what you want; idiot and she turn to walk away and Ryan say; well for your information; it's your ID card; you just trough inside the trash and Juliet stop and open her hand bang and check; she didn't see her card and return to the das bin to get her card and a taxi arrive and Ryan get inside the taxi and wave Juliet and smile and say bye bye ;

Juliet look at him with anger and she pick the card from the trash and walk away;

After which in gray mansion; Juliet walk in while her mother inlaw and her son sit in the living room with Juliet bags; Juliet walk towards them with confession and her mother inlaw stand up and tell her to pack and leave the house; and Juliet knelt down and beg her to let her and Kiara stay, she has no where to go and her inlaw say; since you came into this family only bad things happen; I don't even know what my son see in a dirty girl like you; I warn him but he didn't listen now you have killed him while she is talking Juliet start shed tears; after which in Juliet room she took gray picture and start shed tears and ask! gray why did you leave me here? you said you are going to come the next thing I heard is your death I didn't even get to see you before you leave! you know I don't have helper, my parents disown me from the day I agreed to marry you and reject their dreams; she shed tears and lay down on the bed

After which in kiara school gate; Kiara stand at the school gate; and Ryan arrive, Kiara saw him get down from the car and she run towards him;

Ryan low his hight to Kiara level and say; cutie where is your mom?

Kiara) I have been waiting for her; but she didn't show up; I don't know why!; and Ryan turn around and saw ice cream seller and call him; and bought two cup of ice cream and handed one to Kiara and they sit on a bench in front of the school gate; while chatting and laughing; after which and Ryan received phone call and walk away small to talk to the person on phone, after Ryan finished the call and return back; he didn't see Kiara and he ask the gate man in the school and he say, Kiara mum has pick her up and Ryan walk away!

The next day Ryan driver is driving him to work and the car broke on road; the driver try his possible best to fix the car; but he couldn't do it; after few minutes and a buss arrive and Ryan tell the driver to call engineer to come and fix it, and he entered the buss

The buss is full already so Ryan have to stand, the person next to him is Juliet Ryan greet her with smile but Juliet ignore him; after which and the buss driver step on break and Ryan move towards Juliet and his body push Juliet and Juliet step on his foot with her heels and Ryan scream ahhhh' and everyone in the buss look at him; and Ryan smile in pain and say I'm fine

After which and they reach where Ryan will get down and Juliet too is getting down on same place; Ryan walk towards the car door while Juliet is after him just when Ryan is about to get down and he trip to fall and he grab Juliet hand bag to support himself from fall down and Juliet get angry and kick Ryan booty; Ryan almost fall on his face and he use his hand block on the ground and stand up and turn to Juliet and Juliet turn and flip her hair and walk away while people are watching-



After which; oh street Ryan is running to somewhere and bump up to Juliet and Juliet fall down and she stand up with Soo much anger and took needle trying to pinch Ryan with the needle; and Ryan run away after which on some Conner Ryan stop to breath small and Juliet appear with big stick in her hand and walk towards Ryan to hit his head with the stick; just when Juliet rase the stick to hit Ryan head and his assistant walk in in his office and Ryan scream and stand up from the chair while breathing heavily and Ryan assistant rush to him and held him

Ryan held his forehead and breath and say thank God is just a dream; and his assistant tell him to sit and Ryan sit on the chair again and his assistant go bring him water and he drink

Evening time in Kiara school; some of Kiara school mates start laughing her; and call her a out of wedlock child and Kiara get angry and she and one of her school mate broke into fight after which and one of the madams arrive and separate them and took them to the head mistress office and they call Kiara mother to come to the school; her daughter and someone have fight

After which and Ryan arrive in Kiara school, Ryan walk towards one of the Madam and ask her, where is Kiara and the Madam ask him! Are you her father

Ryan) am; yes I'm her father; and the Madam took Ryan to the mistress office

Just when Ryan entered the head mistress office and the head mistress stand up from the chair and walk up to Ryan and stretch her hand and say; sir welcome, and Kiara rush to him and Ryan go down to Kiara level and ask her what happen

After which and the head mistress give the kids that call Kiara mum prostitute punishment. And Juliet arrive in the school and ask the Madam where is Kiara and the madam say she is with her dad in the head mistress office!

in Juliet mind; dad?

and the madam walk away and Juliet walk towards the head mistress office

Just when Kiara and Ryan walk out: and Kiara saw her mum walk towards them and mention her name mummy and run towards her; and held her mom hand and drag her towards Ryan and say mum meet my friend Ryan and Ryan and Juliet shout together; you; and Juliet stretch her hand towards Ryan face!

