
Where Chaos Reigns

In a futuristic world where superpowers are scarce and heroes even more rare, there is an evil organization lead by a woman ,whose face is unknown, Madam Headmaster. Six teens, all unwilling abducted from their families years ago, are about to be auctioned to other organizations around the world to lead the world to its brink of destruction. A small group of powered people hidden underground receive a prophecy predicting the auction and also saying to trust the boy with golden eyes. Will they be able to stop Madam and recruit the six teens?

juju_lugo · Action
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4 Chs

Chapter 2- Beginning of an eternity

Half hour till sunrise:

"Crash" the door was suddenly cracked open walking everyone in the house as Madams solders began filling in the hallways of the entrance.

Eric and Justa suddenly sprang up from their sleep "Justa go hide the kids. Go now!"

Justa immediately turned invisible and left the room without a sound. Eric then left the room to meet the solders in the house.


Justa's POV:

With Sam in my arms I quickly ran into Arrons room locking the door behind me. "Arron, honey wake up," I said shaking his shoulder. "Come on not now" I mumbled to myself shaking his shoulder more violently trying to wake him up from the dreams.

Suddenly Arron gasped sitting up on the bed. His eyes holding back tears. "Mom what's wrong." Arron said immediately understanding the wave of fear that I was feeling.

"Go take Sam with you and hide." As soon as I said that he started shaking his head "Come on Arron we don't have time for this. Take her go in the crawl space." He then reluctantly took her into his arms and slid off the bed. I then lifted the side of his bed and he slid under, lifted the loose boards, crawled in and placed the boards back into place.

I then turned invisible and ran back to where Eric was to help hold Madams solders until the underground came.


Twenty minutes till sunrise:

Author's POV:

"Breathe Arron breathe. There's nothing else here with us just your eyes playing tricks on you." Arron whispered to himself. Sammy had already fallen back asleep, 'I wish I could sleep as easily as that' he thought to himself. Through out the house were sounds of a fight. No doubt it was his parents.

All Arron could feel was the fear that belonged to the people who had broken into the house.

Suddenly there was a shift and all he could feel was the fear coming from his parents.

"No no no. Stay here Sammy I'll be back soon."


Fifteen minutes till sunrise:

Arron POV:

I quickly ran out from under the bed and into the main room of the house and saw my parents tied up both barely conscious. When dad spotted me a new wave of fear hit me.

"Well look what we have here. I guess we didn't need to torture his location out of you two." said a young woman who was sitting on one of the couches. She had a white shirtsleeve dress that went down to her knees with a white mask that covered her whole face. She also had light brown hair, that was cut just below her ears, and pale skin which made her look as if she never went outside.

"Alright kill the parents and bring the kid" she said while standing up and heading toward the door.

"No!" And at that something inside of me had snapped and black mist began swirling around my feet and shot out. The solders closes to me had collapsed to the floor, clutching their heads and then they stopped moving altogether.

"Such a brave young boy but your efforts mean nothing. You are already caught in the spiders web and there is no escape."

After she said that someone from behind tasered me and I collapsed.



Author's POV:

Once they arrived and saw the door broken down they knew that they where too late, Madam had beaten them once again.

As the three of them walked into the living room all Anthem saw where dead bodies two belonging to the couple who had contacted them for help.

The whole house had an eerie silence until Lily spoke up "Hey guys I think I sense another presence here."

"Where? I thought everyone was dead or taken." said Buddy

"I think it's coming from one of the rooms. Quick follow me." Lily then lead them into what seemed to be a little kids room but it seemed oddly plain and almost empty except a bed, nightstand and a closet. Lily then said "Hey Buddy help me move the bed."

Once they did that Lily got on her knees and began knocking on the wooden floor. After a couple of seconds they heard a hollow thud and she took out a few loose boards and they all went on their knees to look inside. Anthem reached inside and pulled out a little girl who was looking at them with curious eyes.

"They said the two kids names where Arron and Sam right. So this must be Sam." said Lily

Buddy then replied "Yeah but where is the other kid."

"I don't know. I don't feel any other presence here"

"Come on we've got to go. They probably took the other kid and we need to report this in to them. There is nothing else we can do."