
Where Chaos Reigns

In a futuristic world where superpowers are scarce and heroes even more rare, there is an evil organization lead by a woman ,whose face is unknown, Madam Headmaster. Six teens, all unwilling abducted from their families years ago, are about to be auctioned to other organizations around the world to lead the world to its brink of destruction. A small group of powered people hidden underground receive a prophecy predicting the auction and also saying to trust the boy with golden eyes. Will they be able to stop Madam and recruit the six teens?

juju_lugo · Võ hiệp
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4 Chs

Chapter 1- The Introduction

"Over eighty years ago when the powered people were still unknown a man angered the people to an extent that they had sentenced him die in the electric chair. The mans wife and young daughter begged them not to but to no avail. When the day came all the people of the town joined to see the man die and pay for what he had done. But when the chair turned on the man did not die nor die he feel the pain of the electricity. Instead he absorbed the energy and caused a city wide blackout, scaring the people, so he went into hiding.

"After a week had passed the man came back to see his wife and daughter but the woman threatened him to kill him after seeing what he he had become. So he took his daughter, who began showing signs of powers, with him and disappeared off the grid. Soon after this incident more and more people began to show their powers to the world.

"Twenty years later a woman named Madam showed up and that would take the powered people by force and experiment on them and if the resisted they were killed.

"Still to this day she continues her reign of terror while all we can do is sit back and do nothing. Alright it's getting late Arron time to go to bed."

Arron immediately his under the sheets saying "I don't want to. I don't want to see the dreams."

"I know honey I don't want you to see them either but you have to be brave if your not then you will be afraid of your shadow your whole life." She looked at her son, who was peeking out from under the covers, with a look of sadness and then added "Be brave for me and for Sam." Then Arron nodded reluctantly saying "Ok... for Sam."


In the kitchen:

"When did you say they were going to come"

"He said before sunrise" noticing his wife's distress Eric put an arm around Justa's shoulder.

"Madam will find us before the underground could get here. I thought Arron could control his power while around others." Justa sighed "What are we going to do?"

"All we can do is wait for them to arrive and hope for the best."

Half hour till sunrise:

"Crash" suddenly the door burst off filing the house with the sound of Madams guard's, waking up the whole house.