
When the Summer rain fell

It's June. The rains are beginning to fall and the adults of the village are scared. Your mother always warned you about going outside in the rain. And you listened but when your brother is taken by a strange group with an obsession for the rain, how far will you go to get him back but why did they take him you wonder. The truth is hidden in all the lies you just need to find it, or will it find you.

Josh_Angove · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs


My mother led me to the living room still with a look of fear plastered on her face. She slowly sat down in the chair, grasping it arms for comfort. We sat in silence for a while until I spoke up

" Mother tells me about those people and why you're so scared," I asked gently

" ok" she inhaled deeply preparing herself

" Not long before you were born there was drought like we had never seen. People were dying as the rains didn't fall and the river dried so no crops could grow. The elders realised how terrible this could end and started experimenting. They tried everything and it didn't work. Then one day they came to our house and took my brother and my sister" My mother paused emotion overcoming her.

" A group of adults dressed in robes with a raindrop woven into it. They took my siblings and they were never seen again. I remember people saying that they were sacrificed to appease the gods after that, more children vanished for an entire week until it began to rain again" she told me.

I didn't know what to say, "So these people take children and sacrifice them. Why?" I questioned

"That I don't know. In the beginning, it was to save us from death but now I'm not sure" my mother answered me.

" So you think those people are the ones who took Arzan?" I asked her

" It's possible y/n" my mother stated but I'm afraid I don't know much about them. But I might know someone who does"

"Who?" I questioned

" In the city, there's a man who years ago was taken from his village by these people. He was smart and luckily, barely escaped with his life. He should know more" my mother told me

" Be careful y/n the road to the city is dangerous, bandits roam the roads looking for travellers to steal from" she warned me

"I will mother," I said nodding resolutely.

The next morning as the sun began to rise over the hills I set off towards the city of Sangaza famed for its heavy crime rate. I walked along a dirt track as I made my way of the village still eerily quiet I gazed out at the landscape dry grasslands for miles with the occasional tree-dotted along the horizon. After a couple of hours of walking under the heat of the summer sun, I came to the road. It wasn't often that a car passed but when it did they gave me a strange look. I'm guessing they haven't seen someone like me in a while. Ahead of me, the landscape began to shape into a more urban one, city infrastructure filling it. The streets were bustling with people of different heritage and origin and the air had a distinct taste of metal.

"I'm glad I didn't run into anyone on the way here," I  thought to myself as I lifted my head back up I collided with a figure just as I was about to apologise the deep voice uttered, " come with me. Quickly and quietly. I don't know why I followed this person but something told me I should listen. Cautiously I followed behind him struggling to match his pace. I decided it was best not to ask any questions for now. He led me to a shop at the edge of the street and ushered me inside.

Finally, I spoke, " who are you?" I asked

The stranger removed his hat revealing his face he had pale skin and dark green eyes "well shouldn't you know, you are the one who's been looking for me" he said

"Are you the man that escaped those rain people years ago?"

" Rain people" he chuckled " If you mean the Cuvan. Then yes I am"

"I have questions for you," I told him looking him in his eyes

"What do you want to know?" He said indulging my curiosity.