

I observe him while also aseembling the gun back to its original piece, and I must say he is one good at guns. He’s smooth and he takes his time. I put my mind back to the thing that I must do, I a put the bullet to the magazine before I put the magazine in the gun and point the gun on him and realesing the the safety pin.

“Your fast”-I said because he is almost done the moment I point the gun on him

“But I still lost”-He answered and still finish everything and also point the gun on me

“So? Would you talk?”- I ask him

He didn’t say a thing but put the gun on the table, I took his gun and put all the bullets and also I put back the safety pin before putting all bullets in the magazine and give it back to Ponce and Franco, they didn’t say a thing but just took the gun and put it in where they belong. I want to smile sarcasticly on the officer because he looks really pale, like he stops breathing.

“Can I know now?”- I ask him again ang sit in front