
Where Chaos Reigns

In a futuristic world where superpowers are scarce and heroes even more rare, there is an evil organization lead by a woman ,whose face is unknown, Madam Headmaster. Six teens, all unwilling abducted from their families years ago, are about to be auctioned to other organizations around the world to lead the world to its brink of destruction. A small group of powered people hidden underground receive a prophecy predicting the auction and also saying to trust the boy with golden eyes. Will they be able to stop Madam and recruit the six teens?

juju_lugo · Võ hiệp
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4 Chs

Chapter 3- The Auction (part 1)

12 Years Later:

"Hey Storm, how much do you think we'll sell for."

Storm sighed and said " Plague we don't have time for this. Just stay quiet." But knowing how Plague was there was no way of containing her so might as well leave the guards to deal with her.

Right now other than wearing Madams uniform she had for them, Plague was wearing a green dress with black leggings, dark red high tops and as always she refused to let anyone other than Nightmare do her hair so it was all tangled. Storm then took in the fact that the twelve year old sitting in front of her was wearing a blindfold and cuffs to restrict her powers.

Storm was mostly sore about the fact that Plague was a Red two and that she was a Yellow three.

Suddenly everyone lurched forward, signaling that they had arrived. They all got out according to their marks on their arms. First was Jumper, who was a Green three, Zephyr, who was also a Green three, and Storm who was a Yellow three. The last three had to be escorted by two guards each. The last two were Psi, who was a Red one, Plague who was a Red two.

Nightmare, who was a Black three, had to be escorted by four guards and had to be transferred in a different vehicle than the others. When they got him down Storm was able to see all the precautions they had on him. He had a blindfold covering his eyes, like Psi and Plague, ability restrictors son his wrists, and an electric collar on his neck. Once everyone got down they were lead into a facility filled with CEO's of large companies as well as some leaders of mafias.

They were all lead to the side of a platform except Nightmare who was lead into one of the back rooms.

On the platform was Madam, who was wearing her usual white dress and mask. No one has ever seen her face not even those who work closest to her.

Looking at the small crowd Madam said "Well, let's get stared shall we."