
When the world falls asleep

The world is nearing worldwide destruction. To stop this from happening the world found a way. And the way is to set everyone asleep as the earth recuperate from the damage it has taken. Then comes 8 young teenagers who will find the missing civilisation and rebuild the world again.

lullabyforapenny · Khoa huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 : Meeting

12:00 October 10, 2065

After a while of waiting and recovering her strength. The alarm of the other capsules started going off. Leaving the only mobile man into a spur of panic. He went around the capsules prying everything open and assisting people out of it.

The girl tried moving her body and gasped after feeling the soreness of her muscles. Her body was shaking uncontrollably failing to adjust to the sudden drop of the room temperature. She ran her eyes to the small crowd in front of her. A total of 6 boys in different place was hugging their body trying to warm up themselves. The coldness nips through her skin as she tried to do the same thing as the others. However, her efforts were useless, the coldness continues to envelope her, her body's thermoregulating process isn't working so she's left there in front of her capsule trying to stop her body from shaking wildly as she battled the rooms decreasing temperature.

She stared at the other person in the room and realize she was the only girl. And she was instantly frightened. her body's defense on a high alert. Her instincts kicking off as soon as the realization dawned upon her. She back away slowly from the boys and hides herself behind her capsule. Still too exhausted to move further she stayed there her eyes wary of sudden movements.

suddenly the annoying alarm coming from the last capsule erupted, the only mobile man then hastily stood up and helped a boy out of the suffocating capsule. After that the room was then filled with nothing but the deafening silence. They only gave each other stares but never engaging into anything. Everyone was wary, their eyes staring off into the space as they tried to analyse what is happening.


A soft voice erupted the silence, everyone then turned to the owner of the voice. The girl still afraid to show herself continued to hide behind the capsule, her ears on alert as she listened to the boy.

"do you have idea what's going on?" the owner of the voice softly asked. His voice was still shaking as he looked around the people around him.

"i don't know what's happening but i wanna get out of here" the man in a deep, rough voice stated.

"why are we even here? I'm so scared, I need my mom" A deep childish voice spoke. The girl assumed it was the last man who came out of the capsule, the boy looked so young even younger than she was.

Someone then cleared their voice and took everyone's floating attention.

" I was the first one to wake up and I don't have any idea what happened. I just started feeling suffocated and instantly reacted on instinct so I pried the door opened. After a few minutes of thrashing around the door opened automatically. " The boy spoke in a clear diction and everyone turned to him with more puzzles eyes.

"what exactly are we doing here? Are we kidnapped?" A boy asked in an annoyed tone and hastily stood up. His shaking legs gave up and that sent him stumbling into the ground.

"No one will possibly try to kidnap me, I'm from a poor family, what do they possibly need from a poor child?" The owner of the deep and rough voice huffed and stared at the man lying on the floor.

" Let's all calm down, okay? and avoid further injuring ourselves" the boy who woke up first commented and gave the boy who had a fit a glance as if he's delivering a message which said 'i meant you'.

" I assume everyone remembered everything that has happened to them?" He then asked and roamed his eyes around the boys. They all nodded their head in response.

"it's strange i can remember everything, my name, my family, my school, my friends, my birthday but I can't seem to recall what happened to me to end up in here" A new voice spoke.

"Me too" The high pitched boy agreed.

"What if we start in introducing ourselves? " the man asked and then stared at the others, they all nodded meekly.

" I'll start, I'm Marco and I'm 18 years old. " The man who woke up first said and then smiled timidly at the others.

" I'm Ai Chen, Chinese obviously and I'm 16 years old" The boy who owned the high pitched voice sassily spoke. He roamed his eyes around and rolled it when other gave him weirded stares.

"I'm Akino, half japanese and korean, 17" the boy who owned the new voice that rang in the room spoke and gave others a glare as they stared at him. Marco then recalled he was the third boy he rescued from the capsule next to the girl. His eyes then wandered around the area searching for the girl. His eyes then darted on the moving figure hidden behind the capsule. A smile tugged at his lips as he continued to observe the girl hiding away from them.

"I'm Renji, half Chinese and Japanese, I'm also 17" A meek voice interrupted their silence. Everyone stared at him enthralled by his soft voice as he was silent the whole time as they talked, it was the first time they heard him talk. His feature was soft like an angel but his eyes were ice cold.