
When the Summer rain fell

It's June. The rains are beginning to fall and the adults of the village are scared. Your mother always warned you about going outside in the rain. And you listened but when your brother is taken by a strange group with an obsession for the rain, how far will you go to get him back but why did they take him you wonder. The truth is hidden in all the lies you just need to find it, or will it find you.

Josh_Angove · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The heavens cry

It was June, the summer rains had just begun to fall. This was my favourite time of year as the skies darkened and the rains fell. It was peaceful as I stared out of the window gazing upon the droplets of the heavens as the gently fell to the ground, blessing the earth with its life.

But many of the others in the village were fearful of this time of year. Every time the rains began they prayed for a short season and forbade their children from playing outside. My mother was one of these. Ever since I can remember she would keep me safe and away from the rain. I had never felt it not once. There are stories that we were told when we were younger of children who disobeyed their parents and went outside to feel the rain. They never came back.

Suddenly I heard a voice from the other end of the house " y/n go fetch your brother from the river the rains are about to begin. Take your umbrella and be quick" My mother said to me with an urgent tone.

I obeyed and quickly grabbed my umbrella and rushed out the door. The sky was darkening very quickly; Charcoal grey clouds littered the sky threatening to downpour any minute. After a few minutes of walking, I made it to the river. Usually, mother forbade is from going near the river she said it was too dangerous but my brother was persistent and finally, she gave in. As I reached the banks I saw one of my brothers' friends sitting on a rock looking scared. I approached him carefully as to not startle him " hey" I whispered calmly

" h...hi y/n what are you doing here?" He questioned still obviously petrified

"I came to find my brother speaking of Rio, where is he?"

The young boy looked at me lip quivering and finally broke down, " Ummm... I don't know"

My heart dropped " what do you mean you don't know?" I pressed

" We were playing on the banks when I turned around for a minute and he was gone" the boy stammered still scared

" Ok," I said hiding my panic " did you see who took him?"

" it was a group of adults" he replied " they put him in a truck and drove off"

" What did it look like?" I said trying to stop my hands from shaking

" Just like a normal car with a raindrop on its side" he recounted

I gazed up at the sky the rains were about to start

" ok it's time to go now," I said " the rains are about to start"

After taking the young boy to his house, I arrived home to my mother waiting from me, "y/n" where is your brother" she asked concern stricken on her face

" Gone," I said " he was taken by people they drove off in a car with a raindrop on the side"

My mother went pale. Her legs gave out from under hers.

" Gods help us" she uttered

"What is it?" I asked her concerned

"Oh y/n there's so much you don't know and perhaps it's time I told you."