After which on the road Kiara hug Ryan and Ryan give her money to buy ice cream but Juliet ignore him as they have fight and she hold Kiara hand and walk away

After which in gray mansion; gray mum and her younger son is in room

Gray mum) your brother will be back next week and we have to make sure Juliet and Kiara leave this house before he return with his new wife

Gray younger brother) mum; I think we should let her stay so bro will chase her out by himself; because bro have a new wife and kid now; he has realize his mistake of not listening to you, and now he wants to make it right, I think he should park her out by himself; and his mum said you are right; and gray brother said; I have another good news; we have get new project from R V group, the project is million dollars and they celebrate hugging each other

The next day in R V group company; Ryan car arrive and he get down; and open the other door and Kiara get down and he carry her in his arms and walk inside the company towards his office; while the staffs are gossiping about him; some said: who is that little girl with president Ryan; I thought he doesn't have girlfriend; and the other departments manager arrive in the room and say; will you guys continue your work and stop gossiping and everyone get back fast to they are position and start work

Ryan office he put Kiara down while Kiara look around the office and say; is this yours? and Ryan held her hand and say; nope is for my father

Kiara) wow your father is very rich; and Ryan said; who is your father?

Kiara) I don't know him! Well, Will you be my dad and Ryan smile and say sure, and Kiara hug him;

After which in some place Ryan and Kiara arrive while Juliet stand there waiting to pick Kiara; and Kiara tell Ryan to bring his head down and Ryan draw close and go down thinking Kiara want to tell him something secret and Kiara give him peg and say; I love you, dad! and Juliet said what;

Kiara) mum Ryan wants to be my dad; and Juliet Tell her to shut up;

Ryan) she is a child let her enjoy what he wants, am her dad not your husband and Juliet stared at him quietly and say Kiara let go; and Kiara wave Ryan and they walk away-



Juliet hold Kiara hand and they walk away and Ryan turn and walk towards home!

After which in Ryan mansion, Ryan walk inside the mansion while his suit is on his hand and one of his maids rush towards him and take the suit to upstairs and Ryan sit on the couch and they bring him child juice!

After which in Ryan room; Ryan open his window and close his eyes and open his arms; to feel the fresh air, and he remembers the moments he bump ups to Juliet and how Juliet get mad at him and he smile and open his eyes; and say so crazy and return to the bed and lay down;

The next day in Kiara school Juliet and Kiara get down from taxi and Kiara hug her and walk inside the school while Juliet stand on the gate looking at her and smile and return home

After which in gray mansion; Juliet walk inside the mansion, and meet her mother inlaw in the living room; and her mother inlaw tell her to arrange everything in the mansion; they will have a guest today and Juliet start moping everywhere in the mansion

After which and two cars arrive; on the gate, and the gate man open the gate and the cars entered while Juliet and her mother inlaw stand in the compound waiting; and the cars pack and gray junior brother get down and open the car door and gray step out from the car; and his mom shout and threw herself into gray arms while Juliet is shock; she can't believe her eyes;

Juliet) what is going on; mum I thought you said gray is died? And gray mum turn towards Juliet and say; gray make this decision himself; after realizing, you are not his match! Juliet walk up to gray; and held his hand and say; gray what is mum talking about; I know this is not your plan; you love me right? While trying to touch gray cheeks and gray move backwards!

