
When the world falls asleep

The world is nearing worldwide destruction. To stop this from happening the world found a way. And the way is to set everyone asleep as the earth recuperate from the damage it has taken. Then comes 8 young teenagers who will find the missing civilisation and rebuild the world again.

lullabyforapenny · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 : Awakening

01:27 October 10, 2045

"Let's meet after this okay?" a raspy feminine voice rang into her head which made her bolt up out of her slumber. She gasped while breathing, forcing air to enter her lungs but her effort was useless. She squeezed her eyes to see what's happening but her eyes were shut no matter how hard she tried to open them.

She continued to wheeze, trying to inhale but her effort was deemed useless as she falls back into the darkness. She once again falls back into slumber as people scramble around the area looking at her pale figure.

"it's not time yet, put her back to sleep" a deep voice demands staring at the young girl's pale figure. The staff nodded her head typing into the system. The girl persisted to force open her eyes but her effort was useless. Chemical coming out of her capsule-like bed started to sprinkle around her and once she breathes in the chemical she was forced out of her wit and her vision continued to darken as she once again falls into a deep slumber.

09:00 October 10, 2065

Like a normal day, her eyes fluttered open as she stared at the white ceiling. She shivers feeling the cold metal nip her skin. Realization dawned upon her, she was stuck in a capsule her vision only limited to the white ceiling above her. She tried to move her body but it was useless. She felt like a vegetable that's rotting.

In a haste manner, she tried to scan the surrounding trying to make a sense of what's happening. The only thing she remembered is a woman's voice but other than that her memory is blurry.

She wanted to shout, her mouth agape as she tried to expel her frustration and fear. She screamed silently her voice stuck in her throat. Her tears started to fall one by one. Her figure lying on the cold metal while her voiceless scream rang through her head. She suddenly felt suffocated like something is holding her throat depriving her of breathing air. She wheezes trying to inhale air but her wheezing continued to surge until her vision is filled with black spots.

Then suddenly the capsule bursted open with a strange man looking at her with wide eyes. She continued to gasp for air as she lied in the bed still immobile. The man stared at her clueless about what he should do next. His sympathizing eyes burned into her blurry ones relating to what the girl is feeling.

Moments after she finally regained her breath. Her chest heaving up and down heavily. She tried to move her hand but she was still stuck, the stranger saw her actions and hesitantly reached for her. He grabs her waist and lifted her away from her suffocating capsule. The bright light nearly blinded her, she forced her eyes shut and then eyed the surrounding.

It was all white with 7 capsules just like her. The man kindly laid her on the floor. His hands handling her head as gently as possible. The area was still silent not until a sounding alarm flared, interrupting the silence that surrounds the room.

The strange man rushed into one of the capsules and kick the capsule forcing the door to open. A wheezing sound erupted when the door open, emitting from it is a white gas that continued to pour out as if it's limitless. The strange man lifted a man out of the capsule and place him gently on the ground just like what he did to her.

The new man was just like her immobile as he gasped for air. He squinted his eyes and landed in her curious ones.

"uh—" she stuttered trying to form words but what came out of her mouth was air. She gulped, her eyes looking down at her lifeless hands and feet.