Juliet open her mouth to say something again and a lady said what is going on, and the lady walk up to gray with a 3 years boy and gray held the lady and pull her to himself and say; this is my wife and turn and walk inside the house while holding the lady hand

After which and Juliet rush following them inside the living room and hold gray hand and drag him and he turn towards Juliet while tears is rolling down Juliet cheeks and Juliet weep away her tears

Juliet) what is going? Who is that woman? I thought you said you love me; and you are ready to support me! even when my parents go against our relationship; I chose you over them! I lost my dreams because of you; now I don't have my parents because of you; we promise to be together forever! what happen why are you doing all this to me? And gray stared at her without a word and walk towards upstairs with his new wife and son; and Juliet fell down with her heart broken crying and gray mother say; well now you know; gray doesn't want you anymore; is time to pack out; and she walk upstairs

After which in Juliet room she sit on the bed and pick the pillow while crying and remembered when her parents, tell her not to marry gray; how her parents try they're possible best to protect her from gray; but she chose gray over them

After which in Ryan office a private investigator entered and and Ryan ask him to sit and he sit

Ryan) did you find out about her; and the private investigator said; her full name is Charles Juliet; and it seems she is a maid in gray mansion;

Ryan) I want you to find out her husband name and where her parents live for me; I don't want anyone to know about this; apart from me and you; and the private investigator stand up and walk out;

Evening time in Kiara school; Ryan is passing by the school gate and saw Kiara standing on the gate and Ryan ask the driver to go back and the driver go back and Ryan gate down from the car and Kiara run to him

Ryan) why are you still here? Where is your mum?

Kiara) I don't know! And Ryan said don't worry.i will drop you at home; after which on gray mansion gate; Ryan knock on the gate and the gate man open the gate and ryan and Kiara walk in while holding each other hands

In the living room; Ryan greet gray mum; but she didn't respond the greetings! And say; finally Juliet has diced to bring her boyfriends into this mansion; and Juliet heard her voice and rush from kitchen to the living room!

Kiara saw her mum looking tired and she threw herself into her mum arms!

Juliet) my daughter I'm sorry for not; come to pick you; I was going to come; and gray mum shout at Juliet to return into the kitchen and prepare the meal; and Juliet tell Kiara to go and change her clothes and gray and his younger brother walk from upstairs,

Juliet stared at gray! her tears almost come again but she control herself;

Gray) and who is that girl and you while stretching his finger towards Ryan!

In Ryan mind; so this is the gray family, the other departments manager rewards them with that huge contract? wow, good outside but evil inside and gray brother said; what are you thinking

Ryan) yeh! I saw this little girl on my way home and she say she live here so I diced to give her lift!

Gray brother) oh that is how all those poor people act when they meet rich people; they try to use the opportunity to make money from us; but for your information; she is a daughter of our maid!

Ryan turn and look at Juliet; and Juliet bored her head down!

Gray) can you go now? thank you for bring her!

Ryan look at Juliet and walk out while looking back after Ryan left

Gray) wow interesting; you have a baby?

Juliet) I find out I'm pregnant after you left the country; I wanted to tell you; but then your mother broke the news to me that you are died!

Gray) even an idiot will not believe this cook up story! I want you to do one thing for me! I want you to leave this house once and for all tomorrow

Juliet) you know I can't do that; I have no where to go; and our daughter; how do you expect her to survive?

Gray) do I look like I care; I only have one child and that is my boy, I don't have another child anywhere! And he return upstairs

Juliet grab Kiara tight in her arms; while crying

After which in Ryan house; Ryan walk up and down; while talking to himself in his mind

And he received and call from his private investigator! After which and they hung up on the call; Ryan go slowly and sit on the couch;

In Ryan mind; so Kiara is actually gray daughter; but he is denning her; and wants to kick them out just because he has a new wife! I can't believe this! See how Juliet was exhausted and tired! I have to do something!

After which and Ryan call the other departments manager and ask him when is he going to sign the contract with the gray family and the manager said tomorrow! I will go to they are house to close the deal!

Ryan) ok; ; and he went upstairs in his room and lay down on his bed! While thinking of a way to help Kiara and her mum out; after which and Ryan fall asleep _



Ryan fall on the bed after which and he slept off

The next day 10:am in gray mansion; on downstairs, gray mum and his younger brother bring Juliet things outside and ask her to move out with Kiara;

Juliet knelt down and beg them to let her stay; because she has no where to go, and they should consider Kiara! she is too small to sleep on the street; but they didn't mind her and keep pushing her to go out; while gray sitting on the couch taking coffee without saying anything

After which Juliet try to go to gray on the couch to beg him to let them stay for the mean time and gray younger brother push Juliet back force and she fall on her bags while Kiara standing aside crying and Ryan arrive and rush towards Juliet and held her and help her stand up;

Ryan walk up to gray and say; why are you this heartless; a girl; who sacrifice everything for you! see how you are treating her like trash! because you have money! But remember you was once her father driver;

Gray stand up and stretch his hand towards Ryan and say how dare you poor stinking like you talk to me anyhow!

Gray walk more closer to Ryan like he wants to fight and Juliet rush towards them and held Ryan and say; if you really want to help us then please don't fight because that will make life difficult for me and Kiara; Ryan stared at Juliet in front of him quietly and say! you see after all you have done to her she still stand up for you

Gray) poor deserve poor; so I think you two should be together it will be perfect;

Gray brother) we have to get them out before the R V group arrive for the deal;

Ryan smile and say; do you think what you are doing; will make you get that contract from R V group or? Not at all!

And gray walk up to Ryan and slap him, Ryan held his cheeks and ask, you j slap me! And gray say! If you keep talking I will slap you again and nothing will happen!

Ryan) if you know what is going to happen to you right now; you will have start crying like a baby and gray say; how dare a poor like you threatening me!

Gray turn towards Juliet and say; you see what just happen! Because of you; this thing has the got to threaten me while point his hand on Ryan and walking more closer to Juliet and Juliet walk backwards; he push Juliet and she fall down while shed tears and Ryan rush to her; and held her on the floor! And Juliet yelled at him; I told you to stop challenging them! But what you keep doing is making life more difficult for me and my daughter! we have no where to stay or go!

Gray mum and her younger son pick Juliet things to threw them out and someone knock on the door!

Gray brother) that most be R V group; bro arrange yourself; and gray sit on the couch gentle while Juliet and Kiara and Ryan stand aside

Gray brother open the door and welcome R V group other department manager! And they walk up to the couch! while three boys are following the manager;

The manager wanted to sit and he say; why here is like some misunderstanding is going on?

Gray brother) oh sir; don't worry everything is good; please be comfortable; just when the manager wanted to sit and turn his right and saw Ryan stand with Kiara and Juliet! And the manager stand up immediately and say! President Ryan! And he greet; good morning president Ryan! I'm sorry I didn't see you!

Gray and his mom and his younger brother was shock! And stand up

Juliet stared at Ryan with shock;

Gray brother) what is going on? and the manager said; why you didn't tell me president Ryan is here?

Ryan turn up to them and walk towards them and say; for your information R V group owns by my dad; and currently am the president; Ryan turn to the manager and say we can't do business with this people;

Gray mum shout at her son's and say; are you stand there; beg him to sign the contract!

Ryan turn and grab Juliet and kiara hand; just when he is about to walk out and stop and say! Manager; this family has to pay our company; 1.5 million; we put in the contract; I will wait for the money tomorrow and he walk out and the manager; tell the boys to take Juliet and Kiara bag and they Carry the bags while gray and his family begin the manager to wait and help them get that contract! but he didn't respond and walk out and shut the door

After which in Ryan mansion; Ryan get down and open the door for; Juliet and Kiara and they get down; and they walk inside

Kiara) wow are you a prince?

Ryan) I'm not why do you ask?

Kiara) because your house is beautiful just like palace; is for your father or?

Ryan) nope it's mine; my father has his own house this one is mine!

After which and the boys arrive with Juliet and Kiara bags; and Ryan call one of his maids name and all the maids rush downstairs!

Ryan) take their bags upstairs and arrange one of the rooms for them; Just when the maids left to upstairs and Juliet said; they're your sisters or? Ryan stared at her and smile and say; they are my maids!

Kiara) you alone you have four maids; and Ryan said let go upstairs and they walk towards upstairs

In gray mansion; gray walk up and down and sit on the couch; while feeling angry and say; Juliet! you will regret this; because of you I lost the deal I have been working for over a year; and even lost one point five million, and he went upstairs in his room;

in Ryan mansion; Juliet is arranging her clothes in the closet and and saw a picture of herself and gray; and she remembered how they were happy back then and tears start rolling down; after which and she weep her tears and arrange the clothes and return to the bed and sit while holding a picture of her parents

In Juliet mind! Dad mum. Am sorry for not listening to you, while she touch the picture smoothly and put the picture on her chest and hold it tight

After which in kitchen The maids are preparing lunch and gossiping about Ryan and Juliet; one said is she boss girlfriend or; just when they are gossiping and Juliet walk in; they all go mute and start working thinking Juliet has heard them;.

Juliet) what can I do to help and the chief maid said; madam we are sorry but sir will not spare us if we let you work!

Juliet) madam? and she smile and touch the chief maid shoulder and say! I'm just like one of you! Am not special or something, so what can I do, and she pick some of the things and start helping them

After which Juliet walk from kitchen and saw Kiara and Ryan playing on the couch; in living room and smiling felling happy; the next thing Juliet find herself smiling happily and she get back to herself and return to kitchen

After which; they sit down to have lunch; but the maids was still in the kitchen and Ryan call the chief maid and say we are waiting for you guys!

Chief maid) sir I thought you will like to eat with your guest, our food is in kitchen! Ryan smile and say even when my parents come here; we all always eat together; so tell them to come to the table

After which and they all have sit while eating

Kiara) dad! And Ryan say yes baby and Kiara said; do you like my mum; and Ryan turn his head and start coughing! While everybody is shock of Kiara question and one of the maids, give Ryan water and he drink the water and turn towards Kiara and smile and touch her head gentle and say; baby; the food is not delicious or?

Kiara) is so delicious and i love it and Ryan said then let enjoy it right? and Kiara reply yes!

And everybody start eating again

The next three days; Ryan and cover Kiara eyes and they walk outside; while; Ryan say he have surprise for her; while Juliet too follow them after which and Ryan unfold Kiara eyes; and stretch his hand towards a brand new car and say; your new car, that will drop you at school and pick you up when you close!

Kiara get happy and hug Ryan and say you are the best daddy in the world and Juliet walk to Ryan and say; you don't have to do this; already you done enough for us;

Ryan smile and say; nothing is too much for my good friends; and besides am her dad so she deserve it and he handed the keys to Juliet and return inside!

Juliet look above and say; Lord I wish I could be able to pay him back; for all he has done for us_



Juliet look above and look at the car keys in her hand and say! Oh Lord bless him for us; I don't think I will be able to return all of the things he has done for us!

After which; juliet walk up to Ryan door to call him to come downstairs to eat; just when she get to the door and heard Ryan scream; ashh; and Juliet knock and ask; are you ok; but Ryan did not respond; and Juliet push the door but it was locked! And she go back small to push the door force! Just when Juliet stretch her hand to push the door and Ryan open the door from inside; and she bump to Ryan and Ryan fall backwards in the room and Juliet too fell on him; while her eyes are closed and she open her eyes slowly while laying on Ryan; she stared at Ryan eyes quietly while her left hand is on Ryan chest; she can feel Ryan heart beat; fast

They are still on the floor looking at each other eyes and one of the maids arrive while calling Ryan, the maid saw them on the floor and she say sorry and turn fast and go; Juliet wanted to get up fast from Ryan not knowing her necklace has hook Ryan Chen on his neck and the necklace pull her back to Ryan again; and Ryan hold the necklace and remove it from each other and Juliet stand up and say sorry! she didn't wait for Ryan to speak and turn and go downstairs

After which on the dining table; they are eating but Ryan and Juliet bored their head down while eating; not even talk;

The chief maid) sir and ma'am; I hope everything is ok; you have been quiet and Ryan rase his head and say; yeah everything is fine; and he smile nicely like everyday and look at Juliet and Juliet too smile

The next day; Ryan and Juliet went to buy some books and things for Kiara; after which and they return home; Ryan; walk inside the house while feeling so angry and Juliet follow him while saying; am sorry; after which in the living room and Ryan stoped

Ryan) you are worse than I ever thought!

Juliet) I don't know why you are this angry, the guy poor wine on my clothes! And Ryan smile in anger and say; you will never admit your mistake; the guy was pushed by someone before he bump to you; he didn't do it internationally! what you did is a humiliation; not only the guy you humility but me too; because everyone around here knows me!

Juliet) I can't believe you are taking that guy side, and she try to explain herself to Ryan; but that get Ryan angry more because Juliet don't want to admit her mistake;

Ryan) no wonder gray never wanted to stay with you; no man will want to stay with a woman like you; and Juliet go mute and tears start rolling down and Ryan run upstairs to his room;

After which in Ryan room; he sit on the bed; and say; someone just bump up to you; and you are this angry doing all this to him?

Juliet room she is on the bed and remember; Ryan words; while tears are rolling down uncontrollable;

The next day evening time Ryan return from work and sit on the couch, and one of the maids brought juice to him; after which and Kiara run to him and sit on Ryan laps and Ryan squeeze her cheeks and say; how are you?

Kiara) I'm fine and Ryan ask her; where is your mum?

Kiara) since yesterday she doesn't want to come out; she is in the room and shed tears but I don't know why! And Ryan remember his anger and the words he say to her yesterday! And Ryan feel bad; and muted and Kiara say what is wrong?

Ryan) nothing; let me change my clothes and come and he went upstairs

After which Ryan knock on Juliet door

Ryan) please open the door; and Juliet open the door and return to the bed and sit and Ryan walk in!

Ryan) am, am sorry about my words, yesterday; I didn't mean to hurt you;

Juliet) is ok; I'm fine! And Ryan sit opposite her on the bed and say; don't pretend I know you are hurt; and he held Juliet hand and say; you have been inside here since yesterday and I know it because of my worlds and am sorry; can you just come out and have something to eat;

Juliet look at Ryan and say; I was at fault; I'm sorry and Ryan say; you don't have to just come out and eat and he walk out

The next day in kitchen, the Maid that saw Ryan and Juliet in Ryan room said! Ryan and Juliet is lovers and the others say they're not; just when their are arguing and Ryan walk in towards them but they didn't notice him; and he cough and the maids turn quick and they start working and Ryan smile and say; you guys should stop pretending, I heard everything; and they say sorry sir;

Ryan) ok, but I'm not her boyfriend; we are just friends; and he grab apple and return to living room

After which in the living room; Juliet is watching TV and Ryan phone ring while Ryan is upstairs in his room; and Juliet pick the phone I rush towards upstairs while calling Ryan name!

Ryan room, Ryan just bath finish and return to the bed room with only thaw on him and Juliet walk in,

Juliet open her mouth watching Ryan with only thaw on him and Ryan look at himself and scream, and Juliet turn her face towards the door and Ryan jump to the bed and cover himself with the duvet; and Juliet walk backwards to him and handed the phone to him and say; someone called and she walk out without looking back

Ryan father is the one called him and Ryan call him back;

After which on the phone;

Ryan📞) dad; I will visit you, guys soon; am busy with work that why!

Ryan father📞) you always say you are busy; when are you going to be Les busy; we have miss you! talking about you visiting us; what about what your mum told you?

Ryan📞) dad; I will get married once I get what I'm looking for; you guys should give me break; for now; am not ready yet and his father wanted to say something but Ryan start pretend like he didn't hear what his father is saying; and say I will call you back and he hung up!

After which in the living room; Kiara and Ryan plus Juliet is watching tv; but it seems like something is bothering Kiara;

Ryan turn to Kiara and say; Kiara since you return from school; you have been quiet; what is wrong?

Kiara) dad will you run away and leave me and mum? And Ryan said; no. why are you saying that?

Kiara) princess my class mate father has run away and leave princess and her mum; today princess didn't eat; she cry! And Kiara grab Ryan hand and grab her mum own too and say; dad promise you will stay with us forever;

Ryan look at Juliet and say; yes I will be there for you forever and Kiara say; mum promise you will not leave me and dad !

Juliet) a'm! Kiara have you do your home work? And Kiara say yes! mummy; promise you will not leave me and dad! And Juliet say; ok I promise while stared at Ryan; and Kiara